Chapter 1032 Battle of Hell

Mukuro took a posture and hooked his finger at Frieza, letting Frieza attack first.

Frieza had a sullen face, the blue veins on his forehead wriggling like an earthworm, his eyes narrowed, and a dangerous light gleamed inside. No need to think about it, because Frieza was already angry because of Mukuro’s arrogant behavior, and he might run away at any time, and no one knew what the consequences of his rampage would be.

He said coldly: “Damn Saiyan, let me see how much you have improved!” The voice fell, Frieza’s figure disappeared out of thin air, and there was only a small whirlwind in the same place that was rolling the grass.

That is because Frieza is moving at a high speed, allowing the air to follow, which shows how fast Frieza is.

Mukuro put his arm to the side and said, “Frieza, do you need to be so worried?! Now there are about forty minutes before the start of the power conference, so that we can enjoy a high-quality battle to the full. But you are at this level. Strength, like defeating and becoming stronger, I am too naive!”


As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Frieza appeared out of thin air.

He kicked Mukuro’s temple, trying to hit Mukuro with a single stroke.

Mukuro easily blocked his attack, then grabbed his ankle with his backhand and threw him in the air: “Frieza! Your golden form is outdated! This form may be able to suppress Super Saiyan Blue in strength, but in Super Saiyan Blue is not enough to see in front of full power!”

Mukuro struck out with both hands again and again, and one by one the gas bombs blasted towards Frieza.

Frieza yelled and stopped high in the air, a golden mask appeared on his body.

Relying on this protective shield, he swooped down, smashed through Mukuro’s gas bombs and attacked Mukuro directly.

He laughed wildly: “Saiyan! Take it! Don’t run away if you have the ability!”

“Do you want to force me to attack by force?”

“It is meaningless for you to do this, because there is no need to evade such an attack!”

Mukuro clenched his right fist and blasted it up with all his strength.

When Mukuro punched, there was no brilliance in his fist, and it seemed that there was no power. But the speed of this punch was as fast as it could break through the void, and it hit Frieza’s protective shield in the blink of an eye, causing the protective shield to quickly crack and shatter.

You know, this is the protective shield supported by Golden Frieza, even the Qigong wave of Super Saiyan Blue cannot be broken.

But Mukuro can do it with his unpretentious fist, which makes Frieza unacceptable. He quickly flew up and attacked Mukuro with the same technique again: “It’s just a coincidence, I don’t believe you can break it a second time!”

However, the reality is very cruel. When Mukuro’s fist hit for the second time, it not only shattered Frieza’s protective shield, but also punched him in the face.

Frieza’s teeth almost flew out.

“how come?!”

Frieza was stunned and said: “How long hasn’t seen you now, you have made so much progress?!”

“I have just said that my progress is greater than you think. Don’t underestimate the Saiyan’s physique!” Mukuro said confidently: “And this is not my full strength. If you want to fight again, I can continue to increase my strength and play with you, as long as you bear the consequences yourself.”

Mukuro said that he didn’t use all his strength, of course, to scare Frieza.

Although the full power of the Super Saiyan God Blue God is much stronger than the general Super Saiyan Blue, it is far from this level. The reason why Mukuro was able to blow Frieza’s protective shield with one punch was because Mukuro took advantage of Frieza’s momentum and his own gravity. Under the triple action of gravity, impact, and the power carried by the fist itself, if Frieza’s protective shield can hold it, it will be a hell.

Seeing Frieza’s fighting spirit diminished, Mukuro folded his fists and said: “Today’s competition ends here. If you want to continue playing, wait until you are resurrected, but now the first task is to win the power conference first.”

“All right.”

Frieza reluctantly changed back to normal and said: “Even if we tie this battle today, I will become stronger in the power conference. The next fight is your death date!”

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, noncommittal.

In the previous battle, as long as you saw with your eyes, you would know who was stronger, and Frieza dared to say that it was a tie.

But as long as he can participate in the war, Mukuro doesn’t bother to care about these little things.

After returning to Earth with Frieza, Mukuro teleported him to Birus.

“The tenth contestant has been found, and our fighters have been gathered.” Mukuro said: “Weiss, can we tell the god-tier officer now and let him take us to the game?!” Weiss nodded. , Contact the god-tier officer through the staff, and let the god-tier officer take them to the site of the power conference…

When Mukuro appeared again, he found that his position was the same as in the recent full-view competition, but the difference is that the competition arena has become much larger, perhaps to take care of the reality of the melee of warriors in the eight universes. Bar. In the middle of the extra-large ring, there is a pillar.

The speed of Mukuro and his party was quite slow. When they came over, there were already many other cosmic gods present.

“Everyone is too lazy to be early, it seems that you have confidence in the power conference.” Mukuro said lightly.

“I’ll explain the rules of the power conference below.” The god-tier officer suddenly interrupted: “The power conference consists of 80 warriors from eight universes in a melee. The time of the game is forty-five minutes. After the time is over, stand in the ring. The universe with the largest number of people on the planet will win, and the failed universe will be cleared.”

After a pause, the god-tier officer said: “No killings, no weapons, no flying skills, but those who fly on their own wings don’t count.”

Basically, there is no difference between the rules of the power conference and what Mukuro said before.

While breathing a sigh of relief, Billus looked at Mukuro curiously, not understanding why Mukuro knew such a thing.

But now even if I want to ask, it is too late.

The god-tier officer finished the rules, and then sent the warriors of each universe to the ring.

As for the Destroyers, of course they are not allowed to participate. The whole king has seen the battles of Destroyers and is tired of it. Mukuro and the soldiers of Universe 2.2 jumped to the arena, and immediately felt a strong murderous aura from all directions.

“It really turned out to be like this.”

Mukuro rubbed his painful temples and said with a headache: “Everyone, after the game starts, we will immediately occupy the center point. Because the rules of the power conference do not allow killing, like to win, you must throw people into the ring, occupy the midpoint, and be thrown away. The probability of getting off the ring is much smaller. But everything has advantages and disadvantages, and we will also be under siege.”

“Being besieged is something that has long been certain, don’t mind.”

Gohan said: “And Mukuro-sensei…you are so knowledgeable, there must be a way?! How about helping us think of a way to deal with the desperate situation?!”

“Why do you have such an idea?!”

Mukuro said in a bad mood, “The only way is to be careful.”

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