Chapter 1084 The guy who got the jade of the four souls

Mukuro wanted to tell Inuyasha and Ari about what he had observed, but when he turned around, he saw Inuyasha staggering down. Since I met Inuyasha, Mukuro’s strength has not been taken into consideration by Inuyasha, but Mukuro still recognizes his strength. As long as it is to protect Ari, Inuyasha can support it with gritted teeth, no matter what kind of difficulties or strong enemies are encountered. To some extent, he is a real man.

But at this moment, he actually fell down without warning, which really surprised Mukuro and speechless.

Ari was even more surprised, and hurriedly stepped forward to support Inuyasha.

Maitreya also said strangely: “The first time I saw Inuyasha fainted, did he faint blood?!”

“Master Maitreya, your imagination is very good.”

Mukuro smiled bitterly: “In fact, the reason Inuyasha fainted is because the smell here is too strong. As the descendants of humans and canine monsters, Inuyasha has a very sharp nose. Our human noses still find the smell here to be unbearable, let alone It’s Inuyasha with a much more sensitive nose.”

Qi Bao worked hard to stay away from this place with Inuyasha on his back under Ari’s instructions.

Master Maitreya looked at the tragic situation ahead and said in a deep voice: “The situation here is not like the result of a human war, it should be the work of a monster.”

“That’s not necessarily true.”

Mukuro smiled and said: “When have you ever seen monsters dancing and writing? These humans are killed by evil forces, but those powers do not necessarily belong to the monsters.”

“You mean that humans have that kind of power? How could it be possible?!” Maitreya was taken aback.

“What’s impossible?” Mukuro disapproved: “As long as we practice with our heart, humans can also have powerful power, but power is neutral, and its good and evil depend entirely on the person who uses it. If If a person with great power does evil, the consequences will not be easier than a monster.”

A Li’s face became ugly, her mouth pursed, and she didn’t speak.

Mukuro can understand her feelings. Since coming to this world, after embarking on a journey to find the jade of the four souls, Ari and Inuyasha will be caught in battle every once in a while. It’s just that their opponents have been monsters for a long time, so Ari didn’t feel much.

But suddenly she knew that the jade of the four souls used to do evil was of the same kind, and she couldn’t accept it.

Looking at Ari, Mukuro said indifferently: “Humans have good and evil, and monsters also have good and evil. It is very stupid to distinguish good from evil by ethnic group. Let’s open it up, Ari, you will often encounter it in the future. It doesn’t make any sense to be immersed in the pain for such a thing.”

A Li nodded heavily, and said nothing.

Perhaps it was because the atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff, Maitreya rounded up the field and said: “Stop discussing such a heavy topic. The murderer doesn’t know whether it is a human or a monster. Let’s find him before talking.”

Neither Mukuro nor Ari continued to discuss this issue, and left with Maitreya.

After leaving the bloody place, Inuyasha quickly recovered and followed in the footsteps of Mukuro and Ari.

Inuyasha asked, “Is there any way to find the murderer?!”

Maitreya opened his hands and said that he didn’t know, and Ari had nothing to do. After everyone had no choice, they all looked at Mukuro in unison.

Mukuro shrugged, sighed, and said, “Why do you all look at me? I just have great power, not your wishing machine.”

A Li said with a serious expression: “But you can fly, and a human can fly. It’s not that you can explain it with powerful power.”

Qibao added: “You can still move instantaneously.”

Maitreya also said: “You still have a strange barrier.”

Now that Ari and Maitreya have already talked to this point in unison, what else can Mukuro say? !

“I feel like I am about to be regarded as a dragon by you.”

Mukuro reluctantly vomited: “I can indeed find that person. That guy has left his anger when he killed someone. Although the anger is pitiful, it is actually very easy to find him as long as the distance is close enough. Let’s go, let’s find trouble with that guy.”

Mukuro and others walked all the way, and soon they came to a town near.

On the small road leading to the town, Mukuro saw a man being beaten by two other men.

The assaulted person was lying on the ground holding his head to prevent kicking injuries, looking very embarrassed. But his face was full of resentment, and he was not afraid of it.

While beating him, the two men cursed: “Humph! You don’t even look at what you are, you dare to have messy thoughts about the princess!”

“It’s despicable! It’s not too much to kill you!”

The two men beat him up, then left swearingly.

Mukuro stopped in front of the beaten man and said, “Ari, you already feel it!?”

Inuyasha froze for a moment before asking, “What do you feel? What did you find?”

Mukuro pointed at the beaten man and said, “That guy has evil power in him.”

Master Maitreya nodded, and said in a deep voice, “Well, although he is a human being, he seems to be possessed by something evil.”


Inuyasha really deserves to be an extremely impulsive guy. He immediately flew up and lifted the man up with one hand: “Hey, let’s take a step to speak.”


The man looked puzzled: “You… what do you want to do? I’m just an ordinary painter.”

Ari said helplessly, “Inuyasha, you are here again.”

Inuyasha ignored Ari and sneered: “I don’t have eyes like yours, but I also have my way. On this guy, I smell the pungent smell of blood and the smell of human liver.”

The man was taken aback, his face changed, and suddenly he broke free of Inuyasha’s hand.

With Inuyasha’s strength, a human being would certainly not be able to break away under normal circumstances, but Inuyasha was careless because the opponent was a human, but was succeeded by the opponent. After the man got off his body, he suddenly pulled off his clothes, and a huge arm suddenly stretched out from his chest, grabbing at Inuyasha.

Mukuro smiled easily: “Inuyasha, I am curious about one thing. How do you know the taste of human liver? You have not eaten human liver?!”

“How can it be?!”

Inuyasha said angrily: “I don’t bother to do that kind of thing, but I see too many corpses and know the smell of each organ. And when is it now, are you still in the mood to discuss this kind of problem?!”

Inuyasha kicked his feet and avoided the arm that protruded from the artist’s chest.

I saw the arm pressed hard on the ground, and then a complete monster with a huge size crawled out of the artist’s body and grinned at Inuyasha.

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