Chapter 1010 Come from desperation

“Turtle-Pai-Qi-Gong-!!!” Zamas, who transformed into Super Saiyan II, shot Gou-Pai Qigong and bombarded Gohan.

But his turtle style qigong is different from that used by Wukong. It is rose red, and the qigong wave hits Gohan directly, just about to hit Sun Wufan’s face.

However, at this critical moment, Gohan dodged at super speed, and then attacked Zamas around the tortoise school qigong.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Gohan blasted Zamas with both fists, and immediately blasted Zamas out. Zamas hit the ground fiercely, smashing the already dilapidated city on the ground even more tattered. And when Zamas flew up, Gohan caught up again, knocking him down again with a punch.

“go to hell!”

Gohan yelled, and his gas bombs were knocked down by him, and the shock wave of the explosion instantly submerged Zamas.

“Is there only this level?!”

Gohan snorted and said triumphantly and contemptuously: “It’s a far cry from Mukuro-teacher, but Trunks can’t beat you now.”

The smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, and Zamas’ figure reappeared.

This guy held up the protective shield and withstood the attack just now.

“I didn’t expect 523 to be so strong, which era are you the Monkey King?” Zamas looked a little solemn.

After the brief confrontation, Gohan remained unscathed.

But Zamas’s body was already covered with scratches and dust covered him.

“Huh! You want to go by yourself, I don’t have time to explain to you.” Gohan suddenly pointed to Wukong and said, “By the way, your body belongs to your father?! Since this body has such a powerful force, then you are Isn’t it possible to transform into a super Saiyan god Blue God?!”

Monkey Gohan turned into the Blue God, the god of super Saiyans, and said, “This is the end of the game of playing house wine… Next, let’s use the final form to decide the outcome. If you ink again , Will be killed.”

“What’s that?! I can’t transform.” Zamas said.

“Can’t it change?! In other words, you really can’t use Dad’s body flexibly.” Gohan attacked in the state of the Blue God, the super Saiyan god, and punched Zamas and said: “Anyway , This body is a borrowed thing for you, just like Kiny back then, it cannot exert its full power.”

Boom boom boom! ! !

Gohan blasted Zamas out with another punch.

In front of the Blue God, the God of Super Saiyan, even if his strength has far surpassed Trunks, he is not enough to look at and can only defend.

But even with passive defense, he couldn’t block the offense of the Super Saiyan Blue God, and his injuries continued to worsen.

“It seems that the battle is about to end.”

Goku said lightly: “The solution is easier than we thought. Then just find the super Dragon Ball in this universe and restore everything on the earth. By the way, Mukuro, do you have a Super Dragon Ball radar?! ”

“It’s useless.” Mukuro said faintly, “The Dragon Ball in this universe has been destroyed by Zamas. His goal is to destroy all humans. Do you think he wouldn’t consider someone using Dragon Ball to restore everything? ! So he destroyed the Dragon Ball long ago to prevent accidents.”


Monkey King gritted his teeth and said: “Too Damn it! Even if the dragon is summoned in the past time and space, there is no way to restore the future world with the power of the dragon, right?!”

“The dragon in our world definitely has no way to restore this world, and it’s not easy to say whether Gohan can beat Zamas.”

“No?! Gohan’s strength is completely dominant, how can he lose?” Wukong was very surprised, and he didn’t believe it.

“You’ll know by looking at it.” Mukuro shrugged.

At the same time, Zamas had been beaten to death by Gohan.

Gohan gathered his hands on his waist, preparing to play the tortoise style qigong, and said: “This is the end of our battle. I’ll send you one last leg.”

Boom boom boom! ! !

Gohan’s tortoise-style qigong was attacked, and Zamas was about to be swallowed.

However, at this moment, a figure passed by at an extremely fast speed, unexpectedly rescued Zamas, and landed on the roof of a building not far away.

Mukuro, Goku, and Gohan looked over together and saw that Zamas had a green skin and white hair on his body.

“Huh, who is that?!”

Wukong stunned: “Does Zamas still have a companion?!”

“That guy is also Zamas, and he is the real Zamas.” Mukuro said, “Before changing bodies with you, Zamas was like this.”

“Wait, my brain is not enough.” Monkey King hurriedly stopped Mukuro from saying, “Isn’t there only one Zamas?! Why is there a Zamas with a changed body, and another original Zamas? !”

Mukuro thought for a while, but didn’t know how to explain it for a while.

It can even be said that if he does not know the historical trend of Dragon Ball, he will be confused by the situation in front of him.

“Simply put, the Zamas who robbed you of your body came from other time and space, and the green Zamas originally belonged to this universe.” Mukuro thought while explaining, “Because of the ring of time and space, Shuttle time has also become possible.”

“Anyway, there is one more enemy, right?! Then defeat them all.”

Goku flew up and said, “Gohan doesn’t know if he can beat him by himself, I’ll go up and help.”

At the same time, Dark Goku and Zamas have communicated with each other and have used Zamas’s power to recover Dark Goku’s injuries.

Mukuro shook his head secretly and murmured, “It turned out to be like this in the end. After being recovered from Zamas’s injury, even I can’t easily win.”

However, Mukuro himself knew very well that he still wanted to see how dark Wukong could become stronger in his subconscious mind.

Otherwise, his ability can completely prevent Zamas from recovering.

What Mukuro is very curious about now is that if he uses the power of the Demon Eye to kill him, I wonder if he can kill the immortal Zamas? !

Looking at Zamas, Gohan said, “Is the injury recovered? But what’s the point? It just makes you suffer for a while.”


Dark Goku flew confidently and said, “Did you forget the characteristic that Saiyans can become stronger after being seriously injured? Do you think my strength is still the same as before?!”

This time, Dark Goku took the initiative to attack Gohan and fought against Gohan again.

It was completely different from the previous battles. The previous Gohan was fighting against Dark Wukong, but this time, Dark Wukong was able to draw a tie with Gohan, and even Gohan was still in a faintly disadvantaged state.

Trunks flew over with Wu and happened to see this scene.

“What’s the matter?! Dark Goku seems to be stronger again.” Trunks asked in surprise.

“Indeed, Gohan has been suppressed.” Mukuro said faintly, “Super Saiyan Blue God’s fighting power cannot last. The battle just now caused Gohan’s power to drop. But Dark Goku has returned to its peak state. The strength is even further, and of course Gohan can’t win.”

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