Chapter 1109 Wolf

Totosai’s eyes were surprisingly big, and when he heard Mukuro’s words, he was even more surprised and his eyes stared straight.

He was surprised: “Why do you even know this kind of thing?!”

“I can read mind, okay?!”

Mukuro certainly doesn’t say that he remembers the plot, so he had to use this crappy reason to fool Dao Dao Zhai, and at the same time said: “You slowly help Inuyasha to polish the iron teeth, I’m going to find Sesho Maru. She was really caught by Inuyasha’s wind just now. Although there is an enchantment that temporarily offsets the power of the wind injury when hit by the injury, if you encounter an enemy when you are seriously injured, you will be in trouble.”

Without waiting for Dao Dao Zhai and others to speak, Mukuro had already broken through the air.

Of course, the severely wounded Shisheng Maru couldn’t fly far, so Mukuro only chased for a while, and saw Shisheng Maru lying dying in a wood, while the evil view was guarding the side.

Mukuro slowly landed next to Sasheng Maru: “Sasheng Maru, I didn’t expect to be as powerful as you, but it also ended up in such a field.”

Shashengwan was still calm enough, lying on the ground looking at the sky, and said, “You came to me on purpose, just to talk such nonsense?!”

Mukuro was a little surprised, because Sanshengwan seemed not to worry that his life would be in danger at all. Doesn’t he know how bad his condition is?

Mukuro wondered: “Sasasumaru, don’t you feel scared? With your current state, even if only a smart human general appears, you can easily kill you.”

“That person won’t be you anyway.”

Sasheng Maru calmly said: “With your strength, you don’t need to take advantage of this opportunity if you want to kill me.”

“It’s true.”

Mukuro smiled slightly, and sat down in the bush next to Sesho Maru. I have to say that Sasei Maru is calm and wise, and what he said is true.

Mukuro said calmly: “Since you said that, okay…Sasasumaru, do you hate your father? Because he left Inuyasha with his broken teeth, but he only gave you a knife that can’t kill anyone.”

Shashengwan frowned and said solemnly, “What are you trying to say?!”

“Not much, I only know that your natural tooth is a knife that can’t kill people, and Inuyasha’s iron broken tooth is a very lethal knife. Or, your father left these two knives to you separately. In fact, there is his intention, you will probably understand it later.”

“So you came here today to say this kind of nonsense?” The Shashengwan’s voice became colder and colder.

“Isn’t it nonsense, you will understand in the future, someone will come to rescue you, I should leave too.” Mukuro didn’t elaborate, and slowly rose into the sky, flying into the night sky.

Of course, he didn’t really leave, but stopped to observe the situation at a height that was difficult for Sesei Maru to see.

Not long after Mukuro left, a little girl walked out timidly to observe the situation of Shishengwan. The little girl was the same Xiaoling who would follow Shishengwan in the future. In the next few days, Xiaoling would run over to take care of Shashengwan as long as she had time to make Shashengwan’s injury a little better.

On the day when Sesheng Maru was about to heal completely and Mukuro was about to leave, Mukuro suddenly saw Xiaoling being chased by a pack of wolves and fleeing here. But before he ran to Sesho Maru’s side, he was already knocked down by the pack of wolves. After the injury healed, the Shashengwan who was about to leave smelled the smell and couldn’t help but stop.

He turned his head and said strangely: “Smell of blood?! What’s the matter?!”

Mukuro gestured at the distance between Sasomaru and Xiaoling from high in the sky, and sighed involuntarily.

The natural teeth of Sesho Maru can indeed rescue people who are dying, but they can’t really override death. If Xiaoling’s body is really gnawed by wolves, even natural teeth can do nothing. The current distance between Shishengwan and Xiaoling was clearly too late.

Mukuro had no choice but to land quickly, and then found a good angle to hit Frieza’s light qigong wave, just to kill all the wolves without hurting Xiaoling’s body.

As the wolves were all dead, Sasheng Maru and Xia Jian finally rushed over.

Saisei Maru asked: “You are human again, do you want to save that girl?! But she is already a corpse.” Saisheng Maru’s tone is still very cold, there is no change in her expression, but Mukuro can still see The ripples in his eyes. After being taken care of by Xiaoling for so many days, the Shashengwan is not a plant, and it is impossible to really have no feelings for Xiaoling at all.

Mukuro said faintly: “It is not me who wants to save her, but you, otherwise you don’t have to come here specially. Sashengwan, this little girl has taken care of you for several days, don’t you have the heart to watch her die?!”

Mukuro doesn’t have the power of Shenlong, and there is no way to resurrect Xiaoling, but Sesho Maru can. Now it’s up to you whether you can put the sasheng pill down and do what you want to do.

Shashengwan hesitated for a moment, then pulled out the natural tooth, and said, “Is the only one who can save it?! Then give it a try.”

Shashengwan waved his natural teeth on Xiaoling’s corpse, as if it had cut something, and Xiaoling’s breath gradually recovered. This is Sasheng Maru killing all the messengers of the underworld who come to ecstasy, but in this case, even Mukuro does not understand that if a person dies is dead, why kill the messengers of the underworld who come to ecstasy can make the dead. resurrection? !

However, Mukuro was not in the mood to delve into it, and said calmly: “Since you have chosen to save people, this little girl will be taken care of by you in the future, and I will go back to Inuyasha and the others.”

Mukuro knew that Sesumaru would refuse this kind of thing because of face, so he slipped away without waiting for him to speak. Mukuro returned to Inuyasha and others, and immediately found that Inuyasha and others were in a small village, the village was full of tragic deaths of villagers, and the ground was full of Mukuro bones and blood. On the corpses of the villagers, there are still many wolves biting. Those wolves have demonic energy fluctuations, and they are clearly wolf demons.

Inuyasha was half-human blood at all. Seeing this situation, he couldn’t help being furious, and killed the wolf demon directly with his iron claws.

Maitreya and Coral were also nearby to help, and soon wiped out all the wolf demons.

After all the ordinary wolf monsters died, a tornado suddenly rose up not far away, and then saw a human wolf monster rushing quickly. The humanoid wolf demon saw the wolf demon corpse in one place and furiously said: “What are you doing?! Why did you kill my lovely subordinates?”

Without saying a word, Inuyasha immediately pulled out his broken teeth and slashed towards the humanoid wolf demon.

The wolf demon’s movements are very flexible, jumping onto the broken teeth to avoid the attack: “That’s it, you are indeed a bit strong, but your speed is too slow to hit me.” As soon as the voice fell, the wolf demon kicked out. , Kicking Inuyasha’s face, suddenly let Inuyasha fall to the ground.

Inuyasha quickly got up and said angrily: “Damn, I chopped you out! Wind injury!” I have to say that the wolf demon’s intuition was so keen, he noticed the threat of wind injury, and turned around and fled.

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