Chapter 1085 Ink monster

I have to say that the size of that monster is too big. Inuyasha stood in front of him, almost like a baby in front of an adult.

Although body size is not equal to strength in the world of monsters, seeing a monster of this size standing in front of him, the impact is still great. Especially when a monster with such an exaggerated size emerges from a human body, the visual impact is even more intense.

Mukuro murmured: “Fortunately, I know that this is the world of monsters. I can’t speculate with common sense. Otherwise, I really can’t imagine why such a giant can be hidden in the body of an ordinary person.”

Inuyasha was originally a monster in this world, but he didn’t have as many thoughts as Mukuro.

He grabbed it with a paw, and shouted: “Soul Iron Claw!”

Inuyasha’s moves may be a bit monotonous, but in the world of monsters where power is generally not good, his strength is indeed very strong, and even just a light grasp, it crushes the behemoth.

The crushed behemoth fell down, and the flesh and blood spilled on Inuyasha’s body, turning into blood and ink, and the pungent stench fainted Inuyasha.

Mukuro reluctantly shook his head and said, “Too good nose is trouble, Qibao, hurry up and take Inuyasha to clean it.”

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man who claimed to be a painter had escaped.

Ari confirmed that 517 Inuyasha was not in danger, and then said, “Mukuro, did you sense it just now?! There is a jade of four souls in that painter’s body.”

“Of course I know.” Mukuro shrugged and said, “If it weren’t for the jade of the four souls, how could he, an ordinary human, have the ability to create such a monster?”

“Making a monster?! You said that the monster was made by that guy?” Ari took a deep breath.

“Don’t be mistaken, I just said that guy can make monsters, not that all the monsters are made by him.” Mukuro pointed to the blood and ink on the ground and said, “You should see it yourself. How could those things be? The corpse of the monster? That is the monster created by the painter with the help of the jade of the four souls with blood.”

“But, why did that person do that?! He is also a human being!” A Li was puzzled.

“Whether he is a human is completely illogical to whether he will harm ordinary people.” Mukuro said nonchalantly: “Because he was bullied and he wanted revenge, these reasons are enough for him to do evil. Use the jade of the four souls, his The evil thoughts will be amplified again, and then continue to intensify.”

“In that case, why did you let him go just now?!” A Li was puzzled.

“Because it is your and Inuyasha’s task to destroy this kind of guy.” Mukuro yawned again and said lazily: “I only help you occasionally when I am in a good mood. Human beings can easily cope with your ability.”

Mukuro has already said this, and Ari has no choice but to find Inuyasha.

Master Maitreya thought for a while, and followed A Li. He whispered to Ari, “Miss Ari, what’s the matter with that human named Mukuro? Isn’t he our companion?”

Although Maitreya’s voice was small, his strength was raised to the level of Mukuro, his ears became sharp, and he could clearly hear Maitreya’s words.

A Li sighed and said: “It is a companion, but I always feel that he is not nervous at all. Looking for the jade of the four souls seems to be just a game for him. So if he is in a good mood, he will help us, if he is in the mood No, he just watches our good show, and I don’t understand what he thinks.”

After a pause, A Li added: “But in any case, he will not harm us, this is certain.”

After walking into the town, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others immediately saw a group of soldiers issuing a notice. The notice stated that the princess was being spotted by monsters. Please someone with the ability to help eliminate the monsters.

There were still many people watching those notices, but as soon as they heard that they were killing demons, they were all scattered as birds and beasts.

The word monster is still quite a threat to ordinary people.

Mukuro didn’t care about the reaction of the civilians, and said calmly, “Inuyasha, Ari, did you think of it? The monster that haunts the princess should be related to the painter we met.”

“I think so too, why don’t you go to the city lord and ask?!”

Through the soldiers who posted the notices, Mukuro and others soon saw the lord of the town.

The city lord stared at Mukuro and the others, showing a very obvious skepticism: “Are you really okay?! I think there are women and children in your team, it doesn’t look like a professional combat team.”

The woman the city lord said was of course A Li, and to a certain extent, A Li really had no power to restrain the chicken.

As for children, you don’t need to think about it as Qibao.

Maitreya smiled lightly and said: “City Lord, if you despise these women and children, the consequences will be very serious. Especially the white-haired boy, he has a very grumpy temper.”

Mukuro also smiled easily: “San Francisco, anyway, we won’t receive any money if we fail, so we don’t have to use it for nothing, right.”

The city lord hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed to come down and let them take them to see the princess. After discussing the situation with the princess, they stayed to monitor, and it was night after a while.

In the middle of the night, Mukuro was betting sleepy, hesitating whether to take a nap, but suddenly felt a lot of monster energy approaching.

At the same time, the air also smelled of blood and ink. Mukuro quickly sat up and looked at the princess, only to see a large group of monsters dragging the princess to fly away, and soon there was no shadow.

After the princess was taken away, Inuyasha and others seemed to react afterwards, and all came out of the dark.

Mukuro said helplessly: “Hey, at the beginning, I said I was in the sky, and the underground is not you? Now the princess is taken away in front of you, don’t you think it hurts?!”

Maitreya cheered and said, “Anyway, there is you here. What are we afraid of?”

A Li deeply agreed: “As long as you want, you can take us there anytime, right?! For example, if you use teleportation to appear next to the princess, we don’t have to work hard to catch up.”

Inuyasha also said, “I thought you would stare, so I went to sleep without worry.”

Mukuro is speechless again. He is not Maitreya. What’s the point of staring at the princess? He traverses so many worlds, who hasn’t seen a woman? But arguing with Inuyasha and the others about this issue seems pretty stupid. Mukuro did not continue to talk nonsense, and immediately used gravity and dance to lead Inuyasha and the others to fly, chasing the monsters who had taken the princess away. After a while they caught up with the monsters, saw the monsters put the princess in a room, and then left again.

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