Chapter 1040 Another super saiyan


Mukuro took Califra’s fist with a palm, without shaking her body.

For him, the impact of Kalifula’s fist is not bad, but the lethality can only be said to be average, and it can’t even make Mukuro feel pain. As Super Saiyan II, Calvura’s strength is not even a bit different from him. This may be because Calvura has been transformed into Super Saiyan II not long ago, but Mukuro is already in the realm of the Master God.

Mukuro said indifferently: “This is your full power? You really disappointed me. Gabe brought the method of transforming into Super Saiyan back to the Sixth Universe. You will immediately transform into Super Saiyan 2, and I thought you were He is a genius, so it was only at this level.”


Kalivra furiously said: “Dare to look down upon me, I will make you pay the price!”

Calvura burst into anger, the golden light on her body was at least several times stronger, and another punch came.

Mukuro took her fist with a palm again, and still didn’t even move her body: “Okay, very good. The power of this fist is indeed much stronger than before. Even my palm is a little numb, but it’s only this level. That’s it. If you can’t come up with stronger power, then I will send you out.”

“Impossible!!” Calvula’s pupils contracted: “Everyone is a second-order Super Saiyan, why is there such a big difference in power?!”

“The same normal Saiyan can have 577 points of strength and weakness. Why can’t Super Saiyan II be strong or weak?!” Mukuro asked, “Your strength is not strong enough just because you don’t have the correct way to become strong by the Master. .”


Mukuro punched again and blasted Califora again.

After taking Mukuro’s two heavy punches in succession, Califra’s left cheek was already swollen, and blood flowed down the corners of her mouth. Mukuro chased her up, stuck her neck and lifted her up, and said, “There is no grudge between us, and I don’t want to torture you too much, please get out of the game.”

Mukuro is about to throw Califra out of the ring.

“Don’t bully my sister!”

At this moment, Mukuro felt a very powerful qi approaching him, and at the same time it brought a terrifying sense of oppression. Mukuro looked in the direction of Qi, and saw that the dark-skinned and weak-tempered girl in the sixth universe suddenly turned into a super Saiyan, her body suddenly became tall and burly, and she was totally different from the previous super Saiyan, her super Saiyan. The form is very different from Mukuro.

When Mukuro transforms into a Super Saiyan, his hair will turn golden, and his eyes will turn green. The same goes for Goku and his son.

But the super Saiyan the girl turned into couldn’t see the eyeballs, and her pale eyes looked terrifying. Her hair is between green and blonde, and the muscles on her body are swollen like the third stage of Super Saiyan, but the intensity of her Qi has approached Super Saiyan II and is increasing.

“This is the legendary Super Saiyan form?! Interesting.” Mukuro dropped Califra to face the legendary female Super Saiyan.


Mukuro punched the opponent hard and felt a very powerful impact. Her fists seemed to become extremely hard, and the touch was far different from ordinary fighters.

Of course, her current strength is still not as good as Super Saiyan II.

Mukuro added strength to his hand and easily knocked the legendary female Super Saiyan back.

“Kel!” Calvura was taken aback and said: “Don’t hurt Kel! Didn’t you promise not to hurt the other people in our universe?”

“Hehe, she took the initiative to attack me, do you want me to show mercy to her men?” Mukuro sneered disdainfully, “I am not a saint, and this Kelly is not necessarily weaker than you.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Kel rushed up again, stronger than before.

Suddenly, Mukuro had a guess that this kind of Super Saiyan was obviously a variant of the general Super Saiyan.

Its power is far stronger than the average Super Saiyan. Could it be that Kale didn’t control his sensibility when he transformed and caused him to run wild? ! Although ordinary Super Saiyans are also transformed because of anger, but Sun Wukong and others retain their sanity when they transform, so the price is that their strength is slightly weakened? !

Of course, this is only Mukuro’s guess, and the specific truth cannot be studied.

Seeing Kel’s fist quickly magnified in front of his eyes, Mukuro fisted to meet him again, already using the ultimate power of Super Saiyan II.

In order to increase his lethality, he first used gravity to speed up Kel’s offensive speed, and at the moment when Kel’s attack was implemented, he changed gravity to repulsive force, allowing two diametrically opposed forces to act on Kel’s body. Coupled with Mukuro’s own power, the real force exerted on Kale is hard to imagine.


When Mukuro’s fist and Kel’s fist banged against each other, a terrifying force spread along the arm, paralyzing Mukuro’s right body, and at the same time he couldn’t help but back three steps.

Every time he took a step back, he would leave tens of centimeters deep footprints on the ring, and the sharp parts of the ring fragments cut his pants into twists. Had it not been for his energy and repulsive power to protect himself, he would have been completely wounded.

Although Mukuro’s use of gravity increased the damage to Kel, he himself had to bear a lot of pressure.


Mukuro heartily sighed: “Obviously it is only the first tier of Super Saiyan, but already possesses such a powerful strength and such a strong physique. If you continue to transform, your combat effectiveness will definitely be unimaginable. It’s a pity that you are like this. The transformation is not the right way, it is impossible to go to Ultimate.”

Mukuro said that Kyle’s body is strong because he discovered when he fisted him that such a powerful force didn’t hurt her too much.

If the ordinary Super Saiyan Tier 1 bears such an impact, he must have broken bones and tendons, but Kell just opened a few wounds on his fist. For a warrior who has been fighting for a long time, such a small injury is not a serious injury at all.

And Mukuro believes that it is impossible for such power to reach Ultimate because of reason.

For a fighter, strength is important, but a clear mind is more important than strength.

If she loses her mind like Kel, even if she has a more powerful power than Super Saiyan Blue Full Power, once she fights, the planet she is on will be destroyed because she can’t withstand such power. A Saiyan who cannot survive in the universe is waiting to die in this situation.

After a brief confrontation with Mukuro, Kell flew back again, but she jumped up again and screamed as if she was okay.

Even in this arena where flying cannot be used, she was forced to stay in the air with her explosive air, her body bursting with dazzling green light, and at the same time, green air bombs flew around. The soldiers in the vicinity suddenly fell to the blood mold, even the soldiers of the Sixth Universe were no exception.

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