Chapter 1021 Gods Collection

After Goku left, Mukuro has been waiting for news in Birus’s den.

He certainly knows what it means for Monkey King to find Quan King, and he also knows what will happen next. However, knowing that doesn’t mean that he is not nervous and nervous, and the depression in his heart is always lingering.

This is a desperate sense of powerlessness.

Even in the face of Birus, he still knew how to catch up with Birus, so even though he felt that Birus was difficult to surpass, he was not ~ desperate.

However, now that King Quan stood in front, he really didn’t know how to surpass.

He hates this feeling. But looking at Birus, Mukuro was relieved again, because Birus was more afraid than him.

Di di di di!

Suddenly, there was a sound from the staff in Weiss’s hand, and at the same time there was a flash of light. This was the reaction when someone called Wes. When Wes opened the message on the staff, a man whose age could not be heard came out.

“Dear guide angels, I am the god-tier officer, please answer.”

Billus sat on the ground irritably and kept throwing stones at the lake, as if in this way he could throw out the depression in his heart.

He seemed to treat the lake as the Monkey King and wanted to kill Monkey King.

When the voice of the officer god-tier heard from the staff, Birus felt as if he was sitting on a pincushion and bounced.

“What?! Who was talking just now?” Birus was very surprised.

“Didn’t you hear it already?!”

Mukuro shrugged and said helplessly: “Obviously, he even came to ask us when he heard it. This method of covering one’s ears and stealing the bell is stupid.”

Birus gave Mukuro a fierce look, then looked at Weiss.

Gohan asked in a low voice, “Ms. Mukuro, you said that Lord Birus is stupid. He is not angry. Doesn’t he dare to provoke you?!”

“You think too much, but you care more about the god-tier officer than Ruth.”

Weis also didn’t dare to neglect the god-tier officer, and even though he could not answer Birus, he wrote back to the god-tier officer.

The god-tier officer once again heard from the staff:

“Everyone, have you received it? Are you listening?! If you have something to tell you, please come to the palace of the adults of the whole network with the god of destruction and the god of the world.”

When the god-tier officer heard these words, there was no other information.

Sometimes this kind of unknown is more anxious than knowing the truth.

Birus grabbed both ears and screamed miserably: “It’s over! What the hell did that idiot, Monkey King do?!”

“The martial arts society of the whole universe.”

Mukuro sighed and said, “Didn’t you know it a long time ago? Let’s go over together to see what the rules of the game are, and then prepare for it. As long as you win the game, Universe Seven won’t be eliminated. ”

“How can you go there?!”

Birus was still annoyed and said: “The god-tier officer just let the Destruction God and the Realm King God pass by. If you follow the past and annoy the whole king, the trouble will be big.”

“Master Billus makes sense.”

Weiss persuaded: “Of course, Lord God-tier will not blame you for this kind of thing, but Lord Quan Wang is moody, it’s better not to mess around.”

“You just say that I am a candidate for the Destroyer of the Seventh Universe.” Mukuro said indifferently: “Am I the main force of the Seventh Universe?! Let me know the rules of the game in advance. The universe is more advantageous. If you refuse, you can figure it out by yourself. Anyway, if the seventh universe is destroyed, you don’t want to live.”

Of course Mukuro knows how difficult it is for the King of Kings.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no other way, Mukuro wouldn’t want to see King Quan, but he couldn’t go. Hearing Mukuro’s proposal, Birus hesitated for a long time. Even though he was not very happy, he could only agree to Mukuro’s proposal in the end.

About a minute later, Mukuro only felt that a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and the next second he would have appeared in the palace of the king.

There were other gods of the universe who appeared with them.

Mukuro swept to the left and right, only to see the number of people present was about forty. If the combination of the king of the world, the god of destruction, and the angel is a universe, there are exactly twelve universes.

Except for Mukuro, the gods and angels of the other universe have already kneeled before the whole king.

“Mukuro, you are here, and Lord Billus! Come here!” At the side of King Quan, the Monkey King was waving his hands excitedly.

Because of Goku’s actions, Mukuro and Billus became the focus of the gods almost instantly, and the gods talked about them.

As for the content of the discussion, it is not a good thing anyway.

“Hey, Billus! Isn’t the idiot over there the Saiyan in your universe?! Why is he standing with Lord Quan?!”

Xiangpa knelt down beside Billus, seeing Monkey King couldn’t help being furious.

He roared at Billus, but he didn’t dare to speak loudly in front of the king. This way of speaking seemed strange.

“Don’t ask me! I don’t know!” Birus was also furious.

Mukuro stood behind Billus and smiled secretly.

Birus was originally annoyed at the fact that Monkey King came here. Xiangpa still talked to him in this tone. Isn’t that uncomfortable? !

However, Birus’s attitude also made Xiangpa even more popular.

Even a brother, he angrily accused: “Birus! Why do you always cause trouble to other universes, okay?!”

While the Birus brothers were arguing, the god-tier officer looked at the destruction god of the eleventh universe and said, “Mr. Berumod, who is behind you?!”

The god of destruction in the eleventh universe looks a lot like the clown in the impression of the earth.

And standing behind him is a very tall and strong man, his arms are unimaginably thick.

Berumod quickly explained: “Returning to the god-tier officer, his name is Topo. In fact, I am considering retiring in the near future. He is being trained as a candidate for the next god of destruction. It happened that he came to me, I thought. It just happened to be an experience, so I brought him here.”

“My name is Tuopo, please give me some advice.” Tuopo said quickly.

“That’s it, then please come on and become the god of destruction.” The god-tier officer looked at Fubao with a faint smile, and said. When the god-tier officer was talking to Berumod, Billus looked back at Mukuro with a strange expression.

He remembered Mukuro’s excuse when he wanted to come here.

If it was an excuse that others thought, it happened to be the same as the case of Topo, Birus might think it was just a coincidence. However, the same thing happened to Mukuro, it cannot be described by coincidence, because Mukuro knows so much that sometimes it even exceeds Birus’s imagination.

Even if Mukuro told Billus by coincidence, Billus couldn’t believe it.

“Then Mr. Billus, who is behind you?!” The god-tier officer looked at Mukuro again.

“He… his name is Mukuro, and he is a candidate for the destruction god of our seventh universe.” Birus lied in a panic.

The god-tier officer nodded, and also encouraged Mukuro.

All in all, this matter was fooled, and then the god-tier officer officially began to explain the Universal Martial Arts Association, which is the matter of the power conference.

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