Chapter 1119 Difficult God Nothing

Seeing the villagers pounced on again, Inuyasha couldn’t help heading up like a fight.

He turned his back to Kagura and yelled, “Kagura! You are also a monster, why don’t you help out?! You were rescued by Mukuro from Naraku. Haven’t you already joined us?!”

Mukuro watched Inuyasha asking Kagura for help in mid-air, quite surprised.

Because Inuyasha, like his brother Sesumaru, is a very conceited and face-friendly guy, even if they really encounter life-threatening difficulties, it is difficult for them to ask for help from others. But he actually asked Kagura to help, even if he didn’t hate Kagura, it was not easy to do this.

However, Mukuro doesn’t think Kagura will help Inuyasha.

Kagura didn’t even have the idea of ​​taking out the fan, so he refused Inuyasha and said, “I can only use the wind to attack. The power of the wind is not easy to control. What if it hurts the villagers?!”

Inuyasha gave a cold snort, very upset, but could only admit his fate.

Maitreya thought for a while and told Inuyasha, and said: “Inuyasha, you guard at the door, protect Ari and Qibao, let’s find out and destroy God Wu.”

Maitreya was originally only going to go with coral and mica, but after hesitating for a while, he called Kagura also.

Mukuro was not going to be nosy at first, after all, his Master was moving instantaneously, and even if something happened to Maitreya and Coral, he could instantaneously move to save people. But after the mage called Coral and Kagura away, Mukuro thought about his personality and really had to follow him to see the situation.

Mukuro left Inuyasha and tore Maitreya from Mica’s back and gave it to Coral and Kagura to ride.

He grabbed Maitreya’s back collar and flew in mid-air, and said, “Mage, you have learned air dancing and you are a person with flying ability. Don’t rely on mica, but give the mica to the two girls.”

The mage sighed, confessing his fate, crying without tears.

Anyway, at Mukuro’s request, even if he wanted to resist, it was impossible to do it.

As he flew forward, Mukuro’s ears moved. Suddenly, I heard Coral’s low voice and said to Kagura: “Mukuro really takes care of you as a girl. In fact, since he was looking for you as a companion, I thought he was very strange. Ah, do you think he is really interesting to you?!”

Mukuro didn’t see Kagura’s expression, so he couldn’t guess how Kagura felt after hearing this. He just heard Kagura pause for a moment and then said: “It’s interesting to me…Don’t be kidding, I’m just Naraku’s clone. It’s just a poor creature being used. And Mukuro is an unimaginably powerful human being, how can human beings be interesting to monsters?!”

Kagura sounds like an inferiority complex. Although Mukuro heard the conversation between Kagura and Shan Shan, he was always a little embarrassed by people talking about him, so he had to pretend that he couldn’t hear him.

After they flew forward for a certain distance, they soon saw a white figure on the periphery of the village. The white figure looked very conspicuous in the dark.

It was a little girl with white body and no enchantment, holding a white mirror in her hand.

The little girl stood barefoot on the ground, with many Naraku monsters floating behind her, seeming to devour the little girl. But Mukuro can be sure that the girl’s aura is stronger than the sum of the monsters behind, based on the sense of breath. Such a girl appeared in this kind of place, without thinking about it, knowing that it was exactly the god they were looking for.

Mukuro stopped and threw the wizard down: “Mage, Coral, Kagura, we have found the target.”

The mage had been flying while being carried by Mukuro’s collar. Mukuro suddenly let go, so that he couldn’t help but screamed and fell straight down. His yelling suddenly shattered the tranquility of the night sky.

Mukuro said impatiently: “Mage, don’t you know how to dance in the air? Just when you fly, what are you talking about?”

The mage’s body paused in the air, and slowly floated up and said, “You didn’t say that I almost forgot, but Mukuro, are you really sure that the little girl in front is Shenwu? There is no evil in her body, she doesn’t look like it. Like a bad monster.”

“You think like this because Shenwu is so pretty and cute?!”

Mukuro resisted the impulse of a qigong wave to blast the master away, and said: “Is she Shenwu? Those monsters controlled by Naraku are the best proof. If you think those monsters are not enough to prove, then you can also ask Kagura. .”

While communicating with the mage, Mukuro has been paying attention to the movement of Kagura. After seeing Kamui, Kagura’s expression became more solemn, and she slowly landed on the ground and said, “Kamimura, I didn’t expect Naraku to send you out. Does he really want to kill me? Mukuro helps me regain my heart. , It seems that the blow to Naraku is quite severe.”

Kamuu said indifferently, unable to hear the slightest emotional fluctuation in his voice, and said: “Kagura, your betrayal makes Naraku very angry, and the consequences are very serious.”

“Huh!” Kagura snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: “If I was afraid of this, I would not betray Naraku. Instead of being controlled by Naraku, I would rather be killed by him now!”

Mukuro watched in mid-air and saw that God Wu still had no emotions or emotions. Maybe just like her name, she is “Nothing”, even her own heart and personality… No, it should be said that she has no demon character.

Of course, such an existence would not fluctuate in the slightest. Mukuro couldn’t understand such an existence, but he could understand Kagura’s thoughts.

Even if Kagura does not betray Naraku, with Naraku’s temper, once Kagura loses its usefulness, Naraku will destroy her. So Kagura’s betrayal is death, and non-betrayal is also death. The only difference is sooner or later. Since they were all dead, of course it was a betrayal of Naraku, and it would be better to make a break in his life.

And with Mukuro staring at him, even if Naraku wanted to take Kagura’s life, it was not so easy.

Coral jumped off the mica’s back, snorted coldly, and said, “What do you tell her about so much waste?! Just kill her directly.”

Coral threw the flying bones fiercely and attacked Shenwu. I have to say that Coral’s attack was so abrupt, even Mukuro was taken aback, and she didn’t expect her to be so impulsive.

Shenwu’s mirror has the effect of rebounding attacks. Although there is an upper limit, the power of the flying bone obviously cannot break the upper limit of the mirror.

If the coral is hit by an attack that bounces back, it will definitely lose its combat effectiveness instantly.

Mukuro swooped down quickly and stopped in front of the coral, taking the rebounding force with a palm.

The coral froze for a moment and said, “What happened?! Didn’t my flying bone hit Shenwu?!”

“The hit was hit.” Mukuro said, “But it didn’t work. Didn’t Kagura have said it before? The ability of Godless is very special. If she can be defeated so easily, Kagura will not give her that high. evaluation of.”

“Not bad.” Kagura said solemnly, standing beside Mukuro, “Did you see the mirror in God’s hands?! That is a mirror that can bounce off all attacks.”

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