Chapter 1105 Changes in Di Nian’er

Di Nian’er’s answer finally satisfied Mukuro. Mukuro stopped talking nonsense, and took a step forward and gave up his position to Di Nian’er.

Di Nian’er took a deep breath, cheered herself up, and then rushed out with her scalp.

Perhaps it was because Di Nian’er had too much momentum when she rushed out, and her tall body put a lot of pressure on the villagers, and many people immediately fled in panic. But before Di Nian’er really rushed to the villagers, suddenly a large group of monsters rushed out from the dark and attacked the villagers. The villagers were just showing off in front of Di Nian’er, and couldn’t even fight back in front of these real monsters.

Many were killed by monsters in just one round.

Moreover, the attacks of those monsters were so fast that even Inuyasha and others couldn’t react.

Mukuro just tried to persuade Nian’er just now, and didn’t pay attention to the changes in the surroundings, and also didn’t know that these monsters were approaching. And he was standing in Di Nian’er’s house, and his sight was just blocked by Di Nian’er. After finally waiting for Di Nian’er to walk away, he looked at the bloody scene in front of him and didn’t know what to say.

But at this moment, Di Nian’er rushed forward, killing the weaker monster, and then dealing with the strongest one.

While Di Nian’er confronted the big monster, Mukuro slowly walked out and said, “You villagers should understand 460, right? The monster you really should deal with is actually the group of murderous monsters just now, not the land. Nian’er. Don’t think that Di Nian’er is gentle by nature, you can bully you at will, the clay figurines are still three-way angry.”

But looking at the appearance of the villagers, they are obviously not in the mood to listen to Mukuro’s nonsense.

The monster in the confrontation between Di Nian’er was three or four meters tall, even if the tall Di Nian’er stood upright, it was still half a head shorter than that monster.

Facing such a monster, even though Di Nian’er said he had to stand in the front in order to protect his mother, he could still see his timidity. And the monster was killed by Di Nian’er because of the child, and was furious, staring at Di Nian’er coldly, as if he was about to eat Di Nian’er raw.

He leaped at Di Nian’er and said, “Huh! A half-monster wants to protect these human beings. You and them are not people in the same world at all. You are so naive!”

As the monster got closer and closer to Nian’er, he had opened his blood basin.

Di Nian’er bit her scalp and rushed forward, punching out, and suddenly her fist was bitten by the monster’s mouth.

“That’s bad! Di Nian’er doesn’t have enough combat experience! You have suffered such a big loss!”

Inuyasha was surprised and worried at the same time: “Miracle! Coral! Hurry up and help, otherwise his arm will definitely be torn off.”

Of course it is impossible for Mukuro to allow Inuyasha and others to go up, but before he speaks, Di Nian’er’s mother has already stopped Inuyasha loudly, saying: “Don’t go up, this is Di Nian’er’s business, let him take care of it. Actually these villagers The reason why I yelled and killed Di Nian’er was because the people in the village were attacked by monsters and they suspected that Di Nian’er was on his body.”

Mukuro went on to say: “Let Di Nian’er settle down by himself, just to help the villagers think about him. Inuyasha, don’t forget our purpose of stopping here, the first thing we have to do is to learn how to dance.”

At the request of Mukuro and Di Nianer’s mother, Inuyasha nodded in agreement even if he was unhappy.

And Di Nian’er, being strongly demanded by Mukuro and his mother, her mentality seemed to be gradually changing and she began to explode against the monster. The monster felt the change of Di Nian’er, and bit Di Nian’er’s arm with disdain: “Huh, a half-monster wants to resist me, I will tear you apart!”

Di Nian’er didn’t answer the monster, but just screamed, both hands exploded in strength at the same time, and he even directly removed the monster’s head.

He caught up to make up a few more punches, and soon beat the monster’s head to pieces.

After the battle, Di Nian’er stood on the spot and breathed, her expression was very complicated.

No one could tell that Nian’er was actually not too tired. The level of physical exertion just now was nothing to the half-demon. He was only fighting for the first time. He was too excited. After being excited, he was a little scared.

Mukuro slowly flew up, said in praise, then eased the relationship between him and the villagers, and stayed temporarily.

After staying in this village for about half a month, Ari and others can learn the sky dance. Although they can’t fly fast, it has become possible to move in the air at a not too fast speed like Naraku. For humans, being able to fly to the sky on their own is obviously a very happy thing.

Coral carried the flying bones on his back and said in a circle in mid-air: “Hahahaha, I didn’t expect humans to have such power hidden in their bodies. If everyone would use such powers, they would not be afraid of monsters at all. Mukuro, I’m really curious, you How did you find such a way to become stronger.”

Mukuro smiled without saying a word, of course he couldn’t answer such a question.

Because even in the Dragon Ball world, he no longer knows who is the first person to use Qi, and he doesn’t have such a thick face to take credit for himself.

After Ari and the others completely learned how to dance, Mukuro and his group continued to set off.

They bid farewell to Di Nian’er, and it didn’t take long for them to come to a high mountain. When they climbed up the mountainside, they saw a cave.

Seeing a cave on the mountain is originally a very common thing, but this cave is very special, because its entrance is square and supported by wood, no matter what it looks like, it is artificially excavated. But after removing this little clue, they couldn’t see the traces of other human activities, which was really weird.

More importantly, Mukuro felt evil coming from this cave.

Of course, the so-called evil spirit is not the evil spirit of the Dragon Ball world, but a kind of evil spirit with extreme emotions. Just as words and paintings can make people feel emotions, demon spirits seem to have this effect. It is really weird that such a powerful demonic spirit can be heard in the artificially constructed place.

Mukuro paused and said, “Inuyasha, Master Maitreya, this cave is weird, let’s go in and take a look.”

However, Inuyasha and others did not answer Mukuro.

Mukuro looked back and found that because the demon aura was too strong, Ari, Maitreya and others were all very seriously affected, and they were almost unable to stand up.

“Not so exaggerated?”

Mukuro said helplessly: “You are also an exterminator, how can you be so embarrassed by evil?”

Maitreya paled and said: “There is no way, the evil spirit here is too strong, even if we are practitioners, we are too uncomfortable to vomit. If ordinary people come here, they must be dead. Even Naraku can’t say this. Evil, I really don’t know what happened in the cave.”

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