Chapter 1110 Difficulties of steel teeth

“Smelly sick wolf! Don’t go!”

Inuyasha waved his broken teeth, screamed hoarsely, and was about to catch up with his feet.

A Li stepped forward to stop him, and said, “Inuyasha, forget it, there are fragments of the jade of the four souls on that wolf demon’s feet, you can’t run him. And I don’t feel malicious in him, the four souls in him The jade fragments are not contaminated either. Maybe he can be our partner like Maitreya and Coral.”

Coral and Maitreya were shocked, their expressions were weird.

Although A Li seemed to be complimenting them, they were humans anyway. The two humans were actually compared with the wolf demon by A Li, no matter how they looked at them, they were very strange.

Mukuro just watched Inuyasha and Gangtooth fight, and didn’t mean to intervene at all, but after feeling that Gangtoa’s breath quickly went away, he didn’t want to interrupt Ari and the others. Because he vaguely remembered that Gangfang seemed to be attacked by natural enemies after he left. If he didn’t hurry up to help, the four soul jade fragments on Gangfang would definitely be snatched by evil monsters.

The fragments of the jade of the four souls are contaminated, which is not good news for A Li and the others.

He stepped forward and interrupted Ari and Inuyasha and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, you two, hurry up and catch up. 480 Even if there are fragments of the Four Soul Jade on the guy’s legs, it will greatly increase his speed, it is definitely not. The opponent of air dance.”

Mukuro flew slowly, trying to control the speed to the limit line of Inuyasha and others, and then chasing the steel teeth. Mukuro can sense the breath of steel teeth, and the thing of locking the position is simple for him.

Inuyasha and the others quickly understood what Mukuro meant, and followed behind them with dance skills.

After chasing long distances, Mukuro gradually saw that Guy Gangya stopped on the top of a mountain, and there were many ordinary wolf demons following him, seeming to be discussing something with him. After a brief communication, the wolf monsters turned back in the direction of Inuyasha and the others, while Gangfang was a little behind, following behind the wolf monster unhurriedly.

Just when Mukuro wanted to inform Inuyasha and the others what he saw, Inuyasha’s nose moved: “Wait! There is the smell of wolves, those wolf demons have come back just now.”

Mukuro was surprised to see Inuyasha’s nose so sensitive.

You know, those wolf demons are at least a few hundred meters away from Inuyasha and the others, and I didn’t expect Inuyasha to smell it even so far away.

Mukuro nodded and said, “Those wolves did come back, but I don’t know what they want to do. I will meet them in about 30 or 40 seconds.”

“Mukuro, before that, I want to ask you one thing.” At this moment, Maitreya suddenly asked: “The steel tooth you mentioned is the wolf demon just now, right?! Why do you seem to be not too big to him Disgusting? Didn’t the wolf demon under his kill a lot of people just now?!”

“In fact, those people were mainly bandits just now, and the ordinary villagers who died were basically killed by bandits.” Mukuro smiled, shrugged, and said, “To deal with Naraku, the wolf demon named Steelfang can use it. , So you don’t have to rush to kill him.”

While talking, Mukuro and others had already flown directly above the wolf group.

The group of wolves obviously didn’t expect Mukuro and others to fly in the sky, and couldn’t help but froze for a while, looking at the sky and howling. The steel teeth following probably didn’t expect this to happen, and after a slight start, they accelerated to catch up.

He stopped in front of the wolves, looked at Inuyasha in mid-air, and said uncomfortably: “The smelly dog ​​above, when did you learn to fly?!”

“Need to tell you?” Inuyasha swooped down, slashing the knife directly to Gangya’s neck.

Gangfang was taken aback, and quickly avoided with astonishing speed.

However, the Inuyasha who used the dance art was really incomparable with the speed just now, and even the steel teeth of the four soul jade fragments could not be thrown away. Inuyasha speeded up to catch up, and slashed at Gangya’s leg again, forcing Gangya to jump up and avoid it. While he was avoiding, many wolf monsters died under Inuyasha’s knife. If we continue to fight like this, it will only be a matter of time before Gangfang loses. Inuyasha must have seen this too, and couldn’t help getting more and more excited.

Gangfang found that he couldn’t win the fight and tried to escape, but he was faster than the flying Inuyasha. Can’t help but yell out of anger:

“Sick dog! Come to the ground if you have the ability! What kind of ability is a mad dog flying in the sky?!”

“If you have the ability, you can fly up too!” Inuyasha and Gangya were tit-for-tat.

Mukuro watched them verbally from behind, and couldn’t help but laugh. It felt very interesting. However, what Gangya said was not without reason. A dog flying in the sky looked really weird.

Gangfang couldn’t fly to the sky, so he closed his mouth and ran awkwardly on the mountainside.

Mukuro saw that Gangtou and Inuyasha were almost entangled, and flew forward to stop him and said: “The farce between you two ends here, Gangto, hurry back to your den. Your tribe is being attacked by the bird of paradise. It will be over.”

Gangtooth’s face changed, and he couldn’t even tell whether Mukuro’s words were true or not, and rushed out quickly.

To some extent, he is indeed a young master of the demon wolf clan who is in charge.

After Gangtooth rushed out, Inuyasha did not chase, but floated to Mukuro’s side with curiosity on his face.

“Mukuro, you said that the demon wolf tribe was attacked by the bird of paradise?! What’s going on at this time?!”

“What kind of monster is that bird of paradise?!”

“Gangfang’s strength is very good, don’t any monsters dare to provoke them?!”

Inuyasha and the others asked verbally, very curious.

Even if Mukuro wanted to answer, he didn’t know who would be better to answer first. He had to point to the direction where Gangya left and said, “The specific situation, you can see it in the past. Gangya wasted a lot of energy when fighting Inuyasha, even if he rushed back. , It’s not necessarily the opponent of Bird of Paradise. If you don’t go up and help, he will definitely be dead.”

Inuyasha hesitated for a moment, retracted his broken teeth, and flew forward.

Maitreya followed Mukuro and said, “Mukuro, you taught us how to dance in the air, at least to improve our overall strength by several grades. If it weren’t for the ability to dance in the air just now, Inuyasha would not be able to catch up even if he could beat the steel teeth. he.”

Inuyasha snorted, not willing to accept this fact, but couldn’t refute it either.

Mukuro smiled and said: “Just now with this level of strength, are you satisfied? To tell you the truth, if your strength is really strong enough, the air dance technique can make you fly dozens of times around the world in one day. Circle, it’s a pity that your own strength is too bad, you can’t imagine that kind of speed at all.”

“It takes only one day to fly dozens of times around the world?!”

Not to mention Maitreya and Shan who lived in this era, even A Li was shocked. After all, this speed is faster than all modern transportation.

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