Chapter 1075 Crazy flying

“This question is a bit difficult to answer.” After Mukuro pondered for a moment, he said, “If you have to use a metaphor, it’s probably no different from ordinary people, or it’s not much different from ants. Anyway, it can be killed with one trick. If Inuyasha is allowed to come over, he can also easily kill the sky in a second, because you two are too weak.”

A Li snorted depressed and stopped talking.

She has become accustomed to being beaten by Mukuro.

Qibao was dissatisfied and said, “Huh! I don’t believe that half-demon is so powerful.”

Mukuro looked towards Inuyasha, and saw that Inuyasha was still fighting Feitian fiercely. Feitian’s body was not hurt at all, but Inuyasha’s body had been stained red with blood, and it really didn’t look like a strong man.

But in terms of facial expressions, Feitian is much more ferocious.

After seeing Mantian being killed, Feitian roared angrily: “Mantian! You bastards! How dare you kill my little brother, I can’t spare you! I want you all to bury him with him.”

Feitian left Inuyasha and rushed towards Mukuro.

Inuyasha was in a hurry, and hurried to catch up with him: “Wait! Your opponent is me!”

Ari relaxedly said, “This fool, he wants to find the strongest Mukuro to fight.”

Feitian is worthy of being a flying monster, sprinting very fast, and he rushed to Mukuro in the blink of an eye. However, instead of attacking Mukuro immediately, he bypassed Mukuro and pounced on the corpses all over the sky.

A Li froze for a moment, and said, “What’s going on with him? Doesn’t he want to avenge his brother?!”

On the side, Qibao was equally curious and said: “He wants to cry for his brother, can’t he wait until he wins? It must be because he knows that he can’t win.”

“Where did you all want to go?!”

Mukuro was a little bit ridiculous: “Feitian is trying to absorb his brother’s demon power. After adding two powerful demon powers together, Feitian’s strength improvement is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Fortunately, I just added Mantian’s body. The fragments of the jade of the four souls are destroyed, otherwise the sky will definitely become stronger.”

At the same time, Feitian had already cut out Mantian’s heart and gushed it into his mouth.

Every time he takes a bite, the qi in his body becomes stronger. Even if A Li and Qi Bao couldn’t sense the qi, they could still see the demon qi light emerging from Feitian’s body getting stronger and stronger.

A Li said anxiously: “Since you know what he wants to do, why don’t you stop him?!”

“Because there is no need.” Mukuro said calmly: “They are not really strong. Even if two powerful forces are superimposed on each other, it is of no use. A group of ants united, but still no match for the dinosaurs.” Mukuro said. Just after landing, Feitian had eaten up all the hearts of the sky and stood up again.

And Inuyasha has also caught up and stood beside Mukuro.

Mukuro smiled and asked, “Inuyasha, do you still decide to challenge him?! Have you considered the consequences?!”

“Think about it.” Inuyasha said firmly, “You all step back and give this place to me. Then there will be a waste of demon power. What are you afraid of?!”

Mukuro stopped talking, and backed away directly protecting Qibao and Ari.

Ari said anxiously, “Mukuro, is Inuyasha really okay?! Feitian looks a lot stronger.”

“Human named Mukuro, are you really not going to help?!” Qibao worried.

Mukuro knew that they were all worried about Inuyasha. In their eyes, Inuyasha was only a half-demon, and half of human blood would weaken his power. At least in the eyes of the monsters, this is the case. Faced with a purebred monster with a jade of four souls, of course they were very worried.

Mukuro calmly said: “If you are worried about Inuyasha’s safety, you can give Inuyasha the jade of the four souls on your hand, well… so that he will become stronger, so it won’t be a problem.”


In the light and flint, Inuyasha has already fought with Feitian.

Inuyasha restored Iron Broken Teeth to the state of the demon sword, and kept slashing against the spear in Feitian’s hand, and on the surface it was a tie. But no matter how you look at it, Feitian is much easier than Inuyasha.

If this continues, Inuyasha’s defeat will only happen sooner or later.

Mukuro said calmly: “Flying lightning is too strong, even Inuyasha can’t hold it. Now, if you want to win, the only way to win is probably a life-for-life style of play. It depends on who first admits it.”

“What is the life-for-life style of play?!” A Li couldn’t understand.

Mukuro explained: “The so-called exchange of life for life is exchange of injury for injury. Because Fei Tian’s power is above Inuyasha and possesses the jade of four souls, if you fight a protracted battle, the loser must be Inuyasha. But if you use injury, Changing the injury depends on whose body can’t hold it first, and Inuyasha still has some chance of winning.”

“But didn’t you say that Inuyasha’s power is not as good as the opponent? How can you fight?” Ari asked.

“Even so, if Inuyasha wants to win by his own strength, this is the only way.” Mukuro reluctantly said: “Although the strength is not as good as the opponent, the clothes on Inuyasha have a very strong defense force, and the opponent’s thunder and lightning. Attacks are not easy to kill. As long as Inuyasha can chop off the opponent’s head with iron shards, there will be no problem.”

“It turns out there is this way.” Inuyasha heard Mukuro’s voice from a distance, and immediately grinned and said, “Let me see how powerful your lightning strikes are!”

Inuyasha really believed Mukuro’s words, and he attacked Feitian desperately, completely undefended.

Feitian laughed coldly: “The human being says anything casually, you just take it seriously, this is the sorrow of the half-demon, do you think your knife will be useful to me?!” Feitian held the spear in front of him, Trying to resist Inuyasha’s broken teeth, and at the same time let the lightning densely cover the spear.

At least Inuyasha’s knife was slashed up, and the lightning would spread along the iron shards to Inuyasha’s body, but Inuyasha didn’t mean to evade at all, and the iron shards in his hand slashed fiercely. The spear that flew into the sky under the sharp edge of iron teeth was like tofu, and it was suddenly short in two.

Inuyasha’s iron shattered teeth were cast unabated, and Feitian’s head was directly split in half.

Feitian stunned: “How come?!”

It’s just that he hasn’t really reacted yet, he is already dead.

Ari was startled first, and then overjoyed: “It’s successful! Mukuro! You are so accurate, Inuyasha can really kill this guy!”

Qibao nodded again and again and said: “It’s really worthy of being a human that even I admire, and his eyes are vicious.”

Mukuro punched Qibao’s head and said: “You kid don’t put gold on your face. Inuyasha’s broken teeth are somehow his father left behind. It is not an ordinary weapon. If it was Lian Feitian’s unknown long spear. Can’t fight, is it worthy of his father’s attention?! This kind of thing can be understood as soon as I think about it.”

A Li thought for a while and said, “You make sense, but in the battle, who can calmly think about such an important thing?!”

After a pause, Ari smiled again and said, “Mukuro, won’t you teleport? Can you send me back to the country of Musashi? I have another exam in the last few days.”

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