Chapter 1037 Tenth Universe Delisting

The destruction god of the tenth universe is an elephant, and the soldiers of the tenth universe are all out to make him scream in despair.

“It’s over!”

The Destroyer of the Tenth Universe screamed with his head in his arms: “You trash! What is the use of me keeping you? You are responsible for the disappearance of the Tenth Universe! The game just started, you were beaten by a Saiyan. You have lost my face! You are not as good as a pig! I am so angry!”

The destruction god of the tenth universe was really mad, screaming and venting frantically, cursing everything. He already knows his fate, but he is powerless to change all of this and can only vent in this way.

The realm king of the tenth universe sighed and closed his eyes to admit his life.

The god-tier officer seemed to have not seen the horror of the tenth universe destroyer, and ruthlessly pronounced: “I declare that all the soldiers of the tenth universe are out of the game, and the tenth universe is eliminated. According to the rules of the game, the eliminated universe will disappear. .”

The whole king behind the official god-tier cheered and directly destroyed the tenth universe.

Mukuro stood on the ring and watched the gods of the tenth universe and the gods of destruction disappear, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, this was the second time he had seen the king destroy the world. Even if it was better than the god of destruction, there was no room for resistance in front of the king. This feeling of being controlled by people at will, Mukuro is very annoying, and this kind of absolute power Master is in the hands of the king with pure mind, which makes Mukuro feel very terrible.

It is more terrifying than this power that Master is in the hands of the Great Demon King Piccolo.

Because even the Big Devil Piccolo, there will be a reason for his destruction, and that is to make people frighten. If he can make his purpose meaningless, he may stop.

But what are the reasons and motives for Quan King to destroy the universe? !

Mukuro couldn’t think of it.

Unexpectedly means unable to think of a way against Quan Wang, this is the most terrible thing.

“Ms. Mukuro!”

Mukuro was arranging his thoughts when suddenly he heard someone calling him.

He looked at Gohan with a puzzled look.

“Ms. Mukuro, if the whole king wants to destroy our universe, can you stop it?!” Gohan looked at Mukuro expectantly and asked, “Back then, you could only transform into the God of Super Saiyan, Belus. The adults can do nothing about you. Now that you are stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Full Power, you can definitely resist the King, right?”

Mukuro sighed and didn’t answer. Why didn’t he understand Gohan’s thoughts? Gohan’s thoughts were similar to him, and the feeling of manipulating life and death in the hands of others made Sun Gohan very uncomfortable.

Knowing that he is powerless against the king, Gohan regards Mukuro as the last straw.

But Sun Gohan can look forward to Mukuro, who can Mukuro look forward to? !

Mukuro said in a deep voice, “Nothing right now. If we don’t want to be eliminated, we can only work hard to win the power conference. But I firmly believe that the potential of Saiyans is endless. As long as we continue to work hard, one day we can surpass the king. Enlightenment Fan, for the seventh universe, for the earth, you can no longer be lazy, you have to believe in your own potential.”

This guy Gohan was originally a type of explosive potential.

As long as anyone irritates him, he can burst out the power that makes the whole world tremble.

Mukuro doesn’t believe that King Quan is absolutely insurmountable. Of course, their current priority is still to win the power conference.

When the god-tier officer announced the continuation of the power conference, Son Gohan said with a sigh of relief: “The first universe that provokes us has been cleared. Warriors from other universes have seen the strength of Teacher Mukuro, so they must not dare to act rashly anymore. Teacher Mukuro, we can take a break now.”

“Will it be that simple?!”

Mukuro said coldly: “There is only one victory universe in the Power Conference. If it weren’t for this rule, they might avoid us, but with this rule, the powerful strength we showed would become their biggest threat. The soldiers of the universe are not too stupid, they will definitely besiege us again.”

Gohan’s face changed: “Mukuro-sensei, do you mean…”

“Yes.” Mukuro nodded and said, “It’s like two wolves fighting for territory, with a tiger staring next to them. If the two wolves are not allowed to escape, you say they will fight and hurt both first, or first. Let’s talk about teaming up to defeat the tiger? The answer is obvious. If they don’t defeat the strongest first, they have no hope at all.”

“Then we have to go back and help Uncle Pic and them.”

Gohan said anxiously, “They don’t have as strong combat power as ours. If they are besieged by fighters from other universes, things will be troublesome…”

Gohan couldn’t wait to fly to the center of the ring, even unable to wait for Mukuro. Mukuro caught up with Gohan, grabbed him by the shoulder, and teleported him back to Piccolo and others.

When Mukuro appeared, he happened to see Piccolo and other Earth fighters standing back to back, guarding the surrounding fighters, but they did not directly act. There is only one Klin who is currently in combat.

Klin fought fiercely with a Chinese-style warrior, and it was hard to tell.

“What’s the matter?” Mukuro asked strangely: “Why let Klin fight alone? His combat effectiveness is not outstanding among you. If you can draw with him, you can easily solve it with just one shot. ”

“Maybe,” Piccolo said lightly, “but that little bald head insisted on fighting on his own, saying that he wanted to bet on the dignity of his own warrior and win, so we let him go.”


As soon as Piccolo’s voice fell, Klin was punched in the face by the opponent and flew back, just at Mukuro’s feet.

He clutched his noseless face and shouted, “It hurts! It hurts me!”

Mukuro cried and laughed nonsense: “You should be thankful that you don’t have a nose, otherwise this punch will make you feel better. But Klin, why do you insist on fighting by yourself? This power conference is a team-based competition 3.3, which can fight with more people and less people. But there is no need to insist on fighting by yourself.”

“I know that my strength is not as good as yours, but I was also a warrior who fought for the earth.”

Klin climbed up with difficulty: “Even if my strength can’t keep up, I still want to fight on the front line in order to protect the earth. I don’t want to be a burden. It just happens that the opponent’s strength is about the same as mine, so I want to fight. ”

Mukuro was silent for a moment, and finally decided to let him go. As a person who used to fight alongside Wukong, he is definitely not reconciled to being such a big gap opened by Monkey King.

If he were to be a burden at the power conference, he would definitely feel uncomfortable. Although Klin said that the Chinese-style warrior was similar to him, the gap between the two was still quite large.

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