Chapter 1025 Melee

Billus stood on the ring, keeping his eyes on the left and right, paying attention to every movement of the god of destruction.

Since it was a big melee, Birus should have understood that every god of destruction on the ring could be his opponent, and the siege just now could happen again at any time. He was able to overshadow the destructive gods just now, but that doesn’t mean that he can try the same trick again later. While guarding the destruction gods, Birus moved sneakily and retreated to a corner with fewer destruction gods.

“Birus!! Don’t even want to run!!!” I don’t know which god of destruction noticed Birus’s movement and shouted, and the eyes of the gods fell on Birus again.

Billus looked at the shouting god of destruction and found that it was Quitra.

“Quitla! Do you want to be kicked by me now?!” Birus was furious.

However, Quitra did not respond to Birus, but disappeared in place at a high speed. How did the destroyers think that Quitra would do such a thing. They were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously guessed Quitra’s intentions.

In an instant, Quitra suddenly appeared behind Beirumod and kicked the clown god of destruction.

“It turned out to be a big hit.”

Mukuro smiled and said, “This rat destroyer is treacherous. If Berumod didn’t watch out, he might be kicked out.”


“Everyone is so insidious.” Wukong’s tone didn’t sound very happy. After all, in his opinion, this is a very despicable way of fighting, which the Saiyans do not take, and it does not conform to the style of earth warriors.

But in this ring…

This is the norm! This is the rule!

If you can’t adapt, you can only be eliminated.

Mukuro said indifferently: “In the face of major events concerning the life and death of the entire universe, it is meaningless to talk about humanity, justice and morality. If the seventh universe is defeated because of your innocence, all the creatures in the seventh universe will disappear. Who will be responsible? Negative?! You can ignore your own life for the so-called morality, but you can’t care about the safety of the Seventh Universe.”

Goku looked solemn and did not respond to Mukuro.

Why doesn’t Mukuro know his mood?

The style of acting since childhood and the education of the immortal turtle made Wukong unable to accept such a statement.

But Wukong is no longer a kid, and he should also understand the truth.

So he couldn’t refute Mukuro, he could only protest with this negative attitude.

In the ring, when Quetra kicked Beirumod, Beirumod was taken aback, and it was too late to escape. He took Quitra firmly and flew out of the ring. At the same time that Beirumod was kicked, Quitra became the target of the other gods of destruction, all rushing forward.

Who could have imagined that Beirumod, who was kicked, didn’t make his appearance. He shot a wave of qigong to the outside of the field, using the reaction force of the qigong wave to counteract Kuitla’s attacking power, and flew back to the ring again.

At the same time, the gods of destruction were chasing Quetta, forcing Quetta to run away.

Berumod stood in a corner where no one noticed, gave a grin, and threw a super-sized gas bomb at the destruction gods like Birus, even Birus was within the attack range of the gas bomb. . This gas bomb emits a strong gas and a dazzling light, causing the gods of destruction to cast long and narrow shadows on the ring.

As long as you are not blind, you can realize that you have been attacked.

The destruction gods who were chasing Kuitra were taken aback, and immediately joined forces to block the Qigong wave.

Quitra, who had escaped, hid in the corner of the ring, let out a sigh of relief, and said, “It was so dangerous just now, I almost thought it was going to be done.”

Boom boom boom! ! !

Suddenly, Berumod rushed towards Quetta like lightning, and stamped Quetta’s face with the soles of his shoes, stepping on Quetta’s eyes and nose.

Quitra couldn’t even see what was going on, so he was kicked out by Berumod and officially out of the game.

Birus said coldly: “Berumod, you are really ruthless, every god of destruction has been attacked by you, and your goals are always changing.”

“Of course.”

Berumord let out a sneer of disdain, and said lightly: “The rule of the General Conference is to defeat the opponent, stick to it to the end, and seize every opportunity of the god of destruction to kick them down. As long as there is one less god of destruction in the ring. , My odds of winning are just one more point.”

“Guys, Berumod is too dangerous. I suggest putting him off the ring first. What do you think?!” Xiangpa suggested. Because of the fierce battle just now, the Robot Destroyer, the Rat Destroyer, and the Red Beard Destroyer are all out. Among the nine destructive gods remaining, the Xiangpa, which has not been tempered for decades, is the weakest no matter how you look at it.

This guy like Pa is also clever, knowing how to clean up the most threatening Berumod first.

For the same interest, Xiangpa’s proposal was approved by the destruction gods.

Berumod sneered, stomped hard under his feet, and rushed towards the elephant at full speed.

“good chance!!”

At this moment, a destructive god who looked like a fox flashed in front of him and pursued Berumod, preparing for a mantis to catch a cicada, with the oriole behind.

There are not a few destruction gods who have the same ideas as him, and the destruction gods once again united their camps.

Only Xiangpa changed his face and shouted in a panic:

“Damn it! Why are you coming at me?!” Seeing the bad situation, Xiangpa turned around and ran.

The fox destroyer shouted: “Xiangpa! Stop him! As long as you stop him, we will definitely be able to knock him off the ring!”

Xiangpa took a meal, hesitated.

It cannot be denied that the destructive god who threatens the object Pa is the most threatened by Beirumod. If Beirumod can be beaten out of the ring, the probability of his survival will undoubtedly be much higher.

At the speed of the gods of destruction, he hesitated like Pa, and it was too late to continue to escape.

He bit his head and said to Berumod:

“Berumod, this is what you asked for! Get out!”

Xiangpa concentrated his qi on his right hand, and a wave of qigong blasted towards Beirumod. But just at this critical moment, Berumod showed a tricky smile and flew up to the sky, avoiding the attack of the elephant.

As a result, Xiangpa’s qigong wave blasted towards the god of destruction who was pursuing Beirumod. Beirumod looked down on the destruction gods from high in the sky, and also shot a wave of qigong from top to bottom, covering all the destruction gods.

“Berumod! Get out!”

I don’t know when, Birus sneaked to the side, and an oversized wave of qigong blasted directly on Berumod’s body.

You know, the power of this qigong wave is much greater than that of Birus’s gas bombs at the beginning. Birus seized the opportunity of Beirumod to attack the gods of destruction, even if Beirumod was heaven-defying, Also unable to come back.

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