Chapter 1036 The price of challenge

Mukuro and the warriors of the Seventh Universe didn’t care about the affairs between the Destroyer Gods. Finding a way to defeat the opponent in the ring is the key.

After driving away all the people in the tenth universe, Mukuro coldly scanned the warriors of other universes to prevent them from attacking again.

“Mukuro-sensei, have you seen Dad?!” Gohan asked suddenly.

Mukuro just remembered that since he had just made a big fight, Wukong had disappeared. Even when the Guixian and his party were besieged, he didn’t show up to help. Did he go to a duel again? Mukuro quickly looked in the direction of the eleventh universe, but did not see Monkey King.

“Strange, where did that idiot go?” Mukuro tickled his teeth with anger.

He quickly closed his eyes and sensed Wukong’s qi. Before he found the qi, he felt a wave of qigong rushing over. Mukuro quickly opened his eyes and transformed into Super Saiyan II. When he raised his hand, a wave of qigong blasted past.

The one who attacked Mukuro was a guy with all muscles and dark green skin.

Mukuro’s qigong wave suppressed his attack and said, “Want to take advantage of the opportunity of closing my eyes to make a sneak attack?! If you want to make a sneak attack, weigh your own weight.”

The guy with dark green skin was not Mukuro’s opponent at all. Mukuro’s qigong wave hit him accurately while pressing back against him, causing him to fly out of the ring like a kite with a broken line.

At the same time, Mukuro finally found Monkey King in the ring, and that guy was also being besieged.

After instructing Gohan and the others to be careful, Mukuro instantly moved to Goku’s side.

Before moving over in an instant, Mukuro could indeed know that Wukong was under siege by the induction of breath, but after seeing the situation in front of him, Mukuro was still shocked, because the real situation was far more severe than he thought. Hold on without fleeing.

By the side of Monkey King, eight soldiers from Universe Ten formed an encirclement, seeing Monkey King in every direction, and not allowing Monkey King to escape. If Monkey King wants to get away, the only way is to transform into Super Saiyan Blue with full power and break through with absolute power.

But in this way, his hole cards will be leaked.

“Goku, what’s going on!?”

Mukuro asked, “Didn’t I let you stay in the ring to protect the Tortoise Immortals and the others?! Don’t forget that the number of survivors is the key to the victory of the Power Contest!”

“I just ran out to protect them.”

Monkey King awkwardly scratched his head: “Just now all the soldiers from Universe Ten rushed over, but I couldn’t stop them, so I had to draw them here to fight. There were only four who followed me, but I don’t know why, and later came back. Four, has something happened on Gohan’s side?!”

Mukuro thought for a while, and reluctantly accepted Sun Wukong’s explanation.

If Goku leads the four of them, the pressure on Gohan’s side will indeed be much less.

As for the other four people who later came to besiege Monkey King, of course it was because they couldn’t get any benefit from Mukuro’s hands, so they wanted to gather the power of eight people to solve Monkey King.

This strategy is indeed very good.

“Are you two too stupid?!”

A werewolf with blue and black hair in Universe Ten said: “Obviously we are surrounded by eight of us, but you are still in the mood to chat? Are you too confident of your own strength? Or do you look down on us too much? Don’t think you have one more reinforcement. It can turn the sky!”

“Our self-confidence comes from our own strength, but the self-confidence of your Tenth Universe can only come from ignorance.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Eight of you besieged Monkey King, and none of you can quickly subdue Monkey King. Is there a way to defeat the two of us?”

Mukuro looked down on the warriors of the tenth universe in his heart.

The werewolf with blue-black hair felt Mukuro’s contempt, and couldn’t help but furiously said: “Okay! Very good! You are arrogant enough, I hope you can continue to be arrogant.”

As soon as the werewolf waved his hand, the other seven fighters of the Tenth Universe used qigong waves to attack Mukuro and Wukong at the same time. The seven qigong waves immediately sealed all the corners they avoided. Of course, except in mid-air.

Mukuro and Wukong jumped into the air at the same time, avoiding the seven qigong waves.

“The wait is now!”

The werewolf smiled triumphantly: “I knew you would jump to the sky to hide. In this arena, you can’t use flying skills. I see how you move in the air!”

The werewolf jumped on top of Mukuro and Monkey King in one breath, and two iron fists slammed down.

Mukuro suddenly remembered that Yamucha had been educated by the gods because of the same problem. He couldn’t fly in mid-air and couldn’t move flexibly, so meaningless jumps could only be reduced to living targets. The werewolves of Universe 10 obviously wanted to take advantage of this and smash Mukuro and Goku back to the ground.

But with Mukuro and Goku’s current strength, of course they wouldn’t make such a low-level mistake.

Mukuro grinned, took the werewolf’s fist with a palm, threw him to the ground and said: “Don’t forget that you can’t move flexibly in mid-air. You can’t move flexibly. Of course, the stronger we have an advantage! And I’m different from you, even if I can’t use flying skills, I can stay in the air!”

Mukuro grabbed Wukong’s belt and let the werewolf fall into the ring to meet the qigong wave from his companion.

And Mukuro relied on the repulsive power of the ring, and he just stopped in the air with Monkey King.

The werewolf was taken aback, and was overwhelmed by the Qigong Wave only before he could show hopelessness.

“Why is this?” the red-brown fox yelled, “Why can you stop in the sky? Lord God-tier has clearly banned flying!”

“Because whether flying or dancing, it essentially uses the ability of qi to stay in the air. Lord God-tier restricts only the use of qi in this respect.” Mukuro looked down at the other party and said, “But I don’t use qi to stay in the air. , Since warriors with wings can fly into the sky, of course I can too.”

After a pause, Mukuro smiled again: “I deliberately let you go just now, just wanting you to consume the power of other universes, but you don’t know what you can do, and you have to come and provoke us. It’s really like our seventh universe is so bullied. In that case, I will send you out!” Mukuro applied the repulsive force to all the fighters of Universe Ten, causing them to float in the air and move toward the outside of the ring.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the soldiers of the Tenth Universe suddenly yelled in panic.

Struggling violently in the air. However, they who cannot use flying skills have a powerful force in the air, but they are completely unable to use them. Without exception, they are thrown out of the ring.

Even the soldier who was hiding in the Tenth Universe looking for a chance was no exception. After the soldiers of the tenth universe fell out of the ring, they all returned to the audience with a desperate look.

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