Chapter 1077 Go to hell

If Mukuro remembers correctly, the little girl who became a ghost should be called Mayu. The shelf with the hanging bottle was pushed down by her, and the force when it fell was indeed greater than usual, but Mukuro looked quite speechless.

Because this degree of destructive power is too small for him, if you want to hurt a strong man with the ability to destroy the galaxy with such power, then the warriors in the Dragon Ball world have long been dead, and how will they be like later Such a strong man runs all over the floor? Even the speed at which the shelf falls is like slow motion in Mukuro’s eyes.

Mukuro grabbed the shelf with a lightning bolt and helped it back to its original position.

“I might make A Li upset by saying that, but I have to say.”

Mukuro said coldly: “Mayu, you already have the idea of ​​killing people. Whether it is Ari or your brother, you have thought about killing them. And those innocent children who have been hurt by you. If not It’s hard to justify giving you a little punishment, so please go to hell and stay for a while.”

Mukuro stretched out his right hand and made a wave of qigong.

The qigong wave will wrap Zhenyou inside, making her immobile, and flying her towards Chong Yao.

That Chong Yao is a kind of monster that likes to bury the ghosts of children, and will bury the ghosts of children in the world until they are overwhelmed. If the ghosts of these little children are not superfluous, but become evil spirits, Chong Yao will take them back to hell and let them be punished.

When Mayu’s soul flew towards Chong Yao wrapped in air, A Li was very anxious. She yelled, “Mukuro! Why did you do that? It would be cruel to let her go to hell as a little girl!”

“She deserves it.”

Mukuro said coldly: “If you do something wrong, you will be punished. This is a normal thing. Going to hell is only punished, not as terrible as you think. When the punishment is over, she can naturally be reincarnated. And by the way. The younger brother has been in a coma for a long time. If you don’t get to know Mayu quickly, her younger brother will die.”

At this moment, Mukuro was quite thankful that it was effective for the soul.

Maybe the soul is just a kind of energy, and Mukuro’s qi is also a kind of energy, so it can affect Mayu. After Mayu was shot into Chongyao’s body, Chongyao’s eyes opened all of a sudden, leading Mayou to hell.

At the moment Mayu went to hell, Inuyasha jumped in from the window of the ward and said, “Mukuro, I didn’t expect you to have a way to fight the ghost. After the ghost of the little girl went to hell, have things been settled here?! We Is it possible to go back to the Sengoku era?! There are still many things waiting for us to deal with.”

Mukuro nodded, and returned to the Sengoku era after Ari finished the exam.

When they returned to Sengoku, they just came back to the village to see Granny Maple in despair. Seeing Mukuro and others reappeared, Granny Maple couldn’t help but brighten up, as if she was a little bit more energetic. Looking at her attitude, Mukuro knew that she was in trouble, and that it was still a trouble that could not be solved by her strength.

Mukuro asked strangely, “Mr. Maple, are you having any troubles?!”

“Sister Kikyo’s ashes were stolen by the monster.”

Granny Feng’s face was ugly, and her voice was almost trembling and said: “I have an ominous premonition that my sister’s spiritual power was very strong during her lifetime. If someone wants to use her power to do evil things, things will become very troublesome. ”

“Mukuro, what do you think?!” Inuyasha looked at Mukuro.

Ari said, “Mukuro, won’t you move instantaneously? Quickly take us to catch up with the monster who stole the ashes of Kikyo. We must kill him before he uses Kikyo’s ashes to do bad things.”

“Hehe, it’s not that simple.” Mukuro said nonchalantly: “If you want to move instantaneously, you need to be able to feel the breath of the other person. I don’t know the characteristics of that monster’s breath. And the distance is so far, I even want to sense it. It’s hard to find him, so our only way is to catch up.”

You know, this is Inuyasha, not Dragon Ball. Compared with the warriors in the Dragon Ball world, the monsters in this world are really pitiful. Based on the anger of these poor monsters, if Mukuro could feel it from a long distance, Mukuro could almost challenge the god-tier officer.

Granny Maple, Inuyasha and the others saw that even Mukuro had no choice but to chase them on two legs as if in this way.

On this day, when they were passing a small mountain by boat, they suddenly saw a young girl hit by a black shadow and then fell from the mountain. Although there is water where she fell, which can offset most of the impact, but falling from such a high place is still life-threatening.

If the girl is just an ordinary person, she will almost die that day…

Ari was shocked and said, “Inuyasha! Mukuro! Find a way to save him! Only you can do such a thing!”

Inuyasha didn’t even think about it, so he refused, “Huh! I’m not interested. My task is to collect the jade of the four souls. Why should I save people?!”

“What if that monster has the jade of four souls?!”

During the quarrel between Ari and Inuyasha, the girl had fallen off, getting closer and closer to the surface of the water.

Mukuro really had no choice but to wave his hand and hit a repulsive force to dissolve the girl’s falling power, let her fall into the water, and then pull her onto the boat with gravity.

“Good convenient ability.”

Ari was dumbfounded and said, “Mukuro, can you teach me this ability?!”

“can not.”

Mukuro didn’t even think about it, but refused: “This kind of ability can’t be taught to others, not even a monster, let alone you, an ordinary human. If you have to learn, maybe the ability to fly is easier to learn.”


A Li suddenly became excited: “Flying is really more useful than this kind of ability?!”

As for his flying ability, Ari looked very much looking forward to it. In fact, Mukuro can also understand her feelings. To find the fragments of the jade of the four souls, she must travel a long distance in this era.

But this era is not modern after all, and there are no various means of transportation. 1.0

It is not easy for Ari to make long-distance movements here, even if Mukuro will help him sometimes. If she can learn the art of dancing, this problem will be solved.

Mukuro looked at Ari’s excitement and couldn’t help but wonder: “There is a precedent for ordinary humans to learn flying, but that human is also a master of martial arts among ordinary people. Even so, it took her more than ten days to learn. You are just an ordinary person, and I don’t know how long it will take you to learn.”

The person Mukuro is talking about is of course Bedel in the original Dragon Ball book.

However, Mukuro’s teaching ability should not be lower than that of Sun Gohan. It should be possible to teach Ariku Kongshu even if it takes a little longer.

So after a little hesitation, Mukuro readily agreed: “Okay, then I will teach you when I have time.”

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