Chapter 1081 Bellflower resurrection

Grandma Maple and Inuyasha both reacted violently when they saw Kikyo.

In their eyes, Kikyo may be one of the most powerful human wizards, and even Inuyasha may not be able to match the powerful spiritual power. If such a person obeyed Rituo’s command, with the current Inuyasha and Maple grandmother, even if they could win, they would have to pay a heavy price, which was not what they hoped.

And Ari stared at Kikyo’s face curiously.

It is rare to see a person who looks exactly like herself, and her mood must be very complicated.

Li Tao was very satisfied with the reaction of Inuyasha and others, and said with a strange smile: “Is it a surprise to see Kikyo? Don’t worry, she will kill you right away.”

Seeing that Inuyasha and the others were timid before fighting, their morale almost fell to the lowest point, Mukuro was really speechless. Isn’t it just a bellflower? Even if Kikyo is really resurrected, Inuyasha’s current strength is not completely irresistible.

In addition, with Mukuro by the side, even if Kikyo is ten million times stronger, what is there to be afraid of? !

Mukuro shrugged and said, “Look carefully, the current Kiji is just a body, without a soul. Her soul has been reincarnated into Ari’s body.”

“Is it visible to you?!”

After Mukuro revealed the old days of Kikyo, Ritao didn’t panic at all, but calmly said, “Although there is no soul in Kikyo’s body for the time being, there will be soon.”

Li Tao waved his hand and suddenly pulled A Li over and pressed A Li into a coffin full of herbs.

“What do you want to do?!” Grandma Feng was taken aback, and she went up to stop her without even thinking about it.

On the contrary, Inuyasha was stunned, not understanding what Rituo was going to do.

Litao explained: “These herbs can return the soul of Platycodon grandiflorum to the original body and revive Platycodon grandiflorum. You wait.”

“You said Kikyo can be resurrected?!” Inuyasha’s expression suddenly became very complicated.

After Ari was pressed into the coffin full of herbs, an enchantment immediately appeared on his body to resist the medicinal power of the herbs. The appearance of this enchantment surprised Granny Feng, Inuyasha, and even Li Tao. Because A Li doesn’t look like a girl with spiritual power no matter how she looks, how can an enchantment appear on her body? !

The only explanation is that this force belongs to Doraji.

Kikyo does not want to be resurrected.

But Inuyasha obviously didn’t realize this. When he asked the question just now, Kikyo’s soul heard Inuyasha calling her name, and it was obviously shocked, and the barrier that wrapped Ari was also shattered. The moment the barrier was broken, A Li’s soul was also drawn out.

Mukuro shook his head and said, “Inuyasha, your shout just now is really bad. You shouldn’t be called Kikyo.”

Inuyasha was silent, obviously understanding what Mukuro meant.

Granny Feng asked impatiently: “Mukuro, what do you mean by this? Do you know something?”

“That’s right.” Mukuro replied: “Kikyo and Inuyasha were happy in love back then. In order to stay together, Inuyasha once wanted to become a human with the power of the jade of the four souls, and the jade of the four souls lost its effectiveness. You will also lose a body of spiritual power, which is a good result, but it is destroyed by others.”

With these words, not only Maple’s mother-in-law, but Inuyasha was shocked and said: “You mean, Bellflower didn’t lie to me back then?!”

“It can be said that your misunderstanding back then was really a bit big. You were attacked by the fake Kikyo, and Kikyo was also attacked by the fake Inuyasha, so Kikyo would have such a big reaction when he heard you call her name.” Suddenly, Ari’s extracted soul has poured into Kikyo’s body, making Kikyo’s body a little more angry.

What Mukuro said just now has obviously been heard by Kikyo.

However, Kikyo’s face is still full of resentment, and it seems that he has not let go of the misunderstanding that year.

She grinned and said: “It’s a pity that I died when I hated you the most. The resentment that year has melted into my soul, everything is too late!”

Kikyo is holding a strong bow and suddenly shoots at Inuyasha.

Mukuro reluctantly blocked Kikyo’s arrow with repulsion, and said, “Inuyasha, consider it for yourself. The current Kikyo is actually just a dead person. Her body is made of soil and it is no longer part of this era. If you want, you can kill anytime. Kill her. But if you don’t want to kill her, you can only face her chase.”

After a pause, Mukuro added: “More importantly, because Ari’s soul has entered Kikyo’s body, if you don’t kill Kikyo, Ari will be a living dead and will never be able to wake up.”

Inuyasha’s face changed again, struggling more painfully.

Granny Feng made a decisive move and said, “Inuyasha, kill my sister!! She has been dead for fifty-five years, and she shouldn’t reappear in this world, and she can’t kill A Li because of her!”

I looked at Inuyasha’s face, gritted his teeth, and for a long while, rushed to Kikyo, smashing the bow and arrow in her hand, and Inuyasha’s life danger was relieved.

But Inuyasha’s next knife, but he couldn’t get it out anyway. In this gap, Kikyo suddenly turned around and grabbed Inuyasha, and the powerful spiritual power attacked Inuyasha’s body. Inuyasha doesn’t want to kill Kikyo, but Kikyo wants Inuyasha’s life. Such a fight is simply unfair.

Inuyasha’s death was only a matter of time.

Mukuro couldn’t help but was about to make a move, but saw Ari’s body explode with great power, and he just pulled the soul in Kikyo back into her body. The spiritual power she used to subdue Inuyasha was greatly weakened as a result.

Mukuro took the opportunity to stop and said, “There should be no life-threatening, Inuyasha, consider it for yourself. If you would rather sacrifice your own and Ari’s lives than kill Kikyo, then I have nothing to say.”

Inuyasha pondered for a moment, and finally he was willing to deal with Kikyo cruelly, but he was still merciful when he started.

They fought for a while, but in the end they were careless and let Kikyo fall off the cliff.

After solving Kikyo’s problem, Inuyasha and others quickly solved Rituo and set off on the journey again. After leaving Litao’s site for a while, they passed a small town, and when they passed a narrow path, a civet-like monster suddenly rushed down from above.

As he pounced down, the civet cat’s appearance became particularly huge, and his style was a bit like when Qibao first appeared. It’s a pity that his breath is too weak, let alone Mukuro, even Inuyasha and Ari are not too interested in him.

But also because of carelessness, Inuyasha was knocked down suddenly.

At the moment Inuyasha was knocked down, a young man dressed as a wizard jumped onto Ari’s bicycle and stole the four-soul jade fragments from Ari’s body. When A Li reacted, he had already jumped away as early as possible.

Inuyasha was in a hurry and immediately pulled out his iron teeth.

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