Chapter 1033 The power conference begins

While jumping to the center of the ring, Mukuro instinctively looked around, only to see that the warriors from other universes had also jumped down.

However, the positions of warriors from other universes are very strange. No matter which direction Mukuro looks in, we can see warriors from other universes. In other words, the warriors of the other seven universes have formed a tacit understanding, forming a vague encirclement of the seventh universe? ! This is simply the worst situation!

Fortunately, these seven universes are also guarding each other, so their encirclement is not very tight.

As long as Universe Seven is more careful, you should be able to find a breakthrough.

Just as Mukuro was thinking about how to deal with it, a figure flew out from the corner of Mukuro’s eye.

Wukong flew to Universe Seven with a single breath, stopped in front of Topo and said, “Alternative God of Destruction in Universe Eleven, are you called Topo, right? I am Monkey King of Universe Seven. Let me be your opponent. .”

Mukuro slapped his face with a palm, really wishing to faint with a slap, at least he could not see clearly.

He seriously doubted whether Wukong’s 16 head was completely broken when he was a child.

In the arena of this power conference, the seventh universe may face the siege of the other seven universes, and on average everyone has seven opponents. This situation was already bad enough. Even if everyone in Universe Seven worked together, they might not be able to survive the disaster safely. As a result, Sun Wukong took the initiative to provoke a rival.

Isn’t this a beating? !

“Gohan, can I beat your dad?!” Mukuro was already unable to complain.

Gohan blushed and said, “Mukuro-sensei, first think of a way to help him. If he is defeated, the odds of winning in our universe will be much smaller.”

“You don’t need to say this, I also know.” Mukuro sighed.

At the same time, Topo has stepped out of the Pride team and took the initiative to face Monkey King.

He stood in front of Monkey King, about half a meter away from Monkey King. His tall body made him look down at Monkey King, like a gorilla.

“If our proud team besieged you with so many people, it would be too despicable, but if you take the initiative to send it to the door, I have no reason to let you go.”

Topo said coldly: “I promise your challenge, but I will defeat you immediately, justice shines!”

Tuo Po stretched out his right hand, his palm opened, and energy bullets blasted towards Wukong from his fingertips.

Goku turned into Super Saiyan Lan Quanpower excitedly and said: “Come on, last time I saw you and Mukuro fight, I always wanted to compete with you, don’t be merciful.”

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly withdrew at a very alarming speed, just to avoid the attack of Topo.

While retreating, Wukong looked dazed, and knew at a glance that it was not his intention to regress.

“What’s going on?!” Tuo Po and Wu Kong asked in unison.

“It’s a good thing I did.” Mukuro tiredly said: “Goku, can you think about our companions in the universe?! They are not as powerful as yours. If they are defeated one by one, it will be difficult for our universe to come back. If you reach the sky, now is not the time for you to find a single challenge.”

Mukuro suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion as a child.

There is no doubt that the reason why Goku was forced to fly back upside down was because Mukuro exerted the most powerful gravitational force on him.

With Mukuro’s current strength, the defenseless Wukong could not resist this force.

“Good opportunity!” At the moment Mukuro pulled Goku back, a shout suddenly came not far away, and at the same time, a burst of energy came.

Mukuro looked back and saw a robot warrior from the Third Universe spinning like a spinning top, rolling towards Mukuro.

“Huh? Can the robot talk?!”

Gohan’s focus is particularly different: “That robot looks like the Robot Destruction God of the Third Universe, but the Destruction God of the Third Universe can’t speak, how can it say?!”

“It’s not the time to care about this kind of thing, right?” Guixian said in a cold sweat: “He is about to roll over soon. If you don’t quickly find a way to deal with it, it will be troublesome.”

“Don’t say that you are my disciple when you go out. You didn’t even notice that the Destroyer God of the Third Universe was speaking.”

Mukuro said coldly: “Don’t worry about dealing with this robot, just look at the situation. That robot’s attack range is too large, maybe it will hurt other universes first, and then we won’t need to waste our efforts to take action.”

The robot that Mukuro saw was clearly prepared by the Third Universe for the Power Conference. It opened its hands and rotated like a top, and its height was just enough to spread all the soldiers into it. If there is no time to dodge its fighters, they will definitely be knocked out of the ring by the rotating force in an instant.

As this robot advances, some fighters who are closer to the Third Universe have been affected and forced to retreat.

The encirclement they formed on the Seventh Universe also showed signs of loosening.

But overall, the robot is still approaching Universe Seven.

Gohan said in a deep voice, “Other universes don’t seem to want to fight against us. They didn’t attack that robot. The power of the robot is higher than that of Super Saiyan III. Even if I want to stop him, I have to do my best. Mr. Mukuro , What to do? Should we go all out as soon as we come up?!”

“It’s not necessary, just leave it to me.”

Mukuro sneered and took the initiative to meet the robot.

“Ms. Mukuro, wait a minute.” Sun Wu was taken aback. “Ms. Mukuro is very strong after being transformed, but you won’t change even Super Saiyan Three. If you don’t change into Super Saiyan Blue, it’s your father’s. Super Saiyan is three better than Mukuro-sensei, right?!”

Mukuro paused, and of course he heard that Gohan had no confidence in his state before he turned into Super Saiyan Blue.

And in common sense, the Super Saiyan II transformed by Mukuro is indeed inferior to Monkey King’s Super Saiyan III in terms of combat effectiveness.

However, Mukuro’s fighting style is too far from the Dragon Ball fighters, and it cannot be judged by the common sense of the Dragon Ball world.

Mukuro waved his hand at Monkey King and turned into Super Saiyan II to face the robot.

At the moment when he was about to fight the robot, Mukuro used a repulsive force to stop the robot’s movements, and at the same time released a gas bomb towards the robot’s feet, exploding a hole about three times the size of a fist in the arena.

Under normal circumstances, such a small hole of course can’t help the Super Saiyan three-level fighters, but it is different now.

The robot that couldn’t use flying techniques rolled into the pothole, shocked all over, almost fell, and its spinning speed slowed down.

Mukuro took the opportunity to kick it to the sky, and then bombarded it with Turtle Qigong, letting it fly out of the ring.

“Huh, you dare to show your ugliness with this kind of vulgar skill.” Mukuro smiled disdainfully: “How can you be dominated by such child-like methods when the strong are gathered on the field of the power conference?”

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