Chapter 1027 War break

The voice of the elephant came faintly, and it happened to be heard by Mukuro in the ring.

Mukuro couldn’t help but laughed.

This is not like a word from a god of destruction? !

As the gods of destruction, they should have the strongest power in the universe, and there is no one who can threaten them! But Xiangpa is actually worried about how to beat Mukuro, his old face has been lost to his grandma’s house. More importantly, his Isshin thought about Mukuro’s affairs and didn’t hide his voice at all.

The gods present were not waiting for a moment, and they all heard what Xiangpa said.

“Xiangpa, what did you just say?! Is the human called Mukuro in the seventh universe very strong?!”

“What happened?! Why do you, the destroyer of the sixth universe, know so much about the seventh universe?!”

“Xiangpa, tell us everything you know, otherwise if the seventh universe causes any trouble, you will be responsible for it!”

Except for Birus, the destructive gods present all intervened in the camp to interrogate Xiangpa.

Billus looked at him with a faint smile, with a very bad smile.

Even if Mukuro wasn’t the roundworm in Birus’ belly, he could probably guess what he was thinking.

When Xiangpa and Mukuro fought, they couldn’t take advantage of it, and even suffered a small loss.

With the role of the Destroyer God, there is no way to help the humans of the lower realm. This is simply a great shame to the Destroyer God. If Xiangpa speaks it out, isn’t he slapped himself? However, under the pressure of many destruction gods, even if Xiangpa didn’t want to say it, it didn’t seem to be so easy to do.

“Where are you looking?!”

Suddenly, Mukuro felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and the repulsive force used to protect his body also noticed a powerful force.

He can feel it without having to look at it. It was the result of Topo’s sneak attack on him.

Mukuro quickly avoided the attack by relying on his body’s own reaction, and said: “Topo, you who claim to be righteous are nothing more than that. To win, you can also do whatever you want. But do you think such a sneak attack will work for me? You are too naive.”

“People like you who put all the universe in danger, this is the punishment you deserve!”

Topo’s old face blushed slightly, but he insisted not to apologize to Mukuro.

Moreover, in front of the gods, even if he had this thought, he would not be able to apologize.

Mukuro said nonchalantly, “Whatever you say, since you are so serious, I won’t be polite to you anymore.”

When watching Dragon Ball before, Mukuro knew that Topo was a troublesome guy that veteran Zhengyi was talking about, but at the time he just thought he was annoying, but he didn’t think it was Damn it.

Now that he speaks of the sneak attack in such a high-sounding manner, it can be said that it has subverted Mukuro’s perception of him to some extent.

That being the case, of course Mukuro is not polite to him.

Mukuro’s figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, he saw Tuo Po with a horrified face and looked around in a panic. In other words, when Mukuro moves at this speed, Topo cannot capture his movements.

Mukuro settled in his heart, and quickly moved to the back of Topo, kicking it out.


Mukuro’s right foot was centered on the broken lumbar spine, kicking the broken back into the air, rubbing his big face against the ground.

Mukuro hurried to catch up, stepped on Topo’s back, rose up into the sky, and then hit a tortoise-style qigong downward.

In fact, the power of Mukuro’s tortoise style qigong is not particularly powerful, because he has no idea of ​​killing Topo, but with his current strength, the blue light of the tortoise style qigong still envelopes the gods, the main body of the tortoise style qigong. It will be overwhelmed.

The destructive gods couldn’t help being surprised when they saw Mukuro’s destructive power.

“How come?! The Destruction God candidate of the seventh universe has such a powerful power?!”

“He will definitely participate in the power conference. What kind of people are we looking for to fight him?!”

“Xiangpa seems to know the human being, and if you want to defeat him, the easiest way is to find Xiangpa to understand the human situation.”

The gods of destruction who have lived and don’t know how old are not idiots, suddenly think of a breakthrough.

However, Xiang Pa Ke was unwilling to tell the shameful record, which made him even more entangled.

“The man in the seventh universe is called Mukuro, he is a Saiyan, his fighting power is only close to the god of destruction, and there is still a long way to go from us. However, he has a very strange ability, I suspect that he has automatically turned his body Avoid attacks and practice to Ultimate.”

Under the pressure of the destruction gods, Xiangpa suddenly thought: “Maybe it is because of that ability to reach Ultimate, even Birus can’t destroy him…”

Mukuro was completely stunned when he heard what the elephant said. He didn’t even want to attack.

I didn’t see that the fat head and big ears like Pa are smart enough. Knowing that it is impossible to escape the questioning of the destructive gods, he even throws the pot on Birus’s head.

As for the matter of Mukuro, he couldn’t help it, he certainly didn’t mention it.

Billus was angry on the spot.

He can confess in private that he can’t destroy Mukuro, but Xiangpa said this kind of thing in front of King Quan, the god-tier officer, and the gods of destruction. Where did he put his old face?

Billus immediately quibbled: “Xiangpa! Don’t throw your own shame on me. Mukuro is the candidate for the destruction god of our seventh universe. How can I destroy him?! You honestly admit that you can’t beat him. is that really so difficult?!”

Billus roared loudly. If Xiangpa stood a little closer to him, he must have been sprayed with spit on his face.

Xiangpa was angry and said: “What nonsense are you talking about?! He is just a small human being in your universe! I just look at your face to not destroy him! Do you really think he can beat me?!”

“Then you have the ability to fight him now!” Billus added fuel to the fire.

Xiangpa was startled and was speechless.

Of course he won’t lose to Mukuro. The problem is, he can’t beat Mukuro. Mukuro’s repulsion and teleportation are not a joke.

If he ends up playing with Mukuro, what use is it that 0.8 proves that he will not lose to Mukuro? ! A god of destruction can’t destroy a human being, it’s also a shame.

While Xiangpa hesitated, the slightly smarter gods had already seen clues, including Topo.

While Mukuro paused his attack, Topo stood up and said, “It turns out that this is the case. You, the candidate of the Destroyer of the Seventh Universe, are so powerful, but I won’t lose! Take the move! Justice flashes!”

Pao opened the five fingers of his right hand, and shot out air bullets the size of the head of a thumb.

These gas bombs are densely packed like a net, spreading over Mukuro.

Mukuro snorted coldly and said, “Huh! Are you finally willing to attack with your real ability? It’s a pity that this kind of move is useless in front of me!”

Mukuro used his repulsive force to Ultimate, so the gas bombs that hit him slowly slowed down, and then flew back to attack Topo.

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