Chapter 1041 Kell runaway

“What is Kell doing?! How come you attack us together?!”

“Calyfula! Kel only listens to you, so you can quickly find a way to stop her! If her messes up, our universe will die.”

“Do you think I don’t want to stop?! But Kyle has lost his mind and can’t hear me!”

Under the attack of Kel’s green energy bombs, the warriors of the Sixth Universe jumped like frogs, evading flexibly, and even Hitt was embarrassed.

Fortunately, under such an attack, the warriors of other universes can’t get close, otherwise they will definitely be smashed.

The ring at their feet has been devastated by Kail and has been riddled with holes.

Mukuro opened the repelling shield and calmly stood aside and said, “It’s just Kell’s unconscious attack. Although the attack range is large, the strength is very poor. However, if your fighters in the sixth universe are hit, they should inevitably be injured. .”

“You seem to have a way to ignore the attacks of these energy bombs.”

Hitt suddenly said: “Don’t you take the opportunity to attack us?! For you, this is a good opportunity. We will definitely have holes in avoiding energy bombs.”

“You are right, but there is no need.”

Mukuro said frankly: “If I really want you to be out of the sixth universe, I don’t need to take advantage of this opportunity. I am alone. But you don’t seem to want to fight with me. That leaves you with the power to consume other universes. , It’s good for us too, isn’t it?”

“You can say your thoughts so easily.” Hitt smiled bitterly: “In your eyes, we are just pawns?! You are not afraid that the final winner will be our universe?!”

“As long as you have the ability.” Mukuro said nonchalantly.

At the same time, Kel’s attack has spread to the ring of the entire power conference.

The ring of the power conference is not particularly big, at least for fighters of their level, it is easy to attack every corner of the ring.

The warriors of other universes were fired by the map cannon by Kell, and they were already yelling at them with anger.

Mukuro looked specifically towards the Eleventh Universe, only to see a warrior with very long ears similar to Birus, jumping up and down while complaining:

“What is that muscular girl in Universe Six?! Does it make sense to waste physical energy like this?!”

Pushing the huge palm up and down, he said to the side: “Leave her alone. She attacks randomly and can help us clean up opponents with low combat effectiveness. However, there is a time limit for the power conference, and she can’t attack even if she plays indiscriminately. A chance to solve her.”

“no need.”

Gillian, who looks a lot like the alien in the minds of the people on Earth, said: “The fighters that can be kept up to now are not waste. It is impossible to be hit by this kind of attack. I will solve her.”

At the same time, Kel’s gas bombs continued to hit the surroundings, many of them blasted towards Ji Lian.

But I don’t know why, as long as the gas bombs get close to Ji Lian, they will avoid them as if they had eyes.

Gillian aimed at Kel and shot out a golden gas bullet.

In the arena of this power conference, Gillian is definitely one of the people that Mukuro cares most about, so he pays special attention to Gillian’s shots.

When Gillian fired the gas bomb, Mukuro felt that the speed and power of the gas bomb were properly controlled.

In other words, Gillian’s own strength must be the same as Mukuro’s Super Saiyan God, the Blue God’s full power, possessing the ability to kill Kell in seconds, but because the killing will lead to a loss, Gillian can control his power to ensure Kell will not die.

It is not easy to do this kind of thing.

The gas bomb hit Kel’s body, and even if Kel was in the upgraded Super Saiyan form, he was forcibly knocked out.

Her map artillery attack also stopped.

“Seeing that your Sixth Universe is so troublesome, we settle the accounts.” Mukuro said lightly: “But I will still trouble Frost, so you can do it yourself.”

For Mukuro, the Sixth Universe is still valuable, and there is no need to clear it out for the time being.

Moreover, Kel’s runaway can be said to be caused by him, and the soldiers of the sixth universe have suffered a lot because of this, and Kel’s map artillery attack has attracted a lot of hatred. When Mukuro leaves, it is estimated that many fighters will hate the sixth universe because of the attack just now and find trouble with the sixth universe.

Of course Mukuro’s anger that Klin was out was gone.

He ran towards Ji Lian, stopped in front of Ji Lian and said, “Why stun Kale?! Isn’t she good for your universe to attack her indiscriminately?!”

“I want you to be nosy?!”

Ji Lian said coldly: “If you don’t want to be cleaned up by me, just get out. I’m not interested in you.”

“The tone is arrogant enough, but I don’t know if your true strength is worthy of your arrogance.”

Since Gillian’s attitude is so bad, Mukuro also sneered: “It’s not the time for us to fight, I hope you can stay until the end, don’t be yelled to death by Xiaoxiao.”

“To each other.” Gillian still said coldly: “If it’s not for the fighters who need you to clean up other universes, I can get you out of the game right away.”

“I’ll give you the same thing.” Mukuro sneered and turned to leave.

Mukuro’s thinking is indeed the same as that of Gillian. There are a total of 80 contestants in the arena, and it would be very tiring to clear them by their own strength.

If Mukuro were to fight Gillian now, he might lose both sides and make a third party cheaper, so they stopped tacitly.

Mukuro returned to the middle of the ring and said: “It seems that it can be peaceful for a while. The Sixth Universe has helped us pull away a lot of hatred. Gillian’s first appearance has also made other universes aware of the threat of the Eleventh Universe. The gaze that falls on us , It should be reduced a lot.”

“Mukuro-sensei, you left just because of this?!”

Gohan admired: “I didn’t expect Mukuro-teacher to count so far, so I can divert everyone’s attention with a little trick.”

“Although I don’t understand your thoughts, but you did a good job.” Piccolo laughed: “Just keep working hard like this, and the final victory will definitely belong to us.”

Mukuro wiped his nose with a dry smile, feeling embarrassed.

At first, he went to trouble with the sixth universe, just to vent his depression, and at the same time let others know that it would cost him to provoke the seventh universe.

Everything that happened later was just a coincidence.

But Sun Gohan thought it was Mukuro’s magical calculation.

With a cheeky face, Mukuro silently took the gaze of Gohan’s worship.

“Well done, you really deserve to be Mukuro!” Birus said excitedly: “There is a Mukuro in our universe, which makes me worry a lot!”

“Master Billus, didn’t you hate Mukuro before? Because you can’t destroy him.”

Weiss said with a faint smile: “And Master Billus, don’t be too ostentatious. If other universes notice Mukuro again, Mukuro will definitely ask you to settle the account afterwards.”

Birus was shocked and quickly closed his mouth.

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