Chapter 1079 The true face of the old monk

After Mukuro raised his doubts, not only the girls, but even Ari and Inuyasha were stunned. Obviously, they never thought about it again.

Mukuro shook his head and sighed, “It’s a miracle that you can live to this day with your kind of alertness.”

“Mukuro, did you find something? Is there anything wrong with that old monk?” Inuyasha asked in surprise.

“Forget it, even if I tell you now, you won’t believe it. It’s better to let you see it yourself.” Mukuro uses gravity to attract Inuyasha, Ari and others to his side, but he doesn’t want them to be really close to him. The distance between each other is about one meter. Then he resorted to the dance of the sky, leading everyone to the temple on the mountain in one breath, but he was not in the mood to take everyone up step by step.

The girl, Ari, etc. saw Mukuro’s methods and opened their eyes again.

In the eyes of monsters and humans in this world, being able to fly on their own is not a common ability, let alone a human being able to fly autonomously. On this basis, Mukuro actually let Inuyasha and the others fly into the sky without touching it. This is simply a fabulous ability!

They have not even heard of it.

Inuyasha, who had turned back to humans, was full of discomfort, and said: “It’s really hard to believe that you are a human. If I become a human, I will have this power, even if I never change back to a monster in the future?!”

Ari excitedly said, “Mukuro, if you teach me to fly, can I do the same thing in the future?!” Ari is obviously full of longing for the future.

Mukuro ruthlessly broke her illusion: “Don’t think about things too easily. After you learn how to dance, it’s good if you can fly fast. You might be able to fly with someone on your back. But if you lead someone like me, you’d better not even think about it.”

The reason why Mukuro can take people in the air now is because of the use of repulsion, which is of course not something they can learn. After flying back to the temple on the mountain with everyone, the girl immediately rushed forward, seeming to be really worried about the old monk.

Mukuro and the others walked in, only to see that the old monk was entangled in spider silk except his head. After seeing Mukuro and others come back, he stared at Inuyasha and said, “Lucky, I didn’t expect that today is how you half-demon turned back into a human. Now I can kill you with no effort.”

The girl was startled and said in a panic: “Master, what are you talking about?!”

“Don’t you understand?!”

Mukuro said slowly: “This old monk is just using you, even the identity of the monk is a disguise. He killed your father that day, and then pretended to save you and gain your trust. When Inuyasha pass by, use You lied to Inuyasha and the others. He was really lucky to have met today, otherwise he is not Inuyasha’s opponent.”

“How come?! He is the one who killed my father?!” The girl was very desperate.

The old bald donkey probably felt that the girl was useless, and honestly admitted: “Huh! You humans know so much, and I will be the first to eat you later. This is the first time I see a powerful human like you. Now, if you eat you, it will definitely strengthen me a lot.”

“Hey, even if you are not the first to find me, I will be the first to find you. Don’t worry.” Mukuro sneered and walked towards the old bald donkey slowly.

The old bald donkey didn’t seem to feel the threat yet, and even wrapped Mukuro with those spider silks, turning Mukuro into a big cocoon. The cocoon is round, only Mukuro’s head is still exposed, and his hands and feet seem to have been restrained.

The old bald donkey sneered and said, “Just now you said it was majestic. It turns out that you only have this kind of ability, which disappoints me too much.”

“Is this the binding power of your spider silk?!” Mukuro sneered disdainfully.

Yes, he was entangled with these spider silks deliberately, and wanted to see how powerful these spider silks restrained. Otherwise, at his speed, he can also avoid yawning.

When the spider silk came, Mukuro felt the power on it and was quite disappointed. Mukuro’s hands and feet struggled lightly, and the spider silks were like paper, and they broke all at once.

Mukuro slowly approached the old bald donkey: “Since you want to be disappointed, then I will let you down enough, your dreams are about to sink.”


Mukuro punched out and directly smashed part of the old bald donkey’s body. The body of the old bald donkey has become a huge spider web, and the head is in the very center of the spider web.

Mukuro’s fist slammed down, causing a huge hole in the spider web.

The old bald donkey yelled in panic: “You are not a human! You are definitely not a human! How can humans have such strong power?!”

Ari smiled and said to Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, look, Mukuro is so much stronger than you.”

Inuyasha snorted uncomfortably and did not speak.

During the conversation, Mukuro punched out a few more punches, making the old bald donkey’s injury more serious. However, after eating so many fists in a row, the old bald donkey seemed to have become accustomed to such attacks, and gradually calmed down: “What’s the use of your attacks like this?! My body can regenerate, you can’t kill me.”

When the old bald donkey’s heart moved, countless heads appeared on that huge spider web. Mukuro remembered that the original head was the key to the old bald donkey, and it was all due to Mukuro’s own play, and he didn’t attack at the beginning.

Now he doesn’t have the jade of the four souls on his body, and he can’t let Mukuro sense the position, and Mukuro doesn’t have the eyes of Ari. It is really troublesome to find the weakness.

The old bald donkey obviously felt it too, and said triumphantly: “How? What can you do with me now? You can’t kill me, but I can kill you slowly.”

“No, you can’t kill me, at best you can kill Inuyasha and the others when I can’t control them.”

Mukuro calmly said: “And, who said I can’t kill you? The energy in your body is definitely limited. As long as you attack slowly and exhaust your energy, you will always be unable to recover. Moreover, if I really want to kill you , There is no need to use that embarrassing method.”

“What do you mean?!” The old bald donkey was taken aback.

“Like this.”

Mukuro grabbed the huge cobweb with one hand, and then flew to the sky using the dance technique, bringing the cobweb to the sky as well. Mukuro stopped in midair, threw the spider web to a higher place, then gathered his hands around his waist and said, “As long as you are in the sky, you have nowhere to hide, eat my turtle pie qigong!”

Mukuro attacked Turtle School Qigong, and the azure light completely submerged the old bald donkey without leaving any dust. On the ground, Ari, Inuyasha and others looked at Mukuro’s powerful fighting style, and they were speechless.

This style of play… is too violent, right? !

To pull such a huge spider web into the sky, God knows how much power is needed? !

Inuyasha looked at Ari and asked seriously: “Ari, if you learn from him, will you become a female strongman in the future?!”

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