Chapter 1015 a very wide distance

Zamas sneered at Mukuro heartily, and he could see that he was serious.

The increased strength after the fit allowed him to defeat Gohan, and his self-confidence swelled to the limit, even Mukuro was not in his eyes.

Mukuro didn’t feel angry about it, but thought he was very pitiful.

The frog at the bottom of the well, have you ever seen real power? !

Mukuro said lightly: “Come here, let me see how much stronger you become after you are combined. I want to know if you are really capable of achieving the zero human plan.”

“Clearly knowing that even Monkey King was defeated by me, how dare you speak to me in this tone?!”

Zamas gritted his teeth and said: “Huh! I don’t care who you are, you have to pay for your arrogance!!”

Zamas punched and hit the void beside him.

There is nothing in the direction of Zamas’s punches, even if his arm can stretch like Piccolo, it is absolutely impossible to hit Mukuro.

Goku, Gohan, and the two world king gods watched from behind, and couldn’t help but stunned.

What does this Zamas want to do? !

Mukuro sneered in his heart, already knowing what he wanted to do.

In an instant, a space gap appeared in front of Zamas’s fist, and a similar gap appeared beside Mukuro’s cheek. When Zamas 787’s fist hit the gap in the space, the fist appeared beside Mukuro’s cheek…

Mukuro-Master held his fist. Said: “Do you think this low-level sneak attack technique will be useful to me?!”

Mukuro pulled hard, trying to pull Zamas out of the gap, but the gap was too small and Zamas was stuck.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly and said, “It’s boring, the space channel you made is too small.”

Boom boom boom! ! !

Mukuro punched out, and in turn, using the space channel created by Zamas, he punched Zamas and knocked out a few of his teeth.

But this guy has an immortal body, and he recovered again in an instant.

Zamas yelled unwillingly: “Impossible! It is also the full power of the Blue God, the God of Super Saiyan, how can you be better than Monkey King?!”

“It must be a coincidence! It must be a coincidence!”

Zamas once again made dozens of gaps in space, and kept punching inside, blasting Mukuro with his fists one by one.

Mukuro pushed Zamas back with a punch and said: “Zamas, do you want to play a game of mole-mouse with me?! I don’t expect you to have such a leisurely feeling.”

“Dare to look down on me.” Zamas was furious, and once again raised his Qi, his attack speed and strength increased further.

But Mukuro is still very easy to deal with, and even has time to yawn.

Wukong, Gohan and others were shocked watching this battle, and they couldn’t even care about the happiness that Zamas fell.

“Is this the strength of Mukuro-sensei?! It is also Super Saiyan Blue with full power, but why is the gap with us so big?!”

“Unbelievably strong, I can’t see where Mukuro’s limit is. Has he already surpassed the god of destruction?!”

“If, I mean, if Goku and Gohan also use Potala earrings to fit together, will they be able to surpass Mr. Mukuro?!” Realm King God said unsure.

Mukuro played with Zamas lightly, just when he heard the words of the world king god.

In fact, he is also quite curious. The combination of Vegeta and Monkey King in the original book does possess unimaginable power.

Would the result be different if Vegeta was replaced by Sun Gohan? !

But now they have no intention of letting them test.

Mukuro found the opportunity to kick Zamas, interrupted his attack, and at the same time grabbed his head with one hand and shouted:


Mukuro hit the destructive energy on Zamas’s body, and Zamas’s body immediately sanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, without even a little blood flowing out.

Zamas was taken aback, showing horror.

“Isn’t that a trick that the god of destruction can do?!”

Gvass said in shock: “Unexpectedly, there is a Master in the seventh universe who has this skill. Maybe he can really kill Zamas.”

“It’s really a skill of Destroyer God, in front of this skill, even Zamas’s immortality is useless.”

“We won! Fortunately, Mr. Mukuro has come with us, and Trunks’ world can be restored to peace.”

Slowly, Mukuro’s destructive energy eroded Zamas all over his body.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and the sand that his body had turned into scattered with the wind, and disappeared into the void.

Wukong flew up and said, “Mukuro, it really depends on you in the end, otherwise we really have nothing to do with Zamas.”

“Zamas must have never imagined that Teacher Mukuro has even learned how to destroy, even if he is immortal, it is useless.”

“I will send you back to the original world.” Trunks said: “Thank you, if you were not there, this world would be destroyed by Zamas.”

“It’s not that simple.” Mukuro sighed.

He looked for the destruction he learned from Wes not long ago, just to confirm whether the destruction could kill Zamas.

If it doesn’t work, he can only use other methods.

Therefore, after destroying Zamas’s body with destruction, Mukuro paid special attention to whether there was any change in Zamas’s breath.

What made him feel very bad is that although Zamas’ body was destroyed, his breath did not disappear.

On the contrary, Zamas’s breath increased.

Yes, the qi did not increase or weaken, but the amount has increased. Even Mukuro can’t tell how many strands of Zamas’s qi are.

“Don’t you feel it?!”

Mukuro said solemnly, “Zamas’s breath has not disappeared.”

“felt it.”

Wukong nodded, shaking his whole body, his face was shocked: “What happened?! Why did Zamas become so angry?!”

“I also have an ominous premonition.”

The realm king looked around in a panic, trying to find the reason for Zamas’s increased anger.

Gohan quickly asked, “Mukuro-sensei, do you know what’s going on?! Don’t you even know the future?!”

“I have no conclusion on this matter, only guesses.”

Mukuro said solemnly:

“Zamas is the immortal body obtained by the power of the super dragon. Maybe the power of the super dragon is above the god of destruction, so the power of the god of destruction cannot kill him, just like the dragon of the earth cannot kill the god of destruction. People.”

“But, Mukuro-sensei, your destruction has destroyed him?! Have you surpassed the god of destruction?!” Gohan was still puzzled.

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

Mukuro continued: “The super dragon only gave Zamas a body that will not die, not that it will not be injured. So my destruction can destroy his body, but there is no way to kill him. When his body has been crushed , How should he be resurrected?!”

If it is an immortal body in the general sense, it should be like Demon Buu, with body fragments reunited.

But since it is the work of Super Dragon, the result is likely to be different.

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