Chapter 1016 Infinite Zamas

Mukuro, Wukong and others have not discussed the result yet, the facts have given them the answer.

In the place where the sand that Zamas’s body turned into was scattered, each Zamas continued to grow and change back to the original appearance.

The appearance of these Zamas is the same as before, and there is no difference in the intensity of the breath, and the number is countless.

These Zamas surrounded Mukuro and others, and let out a cold grinning laugh.

“I was really scared to death just now, I thought I was going to be destroyed.”

“Fortunately, the immortality given to us by the super dragon is stronger than we thought, and even the destruction of the god of destruction cannot be destroyed.”

“Damn Saiyans! You are dead this time!”

As soon as the voice fell, countless Zamas pounced on from all directions.

Mukuro looked at them and felt that they didn’t look like humans anymore, they were just a crowd of locusts!

No matter how strong Mukuro is, it is impossible to fight so many Zamas on his own.

Mukuro’s heart was tight, and he quickly grabbed Monkey King and the others, and took them to the capsule company by teleporting them.

Fortunately, there are still human beings in the future world. Otherwise, Mukuro, who cannot feel anger, wants to move instantaneously.

Outside the abandoned capsule company, Trunks desperately said: “What to do?! I didn’t expect things to turn out like this. Can we beat so many Zamas?!”

“How can I defeat them?!”

Sun Wukong also frowned and said: “Even Mukuro’s destruction will not work. Other attack methods are definitely ineffective. Should they be sealed one by one with Demon Sealing Wave?!”

“There are so many of them, even if you want to seal it, you won’t be able to succeed, and it is impossible for other Zamas to stand by and watch.”

Mukuro directly denied, saying: “And after Zamas was destroyed and hit, didn’t his body turn into sand?! I suspect that every grain of sand becomes a Zamas. Even if Zamas is willing to seal you, It can also exhaust you alive.”

Wukong didn’t know what to do, so he scratched his head helplessly.

Of course he knew that what Mukuro was talking about might be the truth, but he really had nothing to do except Mo Fengbo.

“Why don’t we go back to the past world and find a way?!” said the world king god.

“It’s useless, we’ve already escaped once, and we can’t escape the second time. Zamas has become so many that he is no longer an opponent who can think of any way to deal with it.” Gohan also sighed. , Said. As they were meditating, Zamas suddenly appeared not far away, and there was more than one.

Some of them were standing on the building, some were walking slowly on the ground… The only thing they had in common was a smug smile on their faces.

“I didn’t expect you Saiyans to be so distressed, are you scared?!” A Zamas sneered.

“The Saiyan named Mukuro over there, weren’t you very arrogant just now? Come and try again with us.” Another Zamas challenged Mukuro.

Mukuro snorted coldly and said, “Your number has indeed increased, but the strength of the single body has not increased. Do you really think I can’t kill you?! That trick of destruction, I can only use it more than once.”

“Of course you can destroy us.” Zamas sneered: “However, if you destroy our body, we will be able to regenerate immediately. It will have no effect at all, but will make us more numerous. You have to stop trying. try?!”

Mukuro snorted again and didn’t speak. What Zamas said was indeed the truth, and they couldn’t kill them with destruction.

But. Will the Demon Eye of Death be effective? !

Mukuro kicked his feet and rushed towards Zamas, who had provoke him just now.

As he got closer and closer to Zamas, Mukuro used teleportation again to achieve unexpected results.

It turns out that Mukuro is right.

Zamas never thought that Mukuro, who had rushed directly towards him, would actually use teleportation, and he was taken aback for a moment, and did not dodge. With such a stunned effort, Mukuro has appeared behind him, using the power of the dead magic eye.

In front of the Eye of Death, Zamas’ body quickly collapsed, and his breath disappeared completely after his death.

The breath disappeared? ! Mukuro’s eyes lit up.

In other words, the Eye of Straight Death is effective for Zamas, this is probably because the Eye of Straight Death is not a power of this world, even if it is a super dragon, there is no way. Or because the Straight Death Demon Eye belongs to the power that is the root cause, so it is stronger.

Zamas found that one of them was dead, and his face changed drastically.

“How come?! What kind of power is that?! We have got the immortal body, why are we still killed by you?!”

“Go!! Everyone, hurry up!! Get rid of all the humans in this world, don’t let them have a chance to recover.” Zamas found that the situation was not good, immediately scattered around, and slaughtered the remaining earthlings at the same time.

Even if Mukuro’s straight death eye can kill them, there is no way at all.

He couldn’t use the Eye of Straight Death frequently, and even after using it, it would not be particularly difficult for Zamas to avoid it.

To protect ordinary earthlings who have no power to restrain the chicken under so many attacks by Zamas, it is just idiotic sleep talk.

In the encirclement of countless Zamas, even with the resistance of a few people, the remaining earthlings were quickly completely killed.

“In the end, Revolving Heaven is still weak. It would be better if you use the straight dead eye from the beginning.” Mukuro sighed.

“Mr. Mukuro, forget it, you don’t know if the destruction will be ineffective. Conversely, it may be that the devil’s eye of death is ineffective. The destruction is effective. No one wants to.” Gohan exhorted Mukuro: “Rather than blame yourself, Why not think of a way, are we going to run away again?!”

“No, I don’t blame myself, I actually have other ways, but I don’t want to do that as a last resort.”

Mukuro suddenly looked at Go Sky’s Path: “Goku, take out the buttons on your body.”

“Button?! What button?!”

Monkey King froze for a moment, but didn’t react.

“Didn’t King Quan meet you before you leave? He should give you a summon button, right?!” Mukuro said.

Wukong suddenly realized, “There is this button, do you want Master Quan to clean up Zamas?!”

As Wukong spoke, he took out the button and handed it to Mukuro.

Mukuro flipped the button, handed it back to Goku, and said, “This is for you from King Quan. You can summon him. I don’t want to get involved with that troublesome guy.”

Wukong nodded and pressed the button to summon the king. With a flash of white light, the king appeared in front of Wukong and others out of thin air.

He looked around suspiciously:

“What happened?! Who is looking for me?!”

“It’s me!” Sun Wukong quickly agreed: “Aquan, I have something to ask you for help. Look at that person named Zamas over there. He has destroyed the world so badly. Do you think it is Damn it? Do you want to destroy him?!”

“It’s Damn it.”

The whole king nodded in agreement, and said: “This world is really annoying, then disappear!”

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