Chapter 1076 Evil spirit

Before Mukuro could express his disapproval or consent, Inuyasha already yelled excitedly.

He threw himself in front of A Li and shouted, “Didn’t you say that you would concentrate on helping us find the fragments of the jade of the four souls last time? How long will it take you to come back this time?!”

Inuyasha obviously couldn’t understand Ari’s approach at all.

In his opinion, collecting the fragments of the jade of the four souls is the most important thing. A Li’s running back to the modern world from time to time is simply not doing his job properly!

Of course, Ari was not convinced by this statement, and immediately quarreled with Inuyasha.

Mukuro was not in the mood to watch them quarrel, but interrupted helplessly, and said, “Let’s go, go back, it’s actually very simple. I’ll go back to the modern world with you this time. Maybe there will be monsters in the modern world. They must avoid hurting ordinary talents in the modern world.”

“Mukuro, why do you even agree with Ari?!” Inuyasha yelled.

But since even Mukuro agreed, Inuyasha had no choice but to acquiesce in this kind of thing even if he wanted to oppose it.

Mukuro grabbed Ari and Inuyasha by the shoulders, and Inuyasha grabbed Qibao’s head, and appeared in the village of Musashi no Nation in an instant.

The qi that can be sensed by Mukuro is of course the qi of Granny Maple.

The style mother-in-law saw Mukuro, Ari and others return, and she was taken aback for a moment, and then said, “Why are you back again? Is the collection of the jade of the four souls, or Ari is going back to her world again?!”

“The answer is obviously the latter.”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “The jade of the four souls was broken into hundreds and thousands of pieces by me. How can it be so easy to collect them? It’s just that Ari has something to do in her original world, so I sent her back. Anyway, I don’t know how long it will take to collect the jade of the four souls, and I can’t let Ali leave behind the things of the original world.”

After chatting for a while, Mukuro and Ari went back to modern times, while Inuyasha stayed in the Sengoku era.

Two days before returning to modern times, it was okay. On the third day, when Ari and the same were out of school, Mukuro was by his side, and suddenly discovered that there was a ghost of a little girl on the way hurting other children. It was a little girl in winter clothes. girl.

Mukuro had seen this plot a long time ago, and naturally knew that the little girl was a ghost burned to death by the fire.

She thought she was abandoned by her mother, so she remained in the world with resentment. If she can’t supersede her before she completely deteriorates, she will definitely bring great danger to the world.

Mukuro came back with Ari deliberately to see if his abilities could hurt the ghost. Probably the little girl hurt other children, and when she tried to escape, A Li hurried to catch up.

Mukuro stopped in front of the little girl at a faster speed and said: “Boy, don’t you know that your actions have hurt a lot of children? If you don’t restrain yourself, I’m afraid you will never be able to stay in this world, waiting for you There is only hell.”

“so what?!”

The little girl roared and rushed towards Mukuro.

Mukuro reached out his right hand, trying to catch her hand, but passed it through. At the same time, the little girl shot out a ball of flames, which made Mukuro feel a burst of heat. With Mukuro’s strength, this kind of temperature certainly can’t hurt him at all, but the fact that the little girl is a spiritual body without an entity is also very troublesome.

It seems that seeing the little girl is already the limit of Mukuro’s ability.

Obviously, Ari saw this and was surprised: “Even Mukuro can’t touch the ghost, what should I do? Do I have to go back to Inuyasha?!”

“It’s useless to go back to Inuyasha, he is a monster, and a different thing from a ghost.” Mukuro said helplessly, “We can only figure out the thing about that little girl slowly.”

During the conversation, the little girl had already run away.

Because the ghost has no energy, even Mukuro has no way to know the opponent’s location through the induction of Qi. However, he still vaguely remembers the plot, and there is no problem in providing some clues. Through some vague memories, Mukuro found the little girl’s mother and the little girl’s younger brother who had slept in the hospital for half a year.

When Mukuro and Ari walked into the room, the little girl’s mother was taken aback, and she was puzzled. It’s no wonder that she didn’t know Mukuro and Ari at all, but Mukuro and Ari suddenly appeared. She certainly didn’t understand why.

Just as Ari was about to explain, Mukuro stopped her and said, “I’m here to save your son.” Mukuro thought about it for a moment, and decided not to tell her about such an important thing, at least not now.

If this mother knew that her daughter had died because of her negligence, she would definitely blame herself very much. A son who was awake in the hospital had already placed a huge burden on her, and Mukuro couldn’t make it worse. Fortunately, as soon as Mukuro saw the child, he knew that he was almost healed, but the qi had not completely recovered, or the life energy had not been recovered. It’s like the warriors in the Dragon Ball world consume too much chi and become unconscious. With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Mukuro walked to the little boy, ready to lend him a little bit of his anger.

But before he really did it, the little boy’s mother stopped Mukuro suspiciously, “Who are you?!”

“I don’t know how to answer this question.” Mukuro said, “I can only tell you this. If you don’t let me help you, your son may not wake up for the rest of his life. 100% sure, but at least there is a certain hope to make him sober.”

Ari also helped say: “Trust us, if the doctor really has a way, he won’t fall asleep for half a year for so long.” In fact, whether the mother agrees or not, Mukuro is ready to forcibly infuse the air into the boy’s body.

Because this mother rescued her son from the fire, her dead daughter will always resent her brother. This younger brother has been unable to wake up, which must account for a considerable part of the reason. If the little boy can be rescued, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the little girl’s ghost.

So as soon as Ari’s voice fell, Mukuro had already sneaked over to the little boy with super speed, and put his hand on the little boy. With the infusion of breath, the little boy’s breath suddenly strengthened and stabilized a lot.

He opened his eyes suspiciously, looked at Mukuro and asked, “Who are you?! What happened?!”

The little boy had just spoken, and the mother had already jumped over excitedly.

Mukuro gave her the position, thinking of another thing in his mind.

If the little boy couldn’t wake up all the time because of the little girl’s ghost, and Mukuro’s qi could forcibly rescue the little boy, would it be effective if Mukuro attacked the little girl with his qi? It’s just with the strength of Mukuro’s aura, if it really works, the little girl will have to be out of soul.

“Mukuro! Back!” Mukuro was thinking, when Ari suddenly reminded him loudly. Mukuro looked back quickly and saw that the little girl rushed up fiercely and pushed the shelf with the hanging bottle towards Mukuro.

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