Chapter 1082 The mischievous mage

I have to say that Inuyasha is really anxious.

The broken iron teeth he pulled out immediately restored the state of the demon sword, exuding a strong demon aura, which looked even larger than Inuyasha’s body. Inuyasha slashed at the civet cat with his broken teeth, with a piercing sound, and his amazing power made the civet cat’s face turn green all at once.

He changed back to the appearance of a civet cat, holding his head in a panic and shouted: “Wow! Don’t kill me! I don’t want to die yet!”

The mage was taken aback, and quickly stretched his right hand to Inuyasha.

The mage originally wrapped his right hand with various cloth strips, which seemed to hide something. However, after the cloth strips were untied, an astonishing suction suddenly burst out, sucking everything in the range. Even Inuyasha was sucked into a staggering foot, and the broken teeth flew out.

Losing Inuyasha’s demon power, Iron Broken Tooth was restored to its original state.

Mukuro floated within the suction range of the mage, and indeed felt a relatively strong suction, but it was far from his gravitational force.

Mukuro said faintly, “Is this the power of the so-called wind tunnel?! It seems to be good in this world, but this level of power is really not enough to go to other worlds.” Mukuro is sure, this level. Not to mention the power of going to the world of Dragon Ball, even in the world of Naruto, it is equally insignificant.

However, people in this world obviously cannot ignore this power like Mukuro.

The mage was taken aback: “How can someone withstand the power of the wind tunnel?!”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Because our power levels are too far apart, if your wind tunnel’s power can increase with your strength, then you will become tens of millions of times stronger, and it may be useful to me.”

While talking, the mage probably knew that it would be useless to continue, and sealed the wind tunnel again.

Anyway, the purpose of his initial use of the wind tunnel was only to save the civet cat. After Inuyasha’s broken teeth were removed, his purpose had been achieved.

He said to Mukuro: “Are you a human?! It seems that I have met a great human being. You are very powerful. If I meet you elsewhere, I might chat with you, but not today.”

The mage was talking nonsense, turned around and strayed, I have to say that this guy ran quite fast.

After the mage ran away, Ari shouted: “Mukuro! Why did you let him go?! That guy stole our Four Soul Jade!”

“Anyway, I have remembered his anger, even if he runs to the end of the world, I can chase him back, what are you afraid of?!” Mukuro said nonchalantly, without the slightest anxiety between his brows.

“Then you lead the way!” Inuyasha was more anxious than Ari, and immediately asked Mukuro to lead the way.

“Okay.” Mukuro said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, they rushed to the town in front of them, and soon entered the city, and found the mage in a place unsuitable for children.

Inuyasha directly broke the door with iron shards and said: “The bastard mage just now! Get out!”

With Inuyasha’s strength, it is of course easy to break the door of a small wooden house.

But after the wooden door of that house was broken open, the fragments of the wooden door splashed around, and many fragments plunged into the ground. The wall next to it was also stabbed by many pieces of wood and became riddled with holes. Looking at this power, I knew that Inuyasha was really angry, otherwise he didn’t need to use such a powerful force to break the door.

This is a busy city, if Inuyasha used such a powerful force to fight that mage, the consequences would be disastrous.

That mage obviously thought of this, and he jumped out of the room and said, “It’s not good for you to ruin other people’s houses like this.”

“It’s okay for you to steal our stuff?!” Inuyasha furiously said, hurriedly waving his iron teeth and cutting towards the mage.

The mage was taken aback, and quickly jumped up and avoided:

“Wait a minute, we will fight again where there is no one.”

After a pause, the mage said to the civilians who were onlookers: “It’s dangerous here, don’t follow up!”

“You can play here, there is no need to change places.”

Mukuro opened a protective cover with repulsive force, and wrapped himself, Ari, Mage and others in it. Of course, mother-in-law Feng was not present. After Litao was killed, she had already returned to the village. The civilians with this repulsive shield outside would never want to come in, and the attacks of the mage and Inuyasha did not want to go out.

The mage’s expression changed drastically: “What a strong barrier. No! This is not a barrier, but something similar to a barrier, but more powerful. Why have I never seen it before?”

“It’s normal if you haven’t seen it! Let’s have a showdown!” Inuyasha once again swung his knife and attacked…

“Since there is this enchantment, I don’t have to be afraid of doing it with you here.” The mage once again unlocked the seal on his right hand, and used the wind tunnel to attract Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was taken aback and lost his balance again.

However, after learning the lesson from the last time, Inuyasha has become much smarter, and immediately pierced the ground with the broken teeth, and then held the broken teeth with both hands so as not to be sucked in.

Ari worried: “Mukuro, you said Inuyasha and that mage, who will win?!”

“Inuyasha is more likely to win.”

Mukuro analyzed the battle situation: “Although the wind tunnel in the hands of the wizard is powerful, it will consume a lot of physical energy to use it all the time. Inuyasha is a half-demon, and the physical advantage is much greater than that of the wizard.”

Slowly, the mage’s face became pale, his breathing became more and more urgent, and sweat began to appear on his body. After holding on for a while, there is still nothing Inuyasha, he put away the wind tunnel, panted and said:

“What do you want?!”

“Of course I want to return the fragments of the jade of the four souls!” Inuyasha shouted.

“Humans over there, why do you want to help a monster?! For a powerful person like you, don’t you know what the consequences will be if the jade of the four souls falls into the hands of the monster?!” The mage looked at Mukuro and said, “If it was a one If only evil monsters get the jade of the four souls, it will bring great disasters to ordinary people!”

“Of course I know.”

Mukuro shrugged and said indifferently, “But no matter what youkai, even if you get the complete Four Soul Jade, you cannot be my opponent. Moreover, Inuyasha is not an evil monster, he will not use the Four Soul Jade. Do evil. If you don’t return the jade of the four souls that belong to us, I don’t mind killing you right away.”

“Even if the monster gets the complete Four Soul Jade, it’s not your opponent?!” The mage doubted Mukuro’s words: “Are you exaggerating?! I can hardly believe that such a powerful human exists.”

“If you want to see, I don’t mind letting you take a look.” Mukuro snorted, transformed into a Super Saiyan, looked at the mage and asked: “This power is used to deal with the jade of the four souls. Monster, is that enough?!”

Perceiving the terrifying aura on Mukuro’s body, the mage’s face changed drastically: “Golden hair… can human beings transform themselves, and they have such powerful power?”

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