Chapter 1014 Fit

“Damn it!” Seeing that the dark Goku Zamas is not doing well, he can care about Gohan, so he rushed over.

Gohan kicked him in the back, kicked him to Goku’s side, and said, “The other Zamas is dead and can’t heal you anymore. What’s the use of you?!”

Boom boom boom! ! !

Dark Wukong fell heavily, rubbing his cheeks against the ground, and the injury was serious.

Monkey King picked up the bottle silently and said, “As long as you seal Zamas, who is immortal, things will become simpler. You don’t seem to be a full-power opponent of Super Saiyan Blue. Wait for Gohan to kill you. Just fine.”

While speaking, Wu Kong took out a seal from his arms and prepared to stick it on the bottle.

After seeing the ticket, Wukong was dumbfounded.

Originally, what he brought over was supposed to be the seal talisman used with Mo Fengbo, but he seemed to have taken it wrong, and the seal talisman became the entrance ticket for the turtle fairy to watch certain performances.

Monkey King was so frightened that he quickly held down the cork.

But Zamas struggled in it, and it was only a matter of time before he rushed out.

“It’s awful.” Wukong said with a grimace.

“What should I do if I bring such an important thing wrong?!”

Dark Wukong saw that the situation was not right, so he kicked Wukong quickly.

Sun Wukong was in a hurry and was forced to let go, and Zamas took the opportunity to get away.

Zamas gasped hard, with lingering fears and said:

“What kind of trick is that? It’s too dangerous.”

Zamas turned his head to the Dark Goku and said, “I can’t go on like this anymore. My strength is too weak. If this goes on, they will surely fix it. Let’s fit together.”

“It seems that things are getting bad.”

Jie Wang Shen’s face paled and said: “What do they say is the fit? Is it because they want to fit in with Potala earrings?!”

“It’s Portara earrings.”

Mukuro said lightly: “Their strength is far less than that of Monkey King and his son. Combination is the only way. As long as the power of Dark Wukong and the immortal body of Zamas are combined, a super powerful warrior is born. ”

“Damn it! Stop them quickly.” The Realm King God was very nervous.

Mukuro can understand his mood, after all, the combination effect of Portara earrings is very strong.

In the original book, after the combination of Monkey King and Vegeta, they, who were originally the three-level Super Saiyan, were able to fight against the extremely powerful Gohan Buu.

And Gohan Buu is the result of the combination of the three levels of power of two Super Saiyans.

If two Zamas were combined in the same way, the consequences would be disastrous.

But now it is too late to stop.

Dark Wukong suddenly woke up, and quickly took the earrings to the other side, and then merged with Zamas. A Zamas with the appearance of Monkey King but with green skin and white hair appeared in front of Mukuro’s eyes.

This Zamas also seemed to be much stronger, wearing clothes that would only be worn by the realm king, and his aura became much stronger.

At least Mukuro felt that his anger was no worse than Super Saiyan Blue’s full power.

If you count the immortal body, his actual combat power may still be at the full power of the Blue God, the God of Super Saiyan.

“What a powerful anger.” Wukong’s expression changed drastically, “Gohan, are you okay?! Are you sure to defeat this guy?!”

“I don’t know, he really got stronger, I can only give it a try.” Gohan maintained the full power of Super Saiyan Blue and attacked Zamas.


Zamas took Sun Gohan’s fist with a palm, and said, “The full power of the Blue God, the God of Super Saiyan?! But so, after being combined, it seems that I have become very strong, and you can no longer be me. The opponent is now.”

“how come?!”

Gohan’s face changed: “After you merged, your strength has increased so much?”

“Yeah, even myself was shocked.” Zamas smiled grimly: “Thanks to you, I can become so strong. You are the last obstacle to my realization of the zero plan for humanity. Let me eliminate it here. you!”

Zamas kicked Gohan out, and one by one the gas bombs hit Gohan.

Gohan crossed his hands to protect his head, and finally waited for Zamas’s attack to stop, he rushed up, and a shock wave blasted towards Zamas.

Zamas was taken aback, blood was splashing, and he was badly injured by the shock wave.

Several bone wounds can already be seen on his body.

“Haha, I didn’t expect to hurt you so easily. It seems that you are not too strong.” Gohan’s eyes lit up and he smiled excitedly: “No matter how strong you are, it is impossible to fight with such a severe injury. Yes, you are sure to lose.”

“Do you really think so?!”

Zamas grinned and suddenly shouted.

Immediately afterwards, he could see that the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he returned to the original state after a while, and there was even no scars.

After healed from the injury, his anger did not weaken by half.

“His immortal body really remains.” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and said: “Mukuro, what should I do? Such a powerful guy has an immortal body, but it is not so easy to deal with. Even the blue god, the super Saiyan god… …”

Mukuro nodded, even if he wasn’t happy, he had to admit that it was the truth. An opponent with Super Saiyan Blue’s full power level is really scary.

Even Mukuro would have a headache if he only used the methods of this world.

Of course, and because there are more killers than Goku, Mukuro is not particularly nervous, but rather looks forward to playing against Zamas.

Slowly, Sun Gohan’s stamina was declining, and his Super Saiyan Blue full power had not reached the perfect state.

Blue light began to bloom on his body, and his body was convulsing in pain.

“Gohan, come down, you can’t beat him.”

Mukuro said lightly, “Let me come.”

Gohan hesitated for a while, then stepped back to Mukuro’s side, and said, “Okay, I will leave the next battle to Mukuro-teacher. It’s all because I didn’t get rid of Zamas quickly, otherwise things won’t get so bad. .”

“Don’t worry, you have tried your best.” Goku comforted: “If it weren’t like this, we wouldn’t see Zamas and Mukuro fighting, would we!? I’m becoming more and more curious about how Mukuro can win. .”

“Mukuro, are you really okay?” Realm King God worried: “I heard that your strength is about the same as that of Gohan. You are also a Super Saiyan with full power. Even Gohan can’t beat the opponent, you How sure is it?!”

“Sure?! Haha…I don’t have such a thing.” Mukuro said with certainty: “I can definitely defeat Zamas, but he has an immortal body, so I don’t know if I can kill him. It’s really not good. Just seal him up.”

While talking, Mukuro has flown in front of Zamas, transforming into Super Saiyan Blue with full power.

Zamas sneered disdainfully: “Is this another trick? Sun Gohan has proved that this trick is useless. Do you want to use it to fight?!”

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