Chapter 1013 Overcome weakness

Mukuro was startled, and then smiled bitterly after a blink of an eye.

The one who should come is still to come.

In this world, if there is anyone in Mukuro that I don’t want to see the least, then there is probably only the king.

That guy is standing on the top of the twelve universes, and the life and death of all universes lies within his thoughts. No one wants to face a person like this who can control his life and death at will. If Mukuro has enough power, the first thing he wants to destroy is that guy.

In fact, if King Quan could speak a little bit of truth, Mukuro wouldn’t be as disgusted as he is now.

The problem is that the guy in the king is more moody than Bi Ruth.

“Forget it, it’s nothing more than a power conference.” Mukuro shook his head and said, “As long as we can win the power conference, we don’t have to worry about being eliminated.”

“Power Contest?! Is that the name of the game held by Lord Jeon King?!” Goku was very curious: “Mukuro, how do you even know what will happen in the future?!”

“It’s not the time to think about this. You should find a way to kill Zamas first.” Mukuro rubbed his sore eyebrows, 16 no longer wanted to talk.

The time spent traveling in time and space is not too long. After a while, Mukuro and others will return to the future world.

The place where they landed is still outside the abandoned capsule company.

When they came out of the void, they happened to see two Zamas wandering around, looking for traces of Mukuro and others.

When they saw Mukuro and his party appear, they immediately caught up.

“You two are okay?!” Mukuro was quite surprised when he saw the two Zamas directly rushed forward: “Don’t you realize how far you are from me? You are definitely not my opponent. .”

Monkey King smiled and said: “Zamas, the most wrong thing you did was to steal my body, not to steal Mukuro’s body, otherwise we would have worked harder.”

“Ms. Mukuro, let me fight him again.” Sun Gohan said vigorously, “I have practiced again. I am not the same as I was before. I will definitely win.”

After obtaining Mukuro’s consent, Monkey Gohan flew forward, first transformed into Super Saiyan Blue, then suppressed the energy of Super Saiyan Blue and turned into Super Saiyan Blue with full power.

The blue light on him disappeared.

Although Sun Gohan is not as perfect as Mukuro, and should not be able to maintain it for too long, the first step is to take it.

When the two Zamas saw Monkey Gohan transforming into the Blue God, the super Saiyan god, their faces were instantly filled with amazement.

“Super Saiyan Blue Full Power?! Isn’t this the realm that Mukuro can transform into?! How come even Gohan succeeded?!” Dark Goku was a little worried.

“But there are only two Super Saiyan Blues with full power, and we can barely handle it.” Zamas said solemnly: “Can’t even Monkey King transform successfully, right?!”

Zamas looked at Monkey King nervously.

He is a person who has personally experienced the full power of Super Saiyan Blue. If even Monkey King can transform into his body, he would really be scared to death.

Mukuro ignored the matter, he cared more about where the confidence of the two Zamas came from.

They already know how much Mukuro is better than them, so why are they confident that they are capable of fighting Mukuro? ! Is it because of fit? !


Gohan has rushed up between the flashing lights.

Gohan knocked the Dark Goku into the air with a punch, and said, “So this is the strength of Super Saiyan Blue’s full power. I finally know what Mukuro-sensei feels like when fighting with you. With your current strength, it can’t be. Super Saiyan Blue’s full-power opponent.”

“Huh! It’s just a sneak attack. What are you proud of?!” Dark Wukong didn’t believe that Wukong’s strength had surpassed him.

He paused high in the air, then accelerated and dived down.

Dark Wukong dives very fast by gravity, and there is a faint flame that emits when it rubs against the air outside of the arrogance that he emits.

He swooped down with this momentum and collided with Monkey King again in the blink of an eye.

Gohan took the initiative to meet him: “Then you can see if it is the result of the sneak attack.”

Boom boom boom! ! !

The fists of the two of them collided fiercely, lightning flashed, and the horrible impact almost knocked down the nearby buildings.

Gohan’s left fist immediately followed, hitting Zamas one after another, and after a while, Zamas could only passively defend.

Zamas retreated and said: “How could this be? Last time I fought with you, I clearly defeated you, why is Super Saiyan Blue Full Power so strong?!”

“See? This is our gap.”

Gohan said coldly as he attacked, “Do you still dare to say that I succeeded in a sneak attack? It’s easy for me to defeat you now.”

Gohan clasped his fists in his hands and smashed Dark Wukong down fiercely.

When Gohan and Dark Goku fought, Zamas kept watching.

Seeing that his companion was defeated, he immediately flew down, trying to heal Dark Goku.

“Your opponent is me.” Wukong immediately rushed to stop Zamas, and said: “We will not let you heal Dark Wukong again.”

Zamas’s face changed, very embarrassed.

As long as he is not a fool, he should understand that the only one who can fight against a few Saiyans here is Wukong Darkness, but Wukong Darkness does not have an immortal body.

Once Dark Wukong is killed, he will not be able to achieve the zero human plan even if he is truly immortal.


Monkey King turned into Super Saiyan II, punched out, very light 520 easy to beat Zamas with nosebleeds.

But the immortal body is really easy to use.

In a blink of an eye, his injuries were healed.

Zamas grinned reluctantly: “Huh! I have an immortal body, no matter what method I can’t kill me, what’s the point of you attacking me?!”

“If you really can’t kill you, I don’t know if the seal is effective?” Wukong thief smiled: “If the real immortal is sealed, it will be more painful, right?!”

Monkey King took out a bottle, opened the stopper of the bottle, and put it on the ground.

Zamas looked at Monkey King suspiciously, still wondering what Monkey King wanted to do.

“Magic Fengbo!”

Monkey King yelled, and blasted a spiral of green energy with both hands, wrapping Zamas in it.

Zamas struggled under the shackles of green energy, but it was too late to resist.

At the same time, the world king god of the seventh universe and the world king god Gevas of the tenth universe have already ran into this world by using the time ring, just to see this scene.

The Realm King God of Universe Seven excitedly said: “The situation is better than we thought. It seems that the matter is about to be solved. The method proposed by Mukuro is really effective.”


Gvass sighed: “Forget it, I didn’t expect Zamas to do such a thing. This is the punishment he deserves.”

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