Chapter 1031 The last candidate

After Mukuro agreed to let No. 18 participate, Birus was very excited, and his jaw was about to fall on the ground.

When Mukuro asked the ten contestants in the Power Contest, Birus’s smile suddenly solidified. Although he still had a smiling expression on his face, no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be crying more than laughing. In his eyes, Mukuro basically saw negative emotions such as fear and despair.

This dramatic change in expression made Mukuro secretly sigh.

“Birus, what’s the matter with you?”

Mukuro shook his hand in front of Birus’ eyes and asked, “Can you see my hand? How many fingers are there?”

“Are you blind to me?”

Birus was very dissatisfied: “Blind people can see that you have five fingers!”

“Oh, if you can speak, it means you have no problem with your brain. I almost thought you had a stroke.” Mukuro said calmly: “Since there is no problem with your head, what do you do with this expression suddenly?!”

“There are only nine contestants in our universe! Can I not be in a hurry?!” Billus yelled: “The Power Conference requires ten contestants. If only nine are found, we will be sentenced to lose! Now only With less than an hour left, where would you let me find the last contestant? It’s all because you killed all the soldiers in the universe!”

Mukuro patted his forehead lightly, only then did he remember that he had neglected such an important thing.

Yes, because of the Saiyans, the villains in the seventh universe have basically been cleaned up. It is not easy to find the right fighters. However, Birus complained about Mukuro and others about this, it was purely nothing to do.

It is not difficult to find the last contestant.

Mukuro said indifferently: “It’s not just the last contestant, give it to me, I will bring Frieza back.”

“wait wait wait!”

Gohan was taken aback and said, “Ms. Mukuro, what did you just say? You said you want to bring Frieza back? But Frieza is already dead, do you want to use Dragon Ball to resurrect him? But someone like him, I Don’t think he will help us.”

“You don’t need to resurrect him, just let the divining mother be brought back to Yangjian by him for a day.” Mukuro said with confidence: “If Frieza doesn’t help, the seventh universe will be cleaned up, and even the dead will disappear. Compared to disappearing forever, Frieza should know how to choose, he is not a fool.”

Now that there is only one hour left before the start of the power conference, where is Mukuro still in the mood to talk so much to Sun Wukong and his son?

He immediately moved to the divination mother’s palace in an instant, and then asked the divination mother to take him to the underworld.

After getting the permission of the king to go to hell, Mukuro found himself in an endless grassland where various small animals were beating gongs and drums and having fun. No matter how you look at it, this so-called hell is completely different from the hell that most people think of it. It is simply a paradise.

There was a big tree in the middle of this grassland with a meat cocoon hanging on the tree, and Frieza was trapped inside.

The hapless man struggled in pain, yelling from time to time to vent his anger.

Mukuro smiled secretly in his heart. In fact, he can understand Frieza’s feelings.

This is like putting a dozen-year-old man in a kindergarten and letting the kindergarten children play with him. For children, this may be heaven, but for a dozen-year-old man, it is hell!

Mukuro walked slowly to Frieza: “I didn’t expect the hell of the earth to be such a wonderful place. Maybe going to hell is more comfortable than going to heaven. But Frieza, why do you look so painful? I need my help. ?”

“Hmph, you don’t pretend to be less! If it weren’t for you, I would have succeeded in revenge last time!”

Frieza said coldly: “What are you doing here? Did you make a fool of me?”

“No, no, I actually came to save you.” Mukuro smiled calmly: “Do you want to leave hell? I can satisfy you, as long as you are willing to represent the seventh universe to participate in the power conference. If you are in the power conference If you lose, the Seventh Universe will be destroyed, and you will also disappear.”

“I don’t understand, but it seems to be serious.”

Frieza gloated and said, “Why should I help you? If you can let you Damn it Saiyans die, it doesn’t matter if I disappear, it’s better to live here than to die.”

Mukuro was taken aback, always feeling that the words life is better than death came out of Frieza’s mouth very strange.

Frieza is already dead. Isn’t it inappropriate to say that life is better than death? However, he still has his own consciousness now, and on the surface it seems that it is not much different from being alive.

Mukuro did not delve into this issue, and continued: “I knew you would say that. I’m not afraid to tell you that if you can win in the power conference, not only will our universe not be cleared, but you can also get a super Dragon Ball as a prize. Can be resurrected with Super Dragon Ball.”


Frieza’s eyes rolled: “But I don’t need that super dragon ball. I want the dragon ball on earth. If I help this universe win the game, you can use the dragon ball on earth to revive me.”

“Deal!” Mukuro agreed without thinking.

Isn’t this obvious?

The Earth’s Dragon Ball can only resurrect the same person once, and Frieza has already used this opportunity.

So next time if Shenlong is allowed to resurrect Frieza, Shenlong will refuse. Before Frieza had changed his mind, he had to agree quickly.

Mukuro waved his right hand at will, and cut open the cocoon that had bound Frieza: “Now you are no longer restricted by power, you can go out to fight with us.”

“Do not!”

After getting out of trouble, Frieza quickly became the final form, saying: “The last time I was killed by you, my golden Frieza form consumes too much physical strength. In order to overcome this problem, I have been practicing spiritually in hell. , Even if I transform now, I won’t consume my energy seriously. I’m going to fight you here!”

“Do you want to take your breath?” Mukuro chuckled lightly, “But you won’t do what you want. As you become stronger, my strength is also improving.”

Mukuro calculated secretly in his heart, it was about forty minutes before the power conference started.

Although forty minutes is not long, it should be more than enough to defeat Frieza and bring Frieza back to Earth.

Even if Frieza would seriously consume his energy due to the battle, just turn around and let Jebit recover him.

Frieza transformed into a golden form and said: “Then let me see how much you progress and see if you can surpass my golden form.”

Mukuro no longer talks nonsense, and transforms into Super Saiyan Blue Full Power: “Since you want to fight, then come on. This is the first time I have seen someone who actively asks to be beaten when I grow up.”

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