Chapter 1022 Full view conference

“Mukuro, didn’t you know that there would be a Destroyer candidate following?!” Birus asked in a low voice.

While inquiring about Mukuro, Birus looked at Officer God-tier and King Quan from time to time. His cautious look seemed quite funny.

But even though he was so afraid of King Quan and the god-tier officer, he couldn’t wait to ask Mukuro, he seemed to really care.

Mukuro nodded after hesitating for a moment, and said:

“It’s okay to tell you. I really knew that there would be a candidate for the Destroying God to follow, so I thought of this identity. I know that this will not offend the king and the god-tier officer. But don’t ask me how I knew it. I can’t tell you.”

After a pause, Mukuro asked suspiciously again: “Why do you have to ask me about this even in front of the god-tier officer and King Quan?! Can you ask me after the matter is over?!”

Mukuro really can’t figure it out, this is not in line with Birus’ style.

Birus said viciously: “Aren’t you very smart?! Don’t you know a lot?! Don’t even guess what I want to do?!”

Mukuro flipped through Byakugan and wanted to say that Birus was nonsense.

He has watched Dragon Ball and of course knows what will happen next.

However, he is not the roundworm in the belly of Billus, how could he know what was in Billus’s mind? !

This is two things at all!

But since Birus said so, Mukuro didn’t mind guessing.

He moved in his heart and smiled and asked: “Birus, don’t you want to know what will happen later?! Do you want to know the Prophet?!”

“Just know!”

Birus was a little impatient: “Hurry up and tell me what will happen in a while, so that I can be mentally prepared.”

Mukuro chuckled, and didn’t answer Birus right away.

There are not many opportunities for Birus to ask for him. Finally, there is an opportunity to call on Birus. Of course, he can’t easily miss it.

Mukuro deliberately sold Guanzi and said: “I do know what will happen next, and I can basically guess it, but I can’t easily tell you such important information?! What good is this for me?!”

“Don’t go too far!”

“If Universe Seven is destroyed, you won’t be able to run.” Billus gritted his teeth.

“That’s not necessarily.”

Mukuro said nonchalantly: “It’s really impossible, I have a way to escape to other universes, but as a god of destruction, where can you escape?! So you want to know what happens next, you can figure it out.”

“you are vicious!”

Billus gritted his teeth and said: “What good do you want? Just say it.”

“Hehe…actually nothing, I just want to know if the god of destruction Birus will ask for help.” Mukuro said with a smile.

Birus was taken aback, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said: “Okay, then please ask Mr. Mukuro to tell me what is going to happen next, okay?!”

Birus was clearly begging for help, but he had a vicious tone. People who didn’t know him might think he was saying something ironic.

But even so, he flushed with embarrassment.

Since assuming the position of the Destroyer God, it is estimated that Birus has not asked anyone, nor has he spoken to anyone politely.

It’s really not easy to get him to do this.

Mukuro smiled and gloated and said:

“In short, time is limited, and I can’t explain too much to you. You just need to be ready to fight. Your opponent is the god of destruction in other universes.”

At this moment, the king from the future world suddenly raised his hand and said, “Um, I don’t understand what’s going on?! What is the Power Conference?!”

The god-tier officer was holding hands and murmured to himself: “That is true, Lord Quan from the future has not watched the sixth universe and the seventh universe, so I don’t know what the martial arts society is. , How about holding a simple overview contest now?!”

“Full view of the game?! Now?! Here?!” Wukong was very surprised.

You know, they are in Quan King’s palace right now. No matter how it looks, this place doesn’t seem to be a place where competitions can be held.

But the person who was even more surprised was actually Bi Ruth.

Birus has an ominous premonition: “Mukuro, your suggestion just now has nothing to do with the full-view game, right?!”

“Bingo, you are right!”

Mukuro smiled and said, “Wait a minute, you twelve universe gods of destruction will compete on the same stage later, look forward to it.”

“Look forward to a fart!”

Billus yelled, his face turned green in an instant.

At the same time, the official god-tier snapped his fingers, and the king’s palace suddenly became a giant ring. Around the ring were twelve small platforms, and the twelve cosmic gods were all standing on the platforms…

Weiss teased, “Oh, Lord Billus is in trouble this time.”

The god-tier officer slowly said: “Then gods of destruction, please go to the ring.”

Birus has been reminded by Mukuro that he should have been mentally prepared, but after hearing the words of the official god-tier, he was still shocked.

“Huh? I…we?!”

“Does even our Destroyer God have to participate in this power conference?!” The Destroyer God of Universe 10 asked in astonishment.

“Of course, you are also residents of various universes. It is a matter of course to represent your respective universes, right?” said the god-tier official.

“It really turned out to be like this, it’s all Monkey King’s fault!”

Birus said in a cold sweat: “There is nothing worse for me to fight against the destruction gods of other universes.”

“Wrong, there are still worse things.”

“For example, you have offended the god-tier officer and King Quan.” Mukuro said with a smile but not a smile: “And now this situation is your own self-inflicted, come on, Birus.”

Goku, who was on the side, looked at Mukuro and Billus in doubt.

Then he asked strangely: “What are you talking about?! Isn’t it fun for Destruction God to fight Destruction God? Why does Lord Birus look so scared?!”

“If it were you, you would be really excited, but Billus couldn’t even think about it if he wasn’t afraid.”

Mukuro laughed and said: “No, it may not be right to say that it is afraid of 5.1, but it is certainly possible to make Billus nervous, because Billus did a lot of stupid things back then and offended other gods of destruction. As for the specific situation, You can ask Weiss.”

Wes gave Mukuro a deep look. It’s strange why Mukuro even knows such things.

However, he explained to Wukong: “That was already before Lord God of the Realm took office. At that time Lord Jeon had held hide-and-seek games in twelve universes. Lord Billus hid in the meeting and fell asleep. For fifty years, I angered Lord Quan King, and all the twelve universes almost disappeared because of this.”

With a cold snort, Birus dared not delay any longer, and flew to the ring.

Wukong scratched his head and said, “Well, isn’t it troublesome now? The other eleven gods of destruction in the universe will besiege Lord Birus, right?! Lord Birus can do it?! Anyway, Birus Sir, come on!”

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