Chapter 1121 Mukuro and Godless

Coral stared at Mukuro’s face silently, and finally let out a long sigh.

She should have understood that as long as Mukuro decides to do it, she can’t change it. The only thing she can do now is to believe in Mukuro, believing that Mukuro’s strength can destroy God Wu. At the same time, for the innocent villagers, her sense of responsibility as an exorcist made her unable to retreat even one step.

She said solemnly: “Since you choose to fight Shenwu, then go. If you lose, we will accompany you to die together.”

“That’s better. I don’t want to die yet. I can’t lose to Godless hands.” Mukuro smiled easily.

While talking and laughing, Mukuro noticed that Kagura’s expression changed several times.

She paled and said, “Mukuro, what did you just say?! You said that Shenwu hasn’t come up with real strength yet? Does she have any ability that my sister doesn’t know?!”

It seemed that Kagura seemed very sad, not only being used by Naraku as an attack, but also being deceived by his sister.

Being forced to this point by Naraku looked really sad.

Since Mukuro has treated Kagura as his own, of course he couldn’t bear to look at her in pain, and quickly comforted him: “Kagura, don’t care about such small things. Shenwu is just a clone of Naraku, not your true sister. There is no relationship between you at all, and it is not very unexpected that she cheated you.”

During the conversation, Shenwu seemed to have gradually understood his situation.

She still said calmly: “I understand, if I want to kill Shinigami Raku, I must show my true strength, so let us fight with all our strength.”

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Wu threw all the mirrors in his hand into the air.

Maitreya wondered: “This is… Doesn’t God have to protect his own mirror? In order to protect the mirror, does he even want his own life?!”

“Then our chance is here? Maitreya, let’s go together.” Shanhu’s spirit came back all at once.

Mukuro quickly grabbed their back collars and dragged them back, saying: “Shenwu is my prey, don’t intervene, and after Shenwu has shown true strength, you can’t easily deal with him with your strength. ”

“What do you mean?!” Maitreya was taken aback for a moment, and asked incomprehensibly.

Mukuro wanted to briefly explain what the mirror of Godless is. However, before he could speak, he saw Shenwu’s mirror making amazing changes in mid-air, and at the same time it exuded an amazing monster. Even if Mukuro doesn’t say anything, everyone with normal vision can see what’s going on.

That is, Shen Wu fights with the mirror as a weapon, and after Shen Wu gets serious, her shield is turning into a weapon.

No matter what the mirror becomes, it is an indisputable fact that it is more threatening to the wizard and others. If they are more careless, they might be left here.

Mukuro said coldly: “Go away, don’t you always ask me to help when I don’t want to take action. When I am willing to help, you are always nosy.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, he noticed that the mage had a solemn face and stopped Coral and Kagura.

He should have heard what Mukuro meant. In the following battles, even if they intervened, it was just a burden. It would be better to watch the show as a help.

In this respect, the mage is still quite clever.

Mukuro saw that they were still acquainted, and slowly walked towards the monster that Kamui and the mirror had turned into.

The monster turned into a mirror is like a robot. The whole body is made up of mirrors. There is no expression on his face. There is a big hole in the stomach, which seems to have a special purpose. It is very tall, and Mukuro compares his body with it, and it can’t even compare to the fingers of the opponent.

If ordinary people are fighting against such a monster, there is indeed a lot of pressure.

Mukuro flew to a place as high as the mirror monster and said, “Kamiwu, take it. If you wait for me to take it first, your robot will die instantly. Even if you want to take it, there will be no chance.”

“It seems so.”

Shenwu said lightly: “Since you are so generous, then I’m not welcome.” With a move, the robot-like monster hit Mukuro’s head with a punch.

Mukuro snorted and took his fist with a palm: “Is there only this kind of ability? That’s really disappointing.”

Mukuro suddenly remembered that the reason why this monster once made Inuyasha and the others suffer a big loss was because the robot copied all the abilities of the iron shattered teeth. When the robot possesses the ability and power of late-stage iron smashing teeth, but Inuyasha loses these things, of course it suffers a lot. Now the robot-like monsters have not replicated the iron shattered teeth, and there is no way to replicate Mukuro’s abilities, and the combat effectiveness is inevitably compromised.

Mukuro punched out and punched a big hole directly in the monster’s chest.

Maitreya said in shock: “It’s effective! The attack is effective!”

“There isn’t even a rebound?!”

Kagura was dumbfounded and said, “Is this Mukuro’s strength?! Even if my sister makes the mirror look like this, she won’t be able to bounce off Mukuro’s attack. Is it possible that her strength can become so strong that she can ignore her special abilities?!”

“As expected of Mukuro, he can handle even such a special ability.”

Coral said to Kagura, “Kagura, obviously, you seriously underestimate Mukuro’s strength. Even your sister can’t cause him any trouble. Looking at Mukuro’s appearance, he seems to be disappointed with your sister’s strength. .”

Kagura gave a wry smile, and finally shook his head helplessly.

She laughed and said: “I really underestimated Mukuro’s strength. No wonder he dared to help me get my heart back. No wonder he was not afraid of my sister at all. It turned out that he really has such confidence. Mukuro confronted, I really admire his courage.”

“That may be because even if he doesn’t want to fight, Mukuro will take the initiative to find him.”

Coral replied: “In any case, we will take the initiative to find Naraku and kill him. In order to survive, Naraku has to constantly think of ways to become stronger.”

After a pause, Coral said again: “I suddenly felt a little sympathy for Naraku, and finally managed to make a powerful monster like Shenwu, and finally died in Mukuro’s hands.”

Mukuro smashed the mirror monster’s chest with a kick, then kicked him to the ground, and said coldly: “Kamimura, go back to find Naraku, and say that I am here. He would never want to hurt Kagura’s hair. If If you don’t know what is good or bad, I don’t mind going over and killing him right away.”

“You won’t kill me?!” Shen Wu was taken aback for a while.

“It doesn’t make any sense to kill you.” Mukuro said lightly: “It’s better to let you be a messenger, and you still have room to grow. When you really grow up in the future, let me fight again.”

Mukuro said lightly, turning around and returning to Kagura’s side. He didn’t intend to attack Shenwu any more, Shenwu slowly got up, and left without saying a word.

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