Chapter 1106 Raising Gu

Without a word, Inuyasha dragged Maitreya towards the cave.

Mukuro thought for a while, but had no choice but to keep up.

After entering the cave, Mukuro did feel a stronger evil, which was used from the front like a tide. Although it didn’t have much influence on him, it was very unhappy. When standing in the cave, Mukuro could even vaguely hear the roar of monsters coming from the depths of the cave, as if powerful monsters were fighting inside.

But looking at the direction of Inuyasha and Maitreya, they shouldn’t notice it.

This is a bit strange, because of the cave’s structure, any sound in the cave should be transmitted through the echo of the cave.

However, with the exception of Mukuro, even Inuyasha, who has a very keen sense of hearing and smell, couldn’t notice it. This situation is very strange.

After walking into the deepest part of the cave, Mukuro saw that there was a burrow inside. There were two monsters fighting in the burrow. But I don’t know why, the two monsters fighting here are very weird. Their bodies seem to be composed of body parts of many monsters, and there are many other monster bodies on the ground.

When the two guys were fighting, they were still yelling at each other, which seemed to mean that they would be able to get out as long as they beat each other.

“What happened?!” Inuyasha didn’t understand at all.

Maitreya thought for a while, and suddenly his face changed drastically: “Could it be that…”

“Have you finally found out?!”

Mukuro said lightly: “Yes, this is something similar to raising Gu. It allows countless monsters to fight here. As long as the monster defeats the opponent, it can absorb the opponent’s body and finally become an unprecedentedly powerful monster. Someone wants to create this. Monsters, and then take the body of the monsters as their own. The monsters that can do this, you should know who it is without me.”

Maitreya and Inuyasha nodded with sullen faces, they seemed to have judged them.

Naraku set many traps in his city last time, but was easily broken by Mukuro, which was obviously a heavy blow to him. Naraku must have wanted to devour the body of this monster so that he could become stronger.

Originally, Naraku with only conspiracy and tricks was annoying enough, if he even became stronger, Inuyasha’s situation would naturally be much more dangerous.

Of course, the added strength of Naraku was not worth mentioning to Mukuro and others.

While Mukuro and others were slowly watching the battle, the two monsters seemed to have discovered the presence of others, and they stopped tacitly and attacked Inuyasha. They don’t want to kill each other and make Inuyasha profit? ! If they are, then their growth is not just as simple as strength.

This guy Inuyasha was very irritable, and just as soon as he was attacked, he said angrily: “I killed you!!”

Inuyasha held his broken teeth high and jumped directly into the hole. Mukuro shook his head helplessly. He couldn’t stand it. This guy was stupid enough.

Didn’t Mukuro and Maitreya have made it very clear just now? ! This place is very dangerous. Once you enter, even if you win, the victor will become a monster whether he wants it or not. When the time comes, he will become a monster. As a result, Inuyasha still jumped in when his brain was hot, he was not afraid that his body would be occupied by Naraku? !

Master Maitreya nervously said: “Mukuro, what shall we do now?! Is there a way to save Inuyasha?!”

“Yes, just destroy this place.” Mukuro looked around faintly.

This place is actually just the interior of a high mountain. Naraku uses the terrain here to trap the monsters and force them to kill each other, as long as the mountain is destroyed.

Mage Maitreya’s cheeks convulsed, and he smiled bitterly, “Mukuro, can you say something realistic?! If there is the power to destroy the mountain, Naruto doesn’t know how many times he has died.”

Mukuro said lightly, “You don’t have that kind of power, it doesn’t mean I don’t have either.”

Mukuro raised his right hand and shot it out with a gas bullet.


The gas bomb was about the size of a fist, and after it exploded above the cave, it immediately caused the entire mountain to vibrate violently.

Maitreya was so scared that he quickly held up the barrier and said, “Mukuro, what are you doing?! Do you want to bury us alive?!”

“No, look for yourself, don’t underestimate my attacking power.”

After the gas bomb exploded, bright sunlight came in from the outside, making the inside of the cave bright, and the upper part of the hill had disappeared.

Maitreya looked at the destroyed mountain, completely speechless.

Even a mountain can be destroyed, this level of power is simply unimaginable to him. After all, Inuyasha’s iron shattered teeth could kill many monsters at once with the wound of wind, which shocked them for a long time.

When the two monsters saw the dilemma solved, their eyes lit up, but they didn’t leave immediately. I saw a trace of sorrow flashed across the face of one of the monsters, taking advantage of the chance that the opponent was attracted by the sun. Since a paw grabbed into the body of another monster.


Master Maitreya was shocked and said: “Obviously they can get out, why do they continue to kill.”

“Maybe because of the influence of those dead monsters.”

Mukuro frowned and said, “After the defeated monsters here are absorbed into their bodies, their bodies and souls must be merged with the victors. Perhaps their desire to absorb each other’s obsessions has become stronger because of this. But no matter what. However, this kind of power will not belong to them, and we will go out to the theater.”

The victor monster absorbed the opponent’s body, ignored Inuyasha, and rushed out from above. But after leaving the cave, Mukuro, Maitreya and others flew into the sky, and suddenly saw a young man waiting.

That guy is Naraku.

Naraku absorbed the victorious monster that escaped, and said: “Finally succeeded. I didn’t expect someone to help me break the barrier and save part of my trouble. Thank you for the human named Mukuro over there. Not only did you help me today. , The lesson you taught me last time made me think like this. You are the driving force for me to become stronger.”

The monster rushed towards Naraku, there was no room for resistance, and it was absorbed all at once.

After the body merged with that monster, Naraku’s body changed astonishingly, and his aura became unprecedentedly strong. As Naraku’s aura became stronger, Mukuro could feel that the mica was flying up with the coral and the others. They must have already felt the evil here and wanted to come and see what happened. However, Naraku changed very quickly, and before they really came up, he changed back to human appearance and flew away by himself.

Mukuro and Inuyasha didn’t chase them either. They had reached a certain tacit understanding, at least until they were sure that Coral would not commit suicide and found a way to save Amber, they could not kill Naraku.

When Na Luo walked away, Shan Hu and others finally flew up, but there was nothing here. Shan Shan said with a strange expression: “Inuyasha, why are you only here?! What happened just now?!”

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