Chapter 1020 Power assembly

“Mr. Mukuro, you seem to know what Mr. Monkey King wants to do.” Even Wes looked at Mukuro with a puzzled expression.

To say who has the deepest understanding of this seventh universe, it is undoubtedly Weiss, because he has an almost infinite lifespan, and he does not have the sleepiness of Birus, and can observe this universe almost every moment. The staff in his hand can also allow him to inquire about the situation of the Seventh Universe anytime and anywhere.

In Universe Seven, he knew that Goku and other Saiyans had no opponents.

“You don’t need to tell you, you can see what is in Wukong’s hand.”

Mukuro pointed to Goku.

Wukong just took out a button from his arms. The front and back of the button can be pressed, but the color is different.

On the surface, that button is really nothing special, but a knowledgeable person will know how terrible it is. Weiss looked at the button in Wukong’s hand, even if he was always as calm as he could not help being taken aback.

“What is that?! Why do I have a bad feeling?!” At this moment, Birus, who was supposed to have left, flew back at an astonishing speed. He was flying too fast. , Resulting in smoke on the surface of the body.

He stopped in front of Wukong, his eyes seemed to swallow Monkey King 473 Kong.

“This is the button that Lord Quan gave me. He can let me go to Lord Quan, and he can also summon Lord Quan.”

Wukong explained with a smile: “When it comes to where to find an opponent, of course the best way is to have Lord Quan host a martial arts meeting in the universe.”

“That kind of thing, I advise you to forget it.”

Birus said in a half-threatening and half admonishing way: “It will be no good for all of our universes to hold martial arts across the universe.”

“Why?! Isn’t that interesting?! In this way, the strongest person in the universe can be determined.” Wukong puzzled.

“Idiot, I don’t want to say bad things. Don’t get involved with Lord Quan again.” Birus’ patience got worse and worse.

“Is it that serious?! I just want him to hold a martial arts meeting.”

At this time, Weiss, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, “I also don’t approve of you to find Lord Quan King, because you don’t know what will happen if you do that.”

Mukuro sighed as he watched Goku and Billus arguing.

Just now, Billus saw from a distance that Wukong took out the button to summon the king. He couldn’t even care about sleeping. He hurried over, showing how taboo he was against the king.

In this world, the only thing that can make Mukuro feel taboo is indeed Jeon King.

If you don’t know exactly what will happen in the future, probably Mukuro will also prevent Goku from going to Quan King. However, by now, Mukuro has no power to stop him, and he is probably the only one who approves of Goku’s going to Quan King.

Mukuro waved his hand and said, “Goku, if you want to go, then go quickly. Let me explain here.”


Wukong agreed, pressed the button, and disappeared into the void.

Birus was so frightened that the hairs all over his body exploded.

He hugged his head in pain and howled: “It’s over! That idiot! Bad things will definitely happen!”

“This is the worst situation!” Birus said almost desperately: “Who let this fool know Lord Quan in the first place?!”

“It seems to be because of the martial arts meeting held by Master Birus and Master Xiangpa.” Which one of the pots of Vis opens and does not mention.

“It seems to be such a thing.” Birus fell to the ground feebly, crying without tears: “It’s all my fault.”

Gohan watched by the side, not knowing the situation at all, with a dazed expression on his face. But from the reactions of Birus and Weiss, he knew that things were bad.

“Ms. Mukuro, is that King King really that scary?!” Gohan asked.

“It’s really scary.”

Mukuro sighed and said, “The King is a very simple existence, but it is because of his simplicity that things are troublesome. This is like giving the power of the god of destruction to a child who doesn’t understand anything. One can predict the consequences.”

“Since you know how terrible Quan King is, why do you want Wukong to pass by?!”

Birus seemed to have found the catharsis all at once, and rushed at full speed, so fast that Mukuro couldn’t react.

But Mukuro’s eyes can’t keep up, but it doesn’t mean that his body can’t keep up.

When Birus stretched out his hand and tried to grab Mukuro’s collar, Mukuro’s body automatically hid aside.

Billus froze for a moment, and said:

“This is… You actually got this ability as a Master?!”

“It’s already a Master, just like you can’t be perfect.”

Mukuro shrugged and said helplessly: “I don’t want Wukong to find King Quan, but if Wukong doesn’t pass, Universe Seven will definitely be over. If Wukong passes, there is still a ray of life. This is why I let Wukong pass. ”

“What’s the meaning?!”

Wes also curiously said: “Mr. Mukuro, do you know any secrets?!”

“That’s it.”

Mukuro said powerlessly: “The whole king was going to destroy eight universes, leaving only four universes. If Goku passes, he will be able to fight for life in this universe. As long as he wins at the martial arts conference, he won’t be destroyed. If you don’t believe it, Wes can ask the god-tier officer afterwards.”

At the same time, Wukong has entered the Palace of the Kings.

The palace of the whole king is different from the place where Birus lives. The place where the whole king lives is floating in a space outside the twelve universes. When Wukong appeared here, the god-tier officer seemed to have known it a long time ago, and he stood outside the gate in advance and waited.

He greeted politely: “Isn’t this Mr. Monkey King?! Welcome, I don’t know what is going on with Mr. Monkey King?!”

“I’m here to find Ah Quan. The Universal Martial Arts Meeting he promised last time can almost be held now, right?” Monkey King asked quickly.

“That’s it, then I will take you to see Lord Quan.”

The god-tier officer turned around and took Wukong into Quan King’s palace. At this point in time, Quan King and Quan King of the future world were playing chess in it.

The two kings were stunned when they saw Wukong appearing, so that Sun Wukong had to explain his intentions again.

One of the kings suddenly realized: “We almost forgot. If we eliminate the eight universes, it won’t be held.”

“Yes, or don’t eliminate it first.” The other Quan Wang nodded.

“Eliminate?! What?!”

Wukong was a little confused and couldn’t understand the words of Quan Wang at all.

The god-tier officer interrupted Wukong and said, “Nothing, please don’t care.”

At the same time, after a brief exchange between the two kings, they have decided to hold a martial arts meeting in the universe immediately. However, the kings of the future world do not know about the martial arts meeting, so they decided to hold a general meeting first.

Prior to this, the god-tier officer first notified the twelve universe gods and asked them to gather in the palace of the king.

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