Chapter 1108 Fled

Because Toukasai launched a sneak attack from behind Inuyasha, and Inuyasha did not guard against attacks from behind, he was immediately flooded by the flames of Toukasai; instead, Sesumaru saw Toukasai’s attack at the moment he attacked. Just jumped back, just to avoid the flames of Dao Dao Zhai.

With a cold sweat, Maitreya said: “Daodaozai, is this what you call it?!”

Inuyasha rushed out of the flames, and said in a rage, “Asshole! Do you want to burn to death with me?!”

Dao Dao Zhai didn’t seem to feel that he had done anything wrong at all, and said of course: “Inuyasha, your clothes are made of fire rat fur, which can resist the flames. What are you afraid of.”

Turning around, he hurriedly said: “Let’s leave now.”

Dao Dao Zhai quickly jumped on the back of the three-eyed cow, dragged Inuyasha, and then Ari and others, and quickly escaped.

In the same place, there are only Mukuro and Sasei Maru.

Mukuro shrugged helplessly, and said, “Those guys seem to have forgotten me. Although running away is not my style, I don’t have to do this to me, right?”

While Mukuro was complaining about it, Sesomaru had slowly walked back, looked at Mukuro, and asked: “With your strength, can you escape? 16! No one in this world should be able to defeat you. A person like you, Why protect Inuyasha? Why are you following them?!”

Glancing at the Sasei Maru, Mukuro said indifferently, “Originally, I didn’t need to answer your question, but since you asked it, it would be impolite if you didn’t answer it. If you have to say why, it’s probably because of interest. Inuyasha and the others have fun traveling.”

“Because of this reason?!” Shashengwan was stunned.

“if not?!”

Mukuro smiled and said, “Don’t you think I have an attempt to Inuyasha? Forget it, I don’t have the time to talk so much nonsense to you, I’ll go back to Inuyasha and the others.”

Mukuro sensed the anger of Inuyasha and the others, and immediately jumped over the space in a moment of movement.

When Mukuro appeared behind Inuyasha, I happened to hear Daotosai ask: “We seem to have forgotten the human named Mukuro. Are you okay?!”

“It’s okay.” Inuyasha said quite calmly, “As long as that guy doesn’t want to die, it’s useless even if he comes with a hundred killing pills. His power level is much higher than ours.”

“Although you are telling the truth, it still doesn’t feel good to be left behind and run away.”

Mukuro floated behind Inuyasha and said, “Inuyasha, have you forgotten that you have learned air dancing?! Why don’t you use such a convenient ability?! Although Sessumaru can fly to the sky, his speed is far Can’t compare to your dance skills.”

Wu Kongshu uses Qi, and the energy level of Qi is obviously much higher than the so-called demon power. It’s just that Inuyasha has obviously already used the initial use of Master Qi, and turned around to fight with demon power. Isn’t it okay to find trouble? !

Inuyasha was reminded by Mukuro, and he did not stop slapping his thigh, and said, “Yes! Sasomaru knows that I can’t fly. If I suddenly fly into the sky, it will definitely scare him.”


Dao Dao Zhai said with a weird look: “What’s the matter?! I always feel that you are talking about great things.”

Maitreya snickered at Mukuro and said, “It’s really an amazing thing. This human named Mukuro taught us the flying technique that humans can use. The speed is even faster than the flying monsters. At the same time, we also discovered that there is a strangeness in the body. If we can learn all of Mukuro’s abilities, we may be invincible in the world.”

Totosai was startled, and the look in Mukuro’s eyes became more and more weird.

Mukuro didn’t want to be admired by a bad old man or asked questions, and said calmly: “Don’t talk nonsense, Shishengwan will soon catch up. Don’t expose your killer skills, and let Shishengwan beware.”

Inuyasha agreed, jumped up and stood on the back of Dao Dao Zhai’s old cow, pulling out his broken teeth and waiting for the sahsho pill. It has to be said that among the monsters, the strength of the Sesho Maru is indeed very strong, and the speed is also very fast.

After Inuyasha stood up for a while, Sesho Maru had already caught up.

He coldly said to Inuyasha, “Want to fight me again so soon? Did you forget the lesson just now?!”

“It’s so noisy!”

Inuyasha yelled, leaped high, and slashed at the forehead of the Sesho Maru from a high place with broken teeth. With the momentum of falling from a height, the power of Inuyasha’s knife is undoubtedly much greater, even if it is as strong as the sahsho pill, it is impossible to resist. However, if Inuyasha can’t fly, such an attack can easily be avoided by Sesho Maru. Sesho Maru obviously thought the same way, and quickly avoided with a cold snort, not paying attention to Inuyasha’s attack at all.

At this critical moment, Inuyasha used the dance technique, flew to the sky above the Sesho Maru, and shouted:

“Wind wound!”

Inuyasha’s change of hand was too abrupt. It was beyond most people’s expectations, and the Sesho Pill was unexpected and surprised.

But Inuyasha’s attack was so fast that even if Shissheng Maru wanted to evade, it was too late. Inuyasha’s wind-wounded blade shrouded Shissheng Maru completely, as if to tear him into pieces.


Maitreya said excitedly: “Finally hit! Even if it is a sasheng pill, it is impossible to survive a wind injury!”

Coral and Qibao are also very satisfied with this result.

Only Ari and Dao Dao Zhai looked solemn and complex.

Although they don’t like the fact that Sansho Maru is always coming to make trouble, Sansho Maru is also Inuyasha’s brother anyway, 393 of course they don’t want to see Inuyasha kill Sanssho Maru. However, the moment Inuyasha swung his knife out, Mukuro could still see that he was merciful, otherwise the wind wound should be more powerful.

When the wind wound was about to severely damage the Shashengwan, a solid barrier suddenly appeared on Shashengwan, blocking the wind wound.

However, before the formation of the enchantment, Shisheng Maru was still seriously injured by the wind.

The badly injured Sesumaru probably knew that he was not Inuyasha’s opponent, so he turned around and flew away at this opportunity, but Inuyasha didn’t chase it either.

“Inuyasha, you are so stupid!”

After Shashengmaru left, Dadaosai said angrily: “Aren’t you able to fly? Why didn’t you take the opportunity to kill Shashengwan just now? Do you want to wait for him to avenge you next time?!”

Inuyasha was furious, and he was going to teach Dao Dao Zhai.

Mukuro hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and said, “Kou Touzai, you don’t want to talk about it in front of Inuyasha. Isn’t it because Sesomaru is so indifferent that you don’t want to help him build a new weapon?! An Inuyasha who can kill even his brother, for sure. It’s not what you want to see. Moreover, you have another important task here this time to help Inuyasha polish the iron teeth, right?!”

Iron Broken Tooth is still overbearing in Inuyasha’s hands because of its quite good power. However, after sleeping in the grave of Inuyasha’s father for so many years, it is actually far less sharp than it was in the past.

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