Chapter 1039 Settle accounts

“You guys defend the middle of the ring first, I have something small to deal with.” After some consideration, Mukuro solemnly instructed the Dragon Ball fighters.

The soldiers were surprised, all staring at Mukuro with wide-eyed eyes, with a puzzled look on their faces.

Even if they don’t speak, Mukuro can understand what they mean. Because at the beginning, it was Mukuro who asked to stick to the middle of the ring, and it was Mukuro who asked everyone to unite and fight together. But now Mukuro is going to leave alone, they feel puzzled, and at the same time they are curious about what Mukuro wants to do is normal.

Especially in the juncture that Klin just eliminated, the departure of Mukuro may make them panic.

But even so, Mukuro had to leave.

“Ms. Mukuro, I know you must have your own reasons for doing this.” Sun Gohan said, “But, can’t you tell us the reason?! Maybe we can help you.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to explain, but the time is too late. The power conference is only forty-five minutes. You can’t waste precious time explaining this kind of thing.” Mukuro smiled lightly and moved away instantly.

“What the hell does Mukuro want to do?! This is not like his style.” Piccolo asked strangely.

“I don’t know.” Son Gohan said helplessly: “But I guess it has something to do with Frost. Just now the Tenth Universe provoke us, Mukuro directly let them out of the Universe. Now Flotes knocks Klin out. If Ms. Mukuro does not retaliate, then he is not Ms. Mukuro I know.”

I have to say that Gohan knows Mukuro well, and what he said is the truth.

Mukuro instantly moved to the camp of the sixth universe, and greeted Hitt with the Saiyans of the sixth universe: “It’s been a long time since everyone, since the sixth universe and the seventh universe, we haven’t played against each other for a long time. Why not take this opportunity and let us get together?!”

Hitt once fought Mukuro personally, and knew how terrifying Mukuro’s strength was, and he was like a big enemy. The other fighters of the sixth universe did not know what Mukuro’s power is, and they were eager to try.

A female Saiyan with a wild hairstyle akimbo her hips and said: “Mukuro of the seventh universe? I heard Gabe say about you, you seem to be a very powerful warrior. But you ran to our sixth universe all by yourself. Do you really know how to write dead words? Do you think you can hit ten of us one at a time?!”

The yellow bear named Potamo said in a deep voice, “He seems to move instantaneously. He may dare to come over because he thinks he can escape at any time. You have to be optimistic, don’t let him run away. Just defeat this Mukuro. Saiyan, the seventh universe will lose.”

“Ten people?!” Mukuro glanced at the soldiers of the sixth universe and sneered. He only saw nine people here, and the fellow Frost knew where to sneak. Of course, if Mukuro goes to war with all the fighters of the Sixth Universe, a hit is a little threatening, and Frost does not exist or not.

Mukuro said indifferently: “I just came here to find Frost to settle the accounts. I am not going to send you out immediately because of the fact that Xiangpa and Birus are brothers. But since Frost is not here, I can only ask Everyone in Universe Six collects debts. How about you choose one person to get out of the game, let’s settle the two?!”

“Huh! Is it too late to speak softly now?! Don’t even think about leaving since you are here, who makes you the biggest threat to our universe.”

“It turned out to be just a useless person who was bullied by Frost. You can’t even handle Frost. Do you want to settle the account with us?!”

“To shut up!!”

Hit suddenly yelled out: “You idiots! What good is it for us to provoke Mukuro for no reason? Let the pride team of the eleventh universe fight him, let’s not join in!”

After a pause, Hitt whispered to Mukuro again, saying: “Mr. Mukuro, I’m sorry, the people in our universe don’t know that the sky is great, please don’t care about them. Frost has already left when the power conference began. If he offends you, I can help you catch him.”

Hitt’s attitude towards the fighters of the Sixth Universe and Mukuro are extremely different.

Reach out and don’t hit the smiley person, even Mukuro is not good for a mess.

Just when Mukuro hesitated whether to act in spite of his face, the wild-style Saiyan jumped up and said, “Mukuro, there is a Saiyan in your universe with strong blue hair, will you do too? ! Teach me, you want to fight me with the blue hair, right?”

While talking, the Saiyan yelled and transformed into Super Saiyan II.

Mukuro said coldly:

“Are you asking for help?! What good is it for us to teach you to transform into Super Saiyan Blue?!”

Not to mention that the transformation of Super Saiyan’s blue level is not something that can be taught if you want to teach. Even if it can be taught, Mukuro has no reason to do that.

The winner of the power conference has only one universe. Turning this Saiyan into Super Saiyan Blue is tantamount to finding a strong enemy for herself. Mukuro is not the fool of Monkey King.

“Isn’t it an advantage to let you play against the super Saiyan blue me?!” The Saiyan asked rhetorically.

“I remember your name is Califora?!”

Mukuro shook his head and said, “It’s a pity, if you tell Goku, he will most likely agree with you, but I, Saiyan, is not so pure. I only have interests in my eyes, not the fun of fighting. I judge, teach you to transform. Super Saiyan Blue does no good to me, and you can’t change.”

Mukuro transforms into Super Saiyan II and rushes towards Califra.

Finally, the idiot Kalifula rushed out and gave Mukuro an excuse to do it. Mukuro shouldn’t be wasted.


Mukuro punched Calvura in the face and blasted her away. The soldiers of the Sixth Universe were shocked, and they were about to rush forward, but were stopped by Hitt.

Hitt asked in a deep voice, “Mr. Mukuro, if we hand over Califra to you as compensation for the loss of a warrior in your universe, can you continue to attack the warriors of the sixth universe?!”

“I’m afraid this won’t work.”

Mukuro refused: “Who knows how the battle situation will evolve in the future, if only our two universes are left, I will definitely attack you. But so far, as long as I let Califula out, the sixth universe and the first The accounts of Seven Universes can indeed be cleared.”

“Okay, I agree with this deal.” Hitt decided next: “As long as you don’t continue to attack the warriors of our universe, we won’t intervene in your battle with Calvula. I hope you will be creditable.”

“Of course, but even if you intervene, it’s useless.” Mukuro disapproved, and continued to look at Califra.

Kalivra stood up again, wiped off the blood from the corners of her mouth and said, “Huh, as long as you don’t have blue hair and are the second-tier Super Saiyan, I won’t lose to you!”

Kalivra clenched her fists and rushed up again.

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