Chapter 1086 Sasa pill is coming

It is worth mentioning that the room where the monsters brought the princess into is quite good.

When Inuyasha, Maitreya and others saw that the house in front and the house had not been destroyed by the monster, they couldn’t help but stunned. After all, monsters and humans are completely different beings. Most monsters are proud of harming humans. How could it be possible to decorate such a luxurious room? !

Even if they really want to prepare the house that way, they don’t have that kind of leisure time. Ari and Inuyasha were not in the mood to wait any longer. They were worried that the girl would be in danger, so they rushed forward with a knife.


The house couldn’t withstand the attack of iron shattered teeth at all, and it suddenly looked like paper, shattered under an iron shattered tooth knife, and the painter and the princess in the room were exposed to the air as a result.

The princess was stunned, looking at Inuyasha and the painter, panicked, unable to speak a word.

The painter was also taken aback for a moment, and then said grimly: “It’s you again, do you like bad things about me so much? I just want to paint the princess because the princess is so beautiful! Isn’t it annoying that you haunt me? ?!”

The artist became more angry as he talked, and drew monsters attacking Inuyasha with ink and blood. Even if I don’t want to admit it, Mukuro has to admit the fact that the artist paints at an amazing speed. His pen scurried on the paper, and in the blink of an eye he drew a monster, leaping towards Inuyasha with his teeth and claws.

A Li was taken aback: “It’s so fast! There are even such monsters.”

Inuyasha disapproved and said: “Don’t be funny! I can handle this kind of monster with one paw! The iron claw of the soul-spreading!” Fragmented.

However, in the space where Inuyasha was destroying the monsters, the artist drew several more monsters, and rushed forward again, and it went on forever. Moreover, when the monster is killed, it will turn into ink and blood, emitting a pungent smell of blood and ink. For Inuyasha, who has an extremely sensitive nose, this is another big killer.

After killing the monster just now, Inuyasha’s scent was already shaking again.

When the monsters pounced on again, Mukuro faintly reminded: “Inuyasha, you can no longer attack, otherwise the smell will faint you. To some extent, this human being is indeed your nemesis. .”

“Hey, you’re right, you can’t beat me.”

The human painter smiled triumphantly, and unexpectedly drew a few monsters while talking and laughing.

“Let me come.”

Maitreya suddenly opened the wind tunnel on his right hand, sucking all the monsters into the wind tunnel, and said, “As long as I use my wind tunnel to suck them away, there will be no problem.”

After the wind cave opened, the monsters were immediately attracted by the powerful attraction, and they all rushed towards Maitreya’s right hand.

Just using the wind acupoint all the time is also a major physical test for Maitreya. As more and more monsters were inhaled, Maitreya gradually revealed a solemn color, breathing more and more quickly, and sweating on his face. After all, he is just an ordinary human body, and his physical strength is not enough to support him in fighting for a long time.

Obviously, Ari has seen this, and worried: “What to do? Inuyasha can’t fight, Maitreya’s physical strength is not good, and we will lose if this continues.”

The more A Li said this, the more proud the painter was: “This is the consequence of your provoking me! You asked for it!”

Mukuro couldn’t stand it anymore, and flicked his finger at the painter, scratching the painter’s hand with the force of the finger.

When the painter wanted to continue to draw the monster, the ink actually attacked the painter and broke his hand. The ink continued to attack the painter, swallowing him soon, and only one hand remained.

This change came so fast that Inuyasha and others were surprised: “Why is this happening?!”

For Mukuro, this question is also difficult to answer. After all, he is not from this world, and he doesn’t know much about monsters.

He was only too powerful to overwhelm all monsters.

He secretly guessed: “It may be because of blood. The artist’s hand was scratched by me. His ink was drawn by his own blood and attacked him in turn. With his fragile body, of course he would be swallowed instantly.”

After a pause, Mukuro stretched out and said, “Let’s stop here, that monster has been killed. Let’s continue the journey behind.”

After Maitreya supervised the painter, Mukuro and others hurriedly left here. A few days later, at night, Mukuro was lying on the top of a big tree, basking in the moonlight with Erlang’s legs, and suddenly felt a familiar breath.

Inuyasha and others were resting under the tree, but they didn’t seem to feel it.

Mukuro reminded faintly: “Inuyasha, pay attention, a friend has come to the door.”

“Friend?! Who is it?!”

Inuyasha asked suspiciously at first, but before Mukuro could answer, his sensitive nose made him notice the arrival of the opponent. Inuyasha seemed to be greatly stimulated at once, and jumped directly:

“Huh! So it’s you! What are you doing?!”

The visitor stood upright in front of Inuyasha and said, “I found it quickly. Is it because the human named Mukuro reminded me? It’s nosy.”

The appearance of the visitor is very solemn, similar to Inuyasha, with a canine tooth mark on his face and a crescent pattern on his forehead. Judging from his anger, he is also a pure monster, not just a half-monster like Inuyasha. There is no doubt that the only person with this kind of dress is Inuyasha’s older brother-Sesumaru.

Inuyasha obviously hated his brother, and without a word, he waved his broken teeth and rushed up, shouting, “Let’s talk! I’ve hit you!”

Inuyasha turned the iron shattered tooth into a demon sword, and slashed at the Sesho Maru fiercely.

However, Sesumaru seemed to be unable to see Inuyasha’s attack. When the attack was about to come, his body shook and flashed past Inuyasha’s attack like lightning. When he reappeared, he kicked Inuyasha’s stomach, causing Inuyasha to rise into the air, and the broken teeth in his hand flew out as a result.

Shashengmaru picked up the broken iron teeth, restored the broken iron teeth to the state of the demon sword, and said, “So, is this the power of broken iron teeth?! Interesting!”

Shisheng Maru gently waved the broken iron teeth, and the glow of the sword directly cut off the top of a nearby hill. Even if he is unwilling to admit that the power of Iron Broken Teeth in the hands of Sesho Maru is far greater than Inuyasha, it is an indisputable fact. But what made A Li and the others more concerned was obviously another matter.

A Li was surprised: “Why is it like this? Isn’t the iron shattered tooth only used if you have the determination to protect humans?”

“It’s because of his hand.” Mukuro said faintly, “His left hand was already severed by Inuyasha, and he can use the iron shattered tooth if he replaces it with a human hand.”

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