Chapter 1023 Billus played

Birus, who was about to fly to the ring, paused and stopped in mid-air.

He turned his head and said hysterically at Monkey King: “What’s the oil? If it weren’t for you, would things become so troublesome?! You troublesome guys!”

Birus really ran away, and his voice resounded above the ring like thunder, so that all the gods present could hear it.

The eyes of the gods looking at Birus and Monkey King were sharp as needles.

The gods present are all alive and do not know how old they are, how can they not hear the clues? !

The look they looked at Billus was getting worse.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly in the audience: “Birus, this idiot, even if he did stupid things before, the gods wouldn’t necessarily join hands to deal with him, but he shouted so loudly that he wouldn’t be able to be besieged. what.”

Weiss said gleefully: “Master Billus is in trouble now.”

With a black face, Birus carefully landed to the very center of the ring and fell into the 16 encirclement of the eleven gods of destruction.

Mukuro frowned and wondered: “What does Birus want to do?! No matter how strong a person is, if you are surrounded by so many opponents of similar strength, things will become very troublesome. Only let the opponents be on your own. One direction is the correct approach.”

“Master Billus is afraid of being beaten off the ring.”

Weiss snickered: “The eleven gods of destruction on the ring are all targeting Lord Billus. If Lord Billus stands on the edge of the ring, he will definitely be forced down. So by contrast, he would rather be besieged. .”

“Also, if Birus is forced into desperation, we can just see how strong Birus is really.” Mukuro said calmly.

Anyway, the current game is just a full view of the game, the purpose is to let the kings of the future world know what is going on in martial arts.

Even if Birus lost, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

Moreover, observing the battle in this realm may give Mukuro even greater gains and further strength.

“Birus, you’re really finished this time.”

I saw a destructive god who looked like a mouse and said: “Everyone had a feast with you, now we must deal with you together, but maybe we can take this opportunity to know who is the strongest destructor. God.”

“Quitla, do you want to do it with me?!”

Birus threatened coldly: “I don’t know which god of destruction is the strongest, but I know it will definitely not be you.”

“That’s hard to say, you’re just my defeated player, how can you be qualified to say such a thing?!” Quitra was very confident.

“Last time I just wrestled and lost to you! I won’t lose in a fighting game!” Billus roared angrily.

While Birus and Quitra were arguing, the gods of destruction had tightened their encirclement.

Some of the gods of destruction looked at Birus and some looked at Wukong, their faces looked ugly and ugly.

“Is that man a human in Universe Seven?! Billus said that it was because of him that things turned out like this?!”

“Birus’ universe?! The seventh universe is causing trouble again.”

“If that’s the case, let’s start with Birus to clean up.”

For various reasons, the other eleven cosmic destruction gods all decided to take Birus first after a brief discussion.

This is estimated to be the new hatred and old hatred together? !

Birus probably also knew that the matter was irreversible, and broke the jar and said, “Huh! A group of guys who can’t do anything without ganging up, come on, let me take good care of you.”

With an order from the god-tier officer, the eleven universe’s destruction gods all pounced on Birus, and the full-view competition officially began!

The first to attack Birus was a god of destruction who looked like a fish.

He attacked Birus from behind and punched Birus in the waist.

Birus didn’t even need to look at it, and easily raised his right hand, easily avoiding the attack of the god of destruction.

Immediately afterwards, the destruction gods of other universes also rushed forward.

Birus also didn’t even look at it, passing through the gap of these destruction gods like a loach, and his movements were very flexible.

Wukong looked at the coquettish Billus in the audience, completely stunned.

At the beginning, Mukuro’s mood was similar to that of Goku. In this case, Dragon Ball fighters can also do it, but only when their strength has an absolute advantage. That is based on the premise that one’s own speed is much faster than the other’s, and the other’s actions are judged based on the flow of qi and air.

But the destruction gods of other universes cannot be so weaker than Ruth, and some may even be stronger than Ruth. Billus could do this kind of thing during their siege, and it could really blow up for a lifetime.

“This is the body’s own judgment, and then avoid the attack?!” Mukuro judged: “Birus has indeed gone farther than me in this field, but I also have my own advantages. If you let me play, I don’t know if I can Do it better.”

“Mr. Mukuro’s superpowers are very special, and he might be better than Billus-sama when evading attacks.”

Weiss said indifferently: “But Mr. Mukuro’s power is not enough. Even if he can guarantee his invincibility, there is no way to defeat the god of destruction.”

Mukuro nodded, having to accept this cruel fact.

If he fights against a weaker god of destruction like Xiangpa, Mukuro will attack him with the eye of death. Maybe he can really kill him directly, but if he fights with the god of destruction, this method cannot be repeated successfully.

This is why Mukuro hopes to obtain breakthrough inspiration by observing the battle of Birus.

After avoiding the attack of the bad gods of Po 527, Birus showed a triumphant smile on his face.

At this moment, the robot destroyer flew behind Birus at an astonishing speed and hugged Birus tightly. In front of this tall robot destroyer, even if Birus is not short, he is still as small as a mouse under the paws of a cat.

When the other gods of destruction saw that Billus was caught, they rushed over with excitement.

“Birus can’t avoid attacks perfectly after all.”

Mukuro reluctantly said: “If you don’t quickly find a way, this is really troublesome, and there is no way for Birus to eat so many attacks from the gods of destruction at the same time.”

“Mr. Mukuro, are you worried about Lord Billus?!”

Weiss said suddenly: “But as you said just now, the current game is just a full overview of the game. It doesn’t matter if Lord Birus loses.”

“Yes.” Mukuro nodded. He opened his mouth and said, “And if the destruction gods of other universes can be less resentful against us because of the defeat of Birus, the pressure on our universe in the power conference may be much less. Otherwise, even I will not be able to hold it. Fighters from the eleven universes joined forces to attack. However, I still don’t want to see Birus lose.”

For Mukuro, Birus may not be considered a companion, but he is now a soldier of the seventh universe, and he can’t do it if he sees the defeat in his universe.

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