Chapter 1083 New companion

Not to mention the mage Maitreya, even Inuyasha and others, who have been traveling with Mukuro, are the first to see Mukuro’s super Saiyan transformation.

Mukuro’s impact on them was so great that they opened their eyes and mouths wide, very surprised.

Inuyasha clenched the broken teeth in his hand, with blue veins on the back of his hand, gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: “Is this the true strength of Mukuro?! He is incredibly powerful without turning into this golden hair. After transforming into this shape, who else is his opponent?!”

Ari murmured blankly: “So handsome, he is much more handsome than before after transforming into this shape.”

I have to say that Inuyasha and Ari have completely different concerns.

And they and Mukuro have known each other for a long time, even if Mukuro gives them a violent shock, they will not be too gaffe.

Those ordinary people watching a theater nearby were the most shocked when they saw Mukuro’s transformation.

All 16 of them looked like they had seen a god, kneeling under the protective shield of repulsion and worshiping.

Mukuro gave a light cough. He was really not used to being worshipped by others, so he had to change back to his original appearance, and said, “Okay, let’s stop here. You should have a general understanding of my situation. Actually, I am not afraid to tell you, just now. It’s not my full strength yet, so Maitreya, you can almost return the jade of the four souls.”

Maitreya smiled bitterly and said, “Even if I don’t give it to you, you will grab it, right?!”

Maitreya threw the fragments of the jade of the four souls to Mukuro, and said: “I didn’t expect that there will be a powerful person like you in the world. If you want, you can clean up all the monsters in this world at any time, right? If you are willing to help us It’s busy, what’s a mere Naraku?!”

“Naraku? Did you just say Naraku?!”

Inuyasha was taken aback and ignored Mukuro’s changes. He threw himself in front of Maitreya and said, “What do you have to do with Naraku? Why do you know Naraku?! Where is Naraku now?!”

Since Kikyo was resurrected by Rita, Inuyasha knew that he and Kikyo had been fooled by Naraku, Inuyasha was really sensitive to the name.

Maitreya probably didn’t expect Inuyasha’s reaction to be so overwhelming. He was directly lifted up by Inuyasha, strangled his neck, and coughed in pain.

Ari quickly persuaded, “Mage, if you know about Naraku, please tell us quickly, otherwise Inuyasha will really kill you.”

Maitreya smiled bitterly and said, “Don’t be so impulsive. I also have grudges against Naraku. If I knew where he was, I would have chased him and killed him, and it would be your turn.”

When Inuyasha put him down, Maitreya slowly clarified the relationship between him and Naraku.

It turns out that Maitreya ancestor once fought with Naraku, but he was defeated by Naraku. Instead, he was cursed by Naraku on the palm of his right hand, which is the wind cave on Maitreya’s right hand. The wind cave is inherited from generation to generation, and will gradually expand as they grow, and eventually they themselves will be swallowed by the wind cave.

Maitreya wanted to find Naraku just to lift the curse.

Mukuro said lightly: “It seems that it is not easy to find Naraku. That guy is very cunning. But what Naraku wants is the contaminated Four Soul Jade, so as long as we continue to look for the Four Soul Jade Sooner or later, that guy Naraku will come to the door, so we don’t have to worry.”

“It makes sense.”

Inuyasha eagerly said, “When that fellow Naraku appears, I have to smash him with a single knife.”

Maitreya sighed and said: “Although the truth is said, I always have an ominous premonition. I feel that Naraku is also slowly getting stronger. If he waits for him to be unimaginably strong before coming to us, we may not be It’s his opponent. I’m a human being, and my fragile body allows me to make limited progress.”

Maitreya’s worries are not unreasonable. Compared with monsters, human bodies in this world are indeed very fragile. It is precisely because of this that Inuyasha will extremely hate the human body. If Naraku gradually becomes stronger, and Maitreya has limited progress due to human constraints, waiting for him will end in tragedy.

However, Mukuro has no such concerns.

Mukuro calmly said: “Although Naraku has improved, he can’t be my opponent anyway. Let’s take it slowly, Maitreya. If you are worried that you will not be able to defeat Naraku in the future, you can act with us.”

Ari nodded repeatedly and said excitedly: “Yes, yes, you see, this guy named Mukuro is not a human, but he is not as strong as a human, can we not do what he can do?!”

Maitreya thought for a while, showing expectation, and agreed to stay.

In the following journey, Mukuro also slowly taught Inuyasha to use the dance technique.

The difference between being able to fly and not being able to fly is too big for a fighter. If you can fly, fighting will increase infinite possibilities.

Of course, Mukuro only taught them how to dance and did not teach them how to practice qigong wave and qi.

Because of the physique and cultivation of Qi of the people on earth, in fact, the future is very limited. Kelin and Tianjin Fan of Dragon Ball World are the best examples. Although their power came into the world of Inuyasha, it was enough to sweep the whole world, but Mukuro was not in the eyes.

Instead of wasting time, let Inuyasha fight honestly with her demon power.

After persuading Maitreya to join this small team, Maitreya curiously asked: “Where shall we go next?!”

“How can this kind of thing have a clear goal?!”

Mukuro yawned and said, “We can only wander aimlessly. We will go over and see wherever a monster is harmful to others. Anyway, whether it is a human or a monster who gets the jade of the Four Souls, it will inevitably give rise to evil thoughts. It will definitely harm people, and this kind of thing cannot be concealed.”

“Actually, I think you are too powerful, and your existence might prevent Naraku from appearing.”

Maitreya smiled bitterly: “Nairo is not a fool, he knows that he is not your opponent, it is impossible to show up. But I have no other way except following you.” At the moment, Maitreya packed up his things and lost some more. Give money to the affected people in the town, and then leave with Mukuro and others.

After leaving the town for another period of time, they passed through a battlefield and saw the ground full of corpses and blood.

The war here should have just ended, the corpses on the ground still looked fresh, and there was warm blood flowing on the soil, and the pungent smell of blood followed. But what Mukuro really cares about is the smell of ink mixed with the rich bloody smell. Even with such a strong smell of blood, it can’t hide the smell of ink, which is a very strange thing.

Mukuro checked the corpses on the ground again and found that their livers were all gone.

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