Chapter 1043 The Seventeenth

Goku transforms into Super Saiyan II, and immediately fights with Brian and the other three.

Wukong uses the power of Super Saiyan II to fight one against three. Although his combat experience prevents him from losing, he is still very strenuous. However, it can be seen that he enjoyed this battle very much, otherwise he could end everything in an instant with the full power of Super Saiyan Blue.

Seeing that Sun Wu’s battle would not end for a while, Mukuro said lightly:

“Number seventeen! Be careful!”

Gohan and the others froze for a moment, then looked back, only to see Number 17 standing at the back of the team. This guy is unfamiliar with the Dragon Ball fighters, and he has a quiet nature, and doesn’t mix with the fighters.

When everyone looked at him, they saw another soldier from the Second Universe rushing at extreme speed, leaving only an afterimage in the air.

“Fast speed! I can’t see clearly! Who is that?”

“I can’t feel her anger at all. Is it hidden? What a great skill.”

“Such a fighter is a perfect killer. It’s a shame that Mukuro can find her.”

Between the lightning and flint, the soldier had already rushed to the vicinity of the seventeenth.

Her actions are as sensitive as a leopard, with 16 lightly tapped on the toes of the ring. She, who was originally on the left of the 17th, slipped behind the 17th and kicked the back of the 17th’s neck.

The kick was quick and fierce, and even Mukuro and others, who were several meters away, heard a clear sound of breaking through the air.

“It seems that few people who can go to the power conference are mediocre.” Mukuro smiled lightly, not nervous at all.

Although Gohan and the others wondered why Mukuro wasn’t worried, they didn’t intervene indiscriminately when Mukuro was so calm.


Just when the female soldier was about to hit the number seventeen, she opened her hands on the seventeenth, the whole person was in a big font, and she opened the protective cover. The female soldier kicked on the protective shield, but was shocked by her own strength.

“What a strong shield, it hurts.”

The female soldier clutched her right foot: “Did you deliberately lead me to attack?! Why didn’t you open the protective shield earlier?!”

“Are you people in the Second Universe so naive?” No.17 said coldly, “What good is it for me to open the shield early? If you see the shield, you will definitely attack other people in our universe.”

“Really?! You are quite thinking of your companions in the seventh universe, but they don’t think about you.” The female soldier endured the pain to provoke divorce and said: “They see you being attacked, and none of them are willing to help you.”

“That’s because they believe in my strength.”

On the 17th, he gave a cold snort, put away the protective shield, and took the initiative to attack the female soldier.

However, the action of the female warrior is really fast and fast, the attack on the 17th is only a little bit obvious, and she has already moved away like a monkey.

On the 17th, he rushed at full speed, just wasting his strength in the ring. Relying on her high speed, the female warrior kept moving around the 17th, and attacked from time to time, making the 17th lose sight of one another.

In a short while, the clothes on the 17th were drawn into linen strips by the female soldier, but the 17th could not even touch the female soldier’s hair.

In desperation, the 17th had to open the protective cover again.

“It seems that No.17 is not his opponent.” Gohan worried. “Ms. Mukuro, should I go over and help him?”

“You are not particularly good at speed, but that woman specializes in speed. You don’t become Super Saiyan Blue. How sure can you handle her speed?!”

Mukuro didn’t agree, but instead asked Gohan.

Gohan was startled, lowered his head and stopped talking.

He knew this point, he must have, just relying on the speed of an ordinary Super Saiyan, he couldn’t cope with a female warrior.

After all, the speed of the 17th itself is faster than that of ordinary fighters, but its strength is slightly inferior to that of fighters of the same level. Since even the speed of the 17th was lost, it was useless for everyone else to go up.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Don’t worry about the 17th, trust the strength of your companion, he must have a way.”

As the battle continued, the 17th gradually showed an expression of pain and exhaustion, the light of the protective shield became dimmed, and his hands and feet were trembling.

Although the female warriors of the Second Universe consume a lot of physical energy when attacking, they are much better than those on the seventeenth.

Piccolo frowned and said with a puzzled look: “Mukuro…”

“shut up!”

Mukuro suddenly shouted, “You don’t need to say anything, you can understand by reading it.”

Mukuro knew that Piccolo had already seen the problem. There was a permanent energy furnace in the body of No. 17, and his energy was endless. To say that he couldn’t hold on because of excessive physical exertion, that was a big joke.

However, the female soldier didn’t know the details, but was very excited. When the protective shield on the seventeenth disappeared, she swooped toward the seventeenth like an eagle hunting for food, already doing her best.

At this moment, a successful smile appeared on No.17’s face, and waves of qigong were shot out, and the dense attack network immediately enveloped the female soldier, sending her out of the ring in one breath.

“Sure enough,” Piccolo said, “How can Seventeen feel tired? He is just acting. But Mukuro, it’s amazing that you can see through Seventeen’s tricks at a glance.”

“Ms. Mukuro didn’t let us intervene because of seeing through No.17’s plan? How did you see it?” Gohan looked dumbfounded.

The seventeenth who knocked the female warrior into the air also looked back at Mukuro and said, “I asked myself that I didn’t show any flaws. I didn’t expect you to see through it.”

“As long as you understand your situation, it is easy to make such an inference, who makes you impossible to get tired.” Mukuro smiled lightly. Although Mukuro is humble, he actually understands in his heart that this kind of thing can’t be done by understanding the seventeenth.

Even though the Dragon Ball fighters all know the situation of Seventeen, they can hardly think of that aspect if they have barely been in 480 with Seventeen, or even if they know, they don’t know whether the permanent energy furnace will recover their physical strength. Put a burden on the body of the seventeenth.

At the same time, Wukong was also fierce, blasting out all the battles except Brian in one breath. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Wukong said:

“It’s been a long time since I had such a fun playing, Mukuro, will you leave the remaining woman to me too?!”

Mukuro said nonchalantly: “I don’t have as strong a fighting interest as you. If you have the ability, I have no opinion on removing all the players from the ring.”


Brian threw a smoke bomb on the ground, put aside his cruel words, and walked away. Believe that she knows her situation, there are already three people in the Second Universe in the hands of Mukuro and others. If she doesn’t run, then she will be the fourth.

Of course, if Mukuro wanted to hunt down her, it would be easy.

But Mukuro didn’t know if the other party had the intention of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain. If they really wanted to entice Mukuro and then attack the Turtle Immortal, the consequences would be disastrous.

So Mukuro acquiesced in his departure and continued to stick to the center of the ring.

I don’t know when, although the warriors of other universes still fear Mukuro, they seem to spend more and more time looking at the seventh universe.

Just when Mukuro was secretly surprised, the guy in Universe Eleven who looked very much like Birus came to the door.

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