Chapter 1017 Future world destruction

The king opened his hands, a dazzling white light burst out from his palms, and his horrible aura was expanding. The space of the future world has been distorted by this powerful aura, as if the whole world was trembling.

Both Mukuro and Goku felt this terrifying change for the first time.

Mukuro’s face changed drastically, and he quickly shouted: “Tranks, prepare the time machine, we will leave here now! Now!”

Goku and Gohan didn’t need Mukuro’s urging, they already flew to Trunks in a hurry. At this moment, their desire to survive was stronger than ever.

And Zamas didn’t care about chasing them, and all ran away like a ghost, trying to stay away from the king.

Trunks’ reaction was also not slow. He quickly took out the time machine, jumped in with Wu, and started the machine.

“Don’t wait for me! Hurry up and close the door of the time machine!” Mukuro urged when seeing Trunks still opening the door waiting for them.

Mukuro knows very well that this is the attack of the king standing on the apex of the twelve universes! !

They are not on the same level at all! !

In the face of such power, there is no use for any kind of immortal body! !

If you continue to stay in this world, you will definitely be destroyed! !

The moment the King’s attack blasted out, the door of the time machine was closed, and Wukong, Gohan and Mukuro all got into the time machine and activated.

The moment they jumped into the space-time tunnel, the whole king’s attack came out! !

Mukuro and others who jumped into the space-time tunnel could no longer see the future world, but felt that the whole world was shaking violently.

Even if they have already jumped into the space-time tunnel, they cannot avoid it! !

Such power made them palpitations! !

Before they could say anything, they had come out of the tunnel of time and space and returned to the capsule company in the original world.

As soon as Mukuro and others showed up, they had already seen Birus and others waiting.

“I’m back at last! It’s really dangerous!” Monkey King lay on the ground and said with a sigh of relief: “Thanks to Mukuro’s idea of ​​a way to clean up Zamas, otherwise he will die! That is definitely an opponent that even Lord Birus can’t clean up. .”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect Zamas to be so terrible. If it weren’t for the help of Teacher Mukuro, it would be useless to call Master Billus.”

Gohan also breathed a sigh of relief.

“The future world is gone, alas…”

Trunks sighed, “Thanks to Mr. Mukuro, Zamas is dead, and we can be regarded as avenging everyone.” Even so, Trunks still can’t be happy. That is his true hometown. home.

No matter how beautiful the world is now, it doesn’t belong to him.

But if you want to say that you are unhappy, the most unhappy person must be Birus. His eyes were staring like ping-pong balls, and the veins on his head were violent, and he clenched his fists as if he wanted to hit someone.

His eyes fell on Wukong and his son, and the target was obviously the two of them. Wukong Gohan felt that Birus was angry.

“Master Billus, why are you staring at us like this?!”

“What happened?! Lord Billus seemed very angry.”

Weiss snickered and said: “You keep saying that Lord Birus can’t beat that Zamas, of course Lord Birus is not happy. But I am really curious, is that Zamas really as powerful as you said?! Lord Billus can’t help it?!”

Monkey King was shocked and hurriedly explained to Birus, “Master Birus, don’t be angry. That Zamas is really powerful. His strength is already comparable to Super Saiyan Blue’s full power, and he is immortal. Physically, even Mukuro can’t destroy him with sabotage, so we feel that Lord Birus can’t kill him.”

Vis and Birus heard what Sun Wukong said, but remained indifferent.

They didn’t seem to be surprised by this incident at all.

Billus said indifferently:

“If Zamas really uses the Super Dragon Ball to get the immortality, the destruction of the God of Destruction will certainly not be useful to him, but we still have a way to deal with him.”

“What way?!” Monkey King was curious.

“Even if we can’t destroy him, we still have a way to seal him.” Birus said indifferently.

“Since there is such a thing, why not lend it to us?” Wukong was very depressed.

“There are some things that should be solved by yourself. I am the god of destruction. If I help you save people, what is it?!”

In any case, after knowing that Zamas had been killed, Birus had no intention of staying on the earth anymore…

He and Weiss broke through the air and disappeared into the sky.

Wukong took a short break and used the time machine to go to the future world, bringing back the king of the future world. When Wukong takes the king of the future world to meet the king of this world, days will finally be peaceful for a while.

This day… Mukuro lay comfortably on the 18th, squinting to enjoy this peaceful day, and suddenly felt that it would be nice not to fight.

On the 18th, he said curiously: “Mukuro, you have been resting for a long time, is it okay if you don’t exercise?! Both Monkey and Gohan have gone to Master Birus to practice. I heard about that. The whole king will hold a power conference in the future.”

Mukuro nodded, the anger of the two of them is indeed not on the earth.

It’s really rare that Gohan, a kid, can take the initiative to exercise himself.

“After experiencing the Zamas incident, Sun Gohan may have really changed his sex.” Mukuro said lightly, “Um… The power conference that the king will hold is about to begin, not to start, this universe It’s over, I’ll take a trip to Birus.” Mukuro sat up straight, and even if he didn’t want to, he couldn’t continue to get tired of the 18th.

“This universe is going to end?!”

No. 18’s face changed drastically and said, “What happened?!”

“If I go to Billus, nothing will happen, but it will happen if I don’t go.” 3.7 Mukuro didn’t have time to explain to No. 18, and teleportation appeared on Billus’ side.

When he appeared, he happened to see Gohan and Weiss training.

Son Gohan attacked Wes frantically with normalcy, but compared to when he fought Zamas, his actions became much more simple.

Wes dodges and resists Monkey Gohan’s attack while saying:

“Just like a virgin, moving like a rabbit, not bad, Mr. Monkey King, your extra movements are much less than before.”

Sun Wufan didn’t respond, and took the opportunity to hit a straight punch and take Weiss’s face.

Weiss was a flowered figure, and disappeared in place with a residual fist.

Gohan looked around but couldn’t see Wes at all. After a while, a ripple appeared on the lake under their feet.

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