Chapter 1035 Siege of the Tenth Universe

When Mukuro and Son Gohan rushed back, the Turtle Immortals and others were already surrounded by the warriors of the Tenth Universe.

Mukuro took Sun Gohan down from the sky and fell into the encirclement.

“Hmph, I’ve always heard how powerful the Destroyer of the Seventh Universe is. It turned out to be just an idiot.” A fox with gray hair sneered disdainfully: “You are obviously outside, why did you jump into the encirclement by yourself? Can’t wait to lose to us?!”

The other red-brown-haired fox sneered and said, “Since he ran back, send him out one at a time, so that others will know how powerful our Tenth Universe is.”

There were a total of five warriors who came to attack in Universe Ten, and they were all very arrogant, as if they had a chance to win.

Unfortunately, in Mukuro’s eyes, these guys are like a bunch of clowns.

Mukuro said lightly: “Have you finished your nonsense? Hurry up and let me see if your strength is worthy of your bragging.”

“A fool who jumped into the encirclement by himself would dare to speak up. I want you to regret what you said!” The fox with gray hair exhaled two clusters of poison gas into his hand and rushed towards Mukuro.

660 Mukuro stood motionless and said, “Don’t you dare to take a sneak attack when you see me being besieged, and a group of timid guys dare to pretend to be heroes in front of me? Go back!”

Mukuro let out a cold cry and used repulsive force to form a protective cover, enclosing the Tortoise Immortal and the others.

The fox rushed up headlessly, hit the protective cover, and flew back.

“What’s the matter?” The gray-white fox said with a silly look: “Why am I being bounced back?”

“It should be the guy named Mukuro who used something like a protective cover.” The brown-red fox said solemnly, “Let me go up and try it. I don’t believe that guy’s protective cover can block my attack.”

The red-brown fox leaped high, his legs glowing red, as if on fire.

In them, Mukuro couldn’t feel breath, but he could feel a pressure oncoming.

As the light on the brown-red fox’s legs became stronger and stronger, he kicked out his feet, causing the two gas bombs to drop.

“Want to break through the shield with absolute power?!” Mukuro said calmly: “The idea is good, but it’s a pity that our strength gap is too big to be effective.”


In the blink of an eye, the red-brown fox’s gas bomb bombarded Mukuro’s repulsion shield, making a thunderous explosion.

But just like Mukuro said, the strength of the red-brown fox is too weak. Even if the Qigong wave can kill people who are stronger than himself, it is also ineffective in the face of Mukuro’s repulsion.

Immortal Turtle’s eyes lit up and he said, “I didn’t expect you to hide such a trick. It is because of this that you were unscathed just now? Then as long as you continue to protect us, Universe Seven will not be able to lose.”

“Fortunately, Mukuro is in our universe. Otherwise, it would be the worst nightmare to be an enemy of a master like Mukuro.” Piccolo was grateful and gloated at the same time: “Then warriors of various universes, how are you going to break Mukuro’s defenses?”

“I don’t believe that anything can be indestructible!” The red-brown fox gritted his teeth and said: “Everyone, let’s attack together and break his defense in one fell swoop!”

“Sorry, I can’t let you prepare slowly.” Mukuro shook his body and rushed to the gray-white fox like lightning, punched him in the face, and knocked his teeth away.

As a result, his body flew upside down and landed heavily on the ring. Mukuro chased after him and punched again from top to bottom, causing him to scream.

At the same time, the other four warriors of Universe Ten rushed towards Mukuro from different directions.

“Your strength is indeed beyond our imagination, but it’s over! Even at all costs, we have to eliminate you!”

Mukuro sneered coldly, trying to hide, only to find that his feet were hugged.

He looked down and saw the gray-white fox clinging to his ankle tightly with blood in his mouth and grinning grinningly: “Go to hell with me, even if I lose, I will drag you!”

In the blink of an eye, the other fighters of the Tenth Universe were already less than five meters away from Mukuro, and this distance was almost zero for fighters of their level.

Although Gohan and the others wanted to support, they never expected that the situation would change so quickly, it would be too late even if they rushed forward.

As the soldiers got closer and closer to Mukuro, everyone in Universe Ten gradually smiled triumphantly.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, moved behind Gohan for an instant, and then flew the gray-white fox out of the ring and said, “Really, why does everyone like to look down on me?! Do I look so weak?! Me Your efforts at the General Conference have been trampled by you to nothing.”

The gray-white fox yelled in horror, dancing in the air, trying to return to the ring, but no one could save him. Without the ability to fly, he could only fall off the ring eagerly.

After falling off the ring, he returned to the auditorium of the Tenth Universe.

“What happened just now?!”

The red-brown fox was dumbfounded: “Why did you suddenly disappear and reappear suddenly?”

“Because Mukuro-sensei will move instantaneously.”

Gohan said: “You can’t catch the single Mukuro-sensei. If he is caught by you, it can only prove that he wants to play with you. He is a powerful man who can’t even do anything to destroy the sixth universe.”

“Enough, Gohan, keep a low profile.”

Mukuro said faintly, “Next, we will clean up all these guys.”

The remaining four players in the tenth universe saw that the situation was not good, and quickly escaped with super speed. Mukuro didn’t chase him, and he didn’t let Sun Gohan and his party chase him. Because the power conference has just begun, leaving a few warriors in the tenth universe can let them fight each other with other universes.

No matter how strong Mukuro is, it is impossible to fight the seven universes on his own. He needs to save a little energy. While the warriors of the tenth universe were retreated, the destruction gods almost all looked at Xiangpa with very strange eyes.

Prior to this, although they had guessed the relationship between Xiangpa and Mukuro, it was just not confirmed. When they heard the truth from Monkey King just now, they were shocked while despising Xiangpa.

What is the concept of human beings who can’t do anything to destroy the gods? !

You know, in other universes, there may be people who are stronger than Destruction Gods, but even Destruction Gods can’t do anything about it is another concept. Because in addition to the combat power, the Destruction God also has many strange abilities, such as Destruction Skills. It is far more difficult to make the Destruction God unable to help himself than to surpass the Destruction God.

But Mukuro did such a thing.

“Don’t look at me like this, I don’t know anything.” Xiangpa was cheeky and confused.

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