Chapter 1026 Win and grudge


Berumod let out an unwilling and angry roar, and was directly knocked off the ring.

After Beirumod was settled, the remaining destructive gods fought again. After a hard battle, Birus, who was besieged at the beginning, won the victory instead.

Standing in the middle of the ring, Billus was very proud. At the same time, he provoked many gods of destruction like revenge, saying: “I take back what I said at the beginning. I said you are a group of guys who can’t do anything without forming a clique. The words are too wrong, you are a bunch of guys who can’t do anything even if you form a clique!”

Billus ridiculed a lot, turned and flew back to the auditorium of Universe Seven, leaving behind a scolding sound.

Weiss said helplessly: “Master Billus, you are too impulsive to stimulate the destruction gods like this. They will definitely join forces to attack us in the power conference later.”

Mukuro couldn’t help but blamed: “Birus, do you think the warriors of our universe are too powerful?! I heard that there are even more powerful people in other universes than the Destroyer. Siege, do you think every warrior in our universe is as powerful as a god of destruction?!”

“I think it’s okay. I can fight with eleven cosmic warriors. I’m excited just thinking about it.” Wukong became the only guy who didn’t care about it at all.

But Birus heard what Mukuro and Weiss said, his face instantly became ugly, and his mood was worse than when he was besieged by the god of destruction at first.

He stimulated the destruction gods just now, it was because he was very upset by being besieged at first, and he needed to vent.

But the price of venting is too heavy.

Including Birus, all creatures in the Seventh Universe will likely disappear due to this.

However, now it is too late to regret.

Mukuro let out a long sigh, and then said: “It seems that even I have to enter the spiritual time house to practice, otherwise I don’t know how I really died.”

“I’ll go together too. If I practice with Mukuro, I can definitely improve faster,” Goku said.

Birus won the General Assembly, and this game is over. In Mukuro’s view, the next step is to let the gods of each universe go to their universe to prepare for the power conference.

So he is ready to leave.

At this moment, the candidate of the Destroyer of the Eleventh Universe stepped forward and said, “Respected Lord King, Lord God-tier, can I fight the candidate of the Destroyer of the Seventh Universe?!”

Mukuro took a pause before turning around and staring coldly at the candidate of the Destroyer of the Eleventh Universe-Topo.

The Clown Destroyer is the Destroyer of the Eleventh Universe. He was beaten by Birus just now, so Mukuro knew that the Eleventh Universe would retaliate against them.

However, he really didn’t expect the revenge to come so quickly.

But in front of many gods, Mukuro was unwilling to fall into his own prestige.

He looked at Topo, and said lightly:

“As long as Lord Quan and Lord God-tier agree, I accept.”

The two kings discussed with each other, and both expressed that they were still unfulfilled in the fighting just now, and agreed to Topo’s request.

After the god-tier officer repaired the ring, both Mukuro and Topo jumped onto the ring.

Looking at Topo, Mukuro said indifferently: “In the General Conference, every Destroyer God who wants to win must defeat other Destroyer Gods. If the Destroyer God of your universe hates Universe Seven for this, it would be too petty. If you want to stand out for Berumod because of this, you are also sorry for your proud team’s name.”

“Do you know our proud team?!”

Topo’s expression was a bit surprised, and then he said with a full face: “Unexpectedly, the reputation of our proud team has spread to the seventh universe. Now that you know our proud team, don’t say anything stupid. Because you are seventh. The universe, other universes have encountered a crisis, our proud team has the obligation to punish you!”

“Huh, it’s really nice to say, if it wasn’t for Goku, your universe would have been cleaned up.” Mukuro was very disdainful.

Among all the twelve universes, there are only four high-level universes, and the whole king was originally going to clear the remaining eight universes.

Coincidentally, the eleventh universe is among these eight universes.

However, Wukong asked to hold a martial arts meeting, but it was the first to complete the Eleventh Universe, because the Eleventh Universe has the strongest comprehensive strength!

“Nonsense, accept your punishment!”

Topo snorted and slammed at Mukuro with a huge fist.

Mukuro didn’t even raise his eyelids, and dodged to avoid Topo’s attack.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The broken fist hit the ring hard, leaving a big hole in the ring! You know, this is the god-tier officer personally set up, can make the destruction god fight a strong arena!

But in the face of Topo’s power, even such a strong arena is fragile. Perhaps Topo really has the combat effectiveness of the Destroyer God level.

“No wonder you can be a candidate for the Destroyer of the Eleventh Universe.”

Mukuro wrinkled and said, “It’s just that I don’t understand one thing. You are proud of your team to maintain justice, but the God of Destruction must destroy the planet and the creatures. How can a team like yours have something to do with the God of Destruction?! And you become the god of destruction, are you worthy of the Tao in your heart?!”

“Slaying demons and defending the way is also killing, and the right way to kill is justice!”

Tuopo said disapprovingly: “Don’t want to mess with my thoughts, your seventh universe puts all universes in danger, and I can’t spare you! Today I will count from you, the seventh universe’s destructive god candidate!” Tuopo said. His self-righteous thoughts attacked again.

Mukuro still dodges all the attacks of Topo like a smart monkey, and said: “It seems that if you don’t fight you seriously today, it is impossible for you to give up, so don’t blame me.”

Mukuro took a meal with a loud shout, and directly transformed into the full power of the Blue God, the God of Super Saiyan.

Mukuro looked at Topo and said coldly, “Don’t think that being a candidate for a small god of destruction is invincible. There are more twelve universes. Now standing in front of you is a warrior who can defeat you. If you want to maintain your so-called justice, use your strength!”

Mukuro, who turned into a super game god with full power, took the initiative to attack, slamming his fist to Topo.

Topo was taken aback, and his huge palm kept flying up and down, blocking Mukuro’s fist, appearing to be frantic.

Of course, Mukuro knows that Topo’s strength is more than that bad. The reason why he was overwhelmed by Super Saiyan Blue Full Power is just because he didn’t expect Mukuro to have such a powerful combat power. Before transforming into Super Saiyan Blue with full power, Mukuro’s strength is indeed not at the same level as Topo.

After Mukuro turned into the Blue God, the super Saiyan God, with full power, the destruction gods of other universes were shocked, except for the destruction gods of the sixth and seventh universes.

“It’s that damn form again.”

“After you go back, you must find a way to deal with the Saiyan talent named Mukuro.” Xiangpa grumbled.

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