Chapter 1078 Spider head

At the same time, the girl had landed on the boat and woke up slowly. She looked confused when she saw Mukuro and Ari, but when she saw Inuyasha, she was very vigilant and seemed to want to escape. In the narrow boat, she almost fell into the water trying to escape, causing the boat to shake violently. If it weren’t for Mukuro to stabilize the boat in time, maybe even the boat would turn over.

Mukuro said helplessly: “You better calm down, it is not good for everyone to capsize here.”

The girl questioned: “Are you a human? Why do you want to stay with a monster?”

“Whoever I stay with doesn’t seem to be your turn to control? Little girl, are you too generous?” Mukuro said lightly.

Ari asked curiously, “You seem to hate monsters, because of what?!” As soon as Ari’s voice fell, the boats Mukuro, Inuyasha and others were riding had landed.

The girl didn’t want to thank her, jumped out of the boat in a panic, and ran away embarrassedly.

I have to say that the girl’s reaction was too violent. This way, they have not seen humans who are afraid and hate monsters, but it is the first time that the reaction is so big, and Ari and the others are slightly startled. .

Qibao dissatisfied: “Really, what about monsters, not all monsters are bad guys. 16”

Mukuro laughed and said: “Who gives you powerful power? When you have the power to easily kill others, and you are not of her kind, of course she feels scared. Speaking of which… she is also because her father was killed by a monster. It’s a normal idea to hate all monsters.”

“It doesn’t matter to me what other people are doing. Let’s go as soon as it is not dark.” Inuyasha suddenly interrupted.

A Li froze for a moment, and she was quite puzzled attentively. Because of things like this in normal times, Inuyasha’s temper must first investigate whether the opponent has the jade of the four souls. But right now Inuyasha urged to leave without even interest in investigating, and asked to leave before dark, which was really not in line with his temperament.

Mukuro looked at him with a smile, of course he knew what Inuyasha’s scruples were, but he didn’t expose him.

Instead, Inuyasha saw Mukuro’s smiling face and said uncomfortably, “What are you laughing at?!”

Mukuro still didn’t answer, and said calmly: “Don’t worry, if Ari is worried about that girl, just follow up. Today is a special situation. I can make an exception to help you and stop watching the show.”

With Mukuro’s consent, Ari immediately rushed ashore in three steps and two steps.

Inuyasha stared at Mukuro suspiciously, with a very strange expression. He must have been suspicious of something, worried that his secret should be seen through.

Mukuro said with a faint smile, “Inuyasha, what’s the matter with you? Why don’t you follow? If Ari is in danger, it’s not good.”

Inuyasha snorted, and had to catch up with Qibao, and Mukuro slowly followed. When they followed the girl into a small temple on the mountain, they happened to see an old monk coming out of the temple.

Except for the old monk, Mukuro didn’t feel any living aura in the temple. Even the old monk’s body exudes a monster’s aura, but it is hidden by him, so it is not strong.

After spending a while with the old monk, they walked into the temple and suddenly saw a lot of human heads with spider silk hanging from the roof, and they rushed towards Mukuro and others.

The girl who was afraid of monsters was taken aback and almost fell to her knees.

Inuyasha was also very anxious, and hurriedly swung his knife up, but the broken teeth in his hand did not return to the state of the demon sword. His iron broken teeth smashed into the spider silk, and he couldn’t even break the spider silk. The power was horrible.

Mukuro’s qigong wave blasted past, and the golden light instantly wiped out all the human heads connected to the spider silk, and even those heads turned into fly ash. Following them was blown away, and the top of the temple.

Qibao shrank his head in fright, and said, “It’s amazing, it really is a terribly strong human being.”

The girl was stunned and said: “Awesome, are you really human?! How can human beings have such a strong power?!”

The old monk said in amazement, “Old Na has lived a lifetime. It’s incredible to see such a strong human for the first time.”

Inuyasha snorted coldly and said, “Stop talking nonsense, it’s too dangerous here, let’s go quickly.”

When Inuyasha greeted him just now, there were already a lot of spider silk entangled in him, which happened to be the part that Mukuro didn’t use Qigong wave to eliminate.

Inuyasha got rid of the spider silk embarrassedly, dragging Ari and wanted to leave. Mukuro and Qibao followed them and ran a long distance before stopping. At this moment, they could no longer see the temple on the mountain.

Ari complained, “Inuyasha, why are you weird today?!”

“Less long-winded!” Inuyasha interrupted impatiently.

At the same time, Inuyasha’s hair darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the paws on his hands and feet became shorter, looking no different from humans, and the fangs in his mouth had disappeared. After changing into this appearance, his anger became very weak, even the weakest looking Ari could not match.

Ari and Qibao were stunned when they saw Inuyasha’s situation.

“Inuyasha, what’s the matter?!” Ari asked strangely.

Mukuro said: “Inuyasha has become a human. He is a half-demon. Because half-demon has half human blood, he will become a human within a certain period of time and lose all his demon power. They have to wait for that period of time to pass. In order to recover, the time when Inuyasha lost his demon power happens to be today, which is the period of the new moon.”

533 “What?! There is such a thing?!” A Li looked suddenly enlightened, and said, “No wonder Inuyasha reacted so strangely tonight.”

Inuyasha said impatiently: “Mukuro! Why do you know so many things?!” It can be seen that Inuyasha doesn’t want Ari to be entangled in this topic, and he is also afraid that Mukuro should know so many things.

After all, for a half-demon, the time to lose his power is the secret in the secret. Once the enemy knows the time for him to lose his demon power, death must be waiting for him.

Mukuro pretended not to see what he meant, and said calmly: “Why do I know these are not important, what is important is that you can only rely on me to get through the difficulties tonight. Unfortunately, Granny Feng still has some trivial matters that have not been resolved in the village. I can’t catch up in time, so I have to protect you.”

At this moment, there was a panic of footsteps in the direction of the temple, and the girl could be seen flying over during the day.

She seemed to be exhausted enough, and threw herself at Mukuro’s feet and said, “The human named Mukuro, are you very strong? Please save my master! His enchantment was broken by a spider’s head. It is dangerous now, only You can save him.”

“If your master is really capable of arranging such a powerful barrier, his mana should be very strong. Why is there no law to resist if the barrier is broken?! Don’t you think it’s weird?!”

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