Chapter 1107 Totosai

“Last time Naraku set a trap to yin us, didn’t he get killed by Mukuro? He needs a new body.”

Inuyasha replied: “Naraku has got a new body, but the new body doesn’t seem to fit, so he was scared off by Mukuro. If this continues, Naraku’s strength will definitely become stronger and stronger, and it will become more difficult to kill him in the future. . If we still want to defeat Naraku by our own strength, we must become stronger.”

“I want to become stronger… easy to say.” Maitreya smiled bitterly: “I don’t know how many years of cultivation will have the strength today. Time is already running out of me.”

Maitreya looked at her right hand and let out a long sigh. Maitreya’s strength depends on the wind cave to a considerable extent, but while the wind cave strengthens his strength, it also brings him a crisis.

Maitreya’s wind cave has been expanding, and it may not take him a few years to even swallow him, so Maitreya does not have much time to improve his strength.

The way the coral becomes stronger is similar to that of Maitreya, and it is also impossible to improve in a short period of time.

Faced with reality, their faces are getting more and more ugly.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Of course you can’t improve in a short time, but Inuyasha can. The person who can help him improve has already come.”

Mukuro motioned Maitreya and others to look behind Inuyasha.

I saw…a skinny old man with big eyes flying from the sky. Of course, he was not flying by his own ability. He was sitting on a three-eyed bull, obviously the bull was flying with him. Such a combination is really eye-catching, and Inuyasha and Maitreya immediately noticed it.

If it hadn’t been for Mukuro’s signal, and there was no evil spirit on them, Inuyasha might have swiped it.

“Who is this guy?!” When the old man and old cow landed, Inuyasha asked strangely: “Mukuro, you said they can make me stronger?! Really?!”


Mukuro smiled and said, “This guy is Dao Dao Zhai. He is a knifemaker. Your broken iron teeth are made by this guy using your father’s teeth. He came here on purpose, I’m afraid it’s to see you break the iron. What level of tooth use, let you do something for him by the way, a very troublesome thing.”

Tootosai fell to the ground, just when he heard Mukuro’s words, he couldn’t help coughing lightly.

He said politely: “The human called Mukuro over there, I have heard of you and I know you are powerful, but you can’t slander me like that. I came here to make Inuyasha stronger.”

Mukuro turned Byakugan and didn’t bother to expose the fact that he was pursued and killed, anyway, his old bottom was about to be revealed.

Inuyasha Isshin only wanted to become stronger, and ignored what Mukuro said. He quickly asked Totosai, “You can make me stronger? What should I do?!”

Dao Dao Zhai did not answer directly, and said with a smile, “It depends on how good you are to the Master of Iron Crushing Teeth, if you can…” Dao Dao Zhai can’t even finish his words, a tall, thin and handsome man. Suddenly the man fell from the sky and fell in front of Inuyasha and Touzai.

He said coldly: “Daodaozai, in order not to make a knife for me, would you rather find Inuyasha to protect you? Do you think he is capable?!” The tall and thin man was followed by a short man with a strange walking stick in his hand. Youkai, except for Inuyasha’s elder brother Sesumaru, who can appear in this combination, there is obviously no second one.

Inuyasha has never liked his brother.

Being insulted at this moment made Inuyasha furious, and he pulled out his iron teeth and said: “Sasashengwan, now I am no longer the one I used to be, don’t think your strength is still above me!”

Sesho Maru was still expressionless, staring at Inuyasha coldly, and said: “You can’t exert the true power of Iron Shard, Iron Shard is just a sharper knife in your hand.”


Inuyasha smiled confidently and suddenly swiped it down: “Wind wound!”

Wind Wound is a trick Mukuro gave to Inuyasha. Although you must find the gap where the evil spirit and the evil spirit collide before you can use it, for Inuyasha, it is enough to cope with most situations.

After the wound of the wind was split, the sharp blade awn split the ground and rushed to the Sesho Maru fiercely.

Even if it’s the Sesho Maru, he can’t help but be slightly surprised when he sees Inuyasha’s wind injury, and said: “How is it possible?! You learned this trick?!”

At the same time of consternation, the movement of Shishengwan was not slow at all, and he drew away sensitively with a single tap of his foot. Inuyasha’s wind injury could not even damage a single hair of Shishengwan.

Fortunately, the evil views who followed the Sesho Maru avoided quickly, otherwise they would definitely be swallowed by the wounds of the wind.

Sesho Maru frowned and said, “So, you have learned to use Wind Wound. No wonder you dare to challenge me… But with this trick, you are still not my opponent.”

Sesumaru stepped on her foot, switched her position sensitively, and attacked Inuyasha from another angle.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and hurriedly resisted with Broken Teeth, but he was blasted away by Broken Teeth by Sesho Maru’s claws. Flew directly five or six meters away, plunged into the soil, and returned to its original appearance.

With a cold snort, Shishengmaru kicked Inuyasha away.

Ari, who was on the side, was worried: “Mukuro, won’t you go to help Inuyasha?! You helped last time, didn’t Sasaemaru run away?!”

Mukuro said indifferently, “What are you afraid of?! Anyway, Sesomaru won’t really kill Inuyasha.”

The conversation between Mukuro and Ari was obviously heard by Sessomaru. He looked back at Mukuro and said, “It seems that as long as you don’t kill you, that unreasonable human being will not intervene. This is good news for me. But Inuyasha, you, with the blood of monsters, need human protection. You are a shame to our clan.”

After a pause, Sesho Maru turned back to Dao Dao Zhai, and said, “Don’t you feel pitiful for the broken teeth in the hands of such a weak master?!”

Dao Dao Zhai thought for a while, nodded with deep approval, and said, “Indeed, if Iron Broken Tooth is in the hands of Sesho Maru, it will definitely be able to exert greater power.”

Ari couldn’t help but yelled at Dadaosai’s ear: “Which side are you on in 2.4?!”

Inuyasha roared into anger, “It’s so noisy! Sashengmaru, you were so scared by a human that you didn’t dare to kill me, isn’t it so glorious?!”

Inuyasha scrambled to pick up the iron shattered tooth, and slashed at the Sesho Maru again.

But just like before, the difference in strength between him and Sesho Maru is really not small, even if there is a broken tooth in his hand, there is almost no chance of winning.

Mukuro said faintly: “If Inuyasha hides the wind wound at first, and waits for it to be used at a critical time, it may turn out to be better, but Shashengwan has been wary of wind wounds and will never hurt him anymore. ”

“In that case, I can only do this.”

Dao Dao Zhai suddenly rushed forward and opened his mouth to spit out a raging flame, exuding an astonishing high temperature, and shrouded Inuyasha and Sesho Maru within the attack range of the flame.

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