Chapter 1042 Annoying opponent

Mukuro succeeded in causing trouble, and he felt quite comfortable.

He stayed quietly in the middle of the ring to observe the situation, only to see that the warriors of other universes were afraid of his strength and did not dare to approach the center of the ring at all. Even if they occasionally need to chase opponents and pass by, they will deliberately detour, and some courageous fighters dare not even look at Mukuro.

Mukuro felt a sense of accomplishment at first, but slowly, he felt bored.

He yawned and said, “Am I doing too much? There is not even an opponent who dares to challenge us. Are we going to wait until the end of the game?”

Gohan laughed nonsensely: “Ms. Mukuro, don’t make trouble, it’s a great thing that no one will challenge you.”


At this moment, Mukuro heard a faint sound of breaking through the air, which was not loud in the ring.

He almost thought that he had heard it wrong.

Because there are constant battles around the ring, the sound of fighting and the sound of qigong wave explosions are mixed together, like thunder in the sky.

The mere sound of breaking through the air in such a loud noise is really insignificant. Just when Mukuro was about to ignore it, he saw a heart-shaped energy bomb blasting over quickly.

There was a huge fragment of the arena standing in the direction where the energy bomb flew, which was the result of powerful fighters destroying the arena. After the fragments in the ring, Mukuro felt an aura that was no weaker than Super Saiyan III, and he wanted to be the one who hit the energy bomb. Mukuro sneered disdainfully, and then began to deal with the energy bomb. The energy bounced on the protective shield set by Mukuro’s repulsive force, stalemate for a moment, and then flew back at a faster speed.

The fragments of the standing arena were suddenly shattered by the energy bomb, and a pink figure rushed out of the smoke and dust of the explosion.

“Hey! You people in Universe Seven don’t understand Lianxiangxiyu!” The figure rushing out angrily accused.

It was a woman in a pink dress, let’s be regarded as a woman… Her skirt was light green at the bottom, and her boots and gloves were yellowish. On the surface, she seemed to be a beautifully dressed woman. But she is very short, and her waist circumference is more exaggerated than her height.

Mukuro compares her thigh with her arm, and feels even more ashamed: “The word Lianxiangxiyu… Fortunately you can say it, spicy eyes.”

Mukuro wanted to cry without tears: “Even if we treat you as a woman, do you think that the act of sneak attack just now is enough for a lady? I just retaliate normally, you don’t want to roll around in front of me.”

Mukuro raised his hand and shot out a gas bullet unceremoniously.


The gas bomb blasted a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter in the ring. If the female meat mountain hides a little bit slower, it will definitely be injured.

Mukuro said faintly, “I remember your name is Brian? You can’t see that your body is clumsy, but your movements are very sensitive.”

“It’s Brian De Chateau!” Brian said furiously: “You people in Universe Seven are too vulgar, you don’t have any gentleman spirit, and you attacked me!”

“No, then raid, because you saw my attack, so it’s not stealing.”

Mukuro corrected: “Speaking of the spirit of a gentleman in the arena that determines the life and death of the universe, it is not a gentleman, but a fool. And I just repay the debt to you, you attacked our seventh universe, I didn’t have time to fight back.”

“The Qigong wave you just bounced back, wasn’t it?” Brian angrily pointed to the broken ring fragment behind him.

“But your gas bomb is not my attack. It’s just that you are incompetent and unable to make the attack work.” Mukuro sneered coldly.

Mukuro and Brian entangled for a while, and didn’t intend to continue.

He was messing around with Brian just now, just because he stopped hands for too long and felt bored, and desperately needed someone to pass the time.

But against opponents like Brian, Mukuro still feels boring and cute.

He turned into Super Saiyan II, kicked his feet and attacked Brian like an arrow from the string. On his way to Brian, Mukuro saw Brian turn around and bent his back to Mukuro. , As if to fart at Mukuro.

Mukuro was shocked and stepped on the ring with his right foot, and he stomped on a scratch to stop the momentum.

I couldn’t help but vomit: “It’s dangerous, I almost punched her, even if she succeeds in hitting her off the ring, I will definitely be sick for a lifetime.”


At this moment, Brian twisted the waist of the bucket, turned around and threw a wink at Mukuro, and another heart-shaped energy bounce shot out.

Mukuro quickly jumped up to avoid him, thinking about how to fight back, and saw two qigong waves attacking from the left and right. It turns out that there are two warriors lurking in the Second Universe, waiting for Mukuro’s chance to jump up and attack.

The woman in blue on the right laughed and said, “Haha, you can’t fly in the arena of the power conference. I see how you can avoid the attack!”

The girl in yellow clothes on the left was also excited and said: “The most powerful person in the seventh universe is dealt with, and our universe has one less rival!”

Listening to their tone, it seems that Mukuro can’t get out…

Mukuro sneered and said, “Have you not carefully observed my previous battles?! If I get out so easily, no one will dare to provoke Universe Seven.” The woman’s attack was counteracted, and she turned over and returned to Monkey King.

“Ms. Mukuro, how do you return?” Monkey King said strangely: “People in the Second Universe must have watched us relax before they suddenly attacked. I don’t know how many eyes are staring at us. If we show weakness to the Second Universe. , People who think we’re a bully will surely rush up again.”

“Mukuro, what do you want to do?!”

Piccolo asked equally curiously: “It’s not like you would do something to take the initiative to retreat.”

“I know.”

Mukuro’s scalp numb: “But the one named Brian is so disgusting. The thought of punching her body fat on her body makes it very uncomfortable. Anyway, that guy has only the second level of Super Saiyan fighting power. There is no problem for Gohan to go up.”

Mukuro pushed Gohan’s back: “You should also contribute to the seventh universe, go to the battle.”

“Let me do it!”

Wukong suddenly turned over from the rear and said, “From the beginning of the 4.4 Strength Conference to the present, I haven’t fought seriously, and I want to fight the strong!”

Without waiting for Mukuro to agree or disagree, Wukong can’t wait to rush out.

Mukuro smiled bitterly and shook his head, letting Gohan go back.

Maybe Wukong is really about to be suffocated, even the second-level opponent of Super Saiyan will not let go.

But if he can help Mukuro get rid of Brian, of course it would be great.

“Mukuro-sensei, dad is okay?!” Gohan worried: “There are only two warriors coming out of the second universe. I’m worried that there are seven others hiding in the dark, but I don’t feel their anger.”

Mukuro sensed the surrounding situation and did not find the anger of the other fighters, and said calmly: “It’s okay, even if they really have a way to hide their anger, I can stop them the moment they make a move.”

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