Chapter 1011 retreat

Boom boom boom! ! !

After dozens of rounds of fierce fighting again, Gohan, whose physical strength was severely weakened, could no longer maintain such a high-intensity battle.

He was kicked severely in the abdomen by Zamas and hit the ground hard.

“Huh, this is the power of the so-called Super Saiyan God?!” Dark Goku said disdainfully: “With only this level of strength, you dare to threaten to defeat me, Gohan, you are too naive and arrogant. So, I will make you pay for your arrogance!”

Dark Goku raised his right hand to accumulate Qi, and threw the extra-large gas bomb at Gohan.


Goku was taken aback and quickly transformed into Super Saiyan Blue, wanting to go up and help.

The green-skinned Zamas suddenly stopped in front of Wukong.

He said coldly: “Your opponent is me!”

“Go away!”

Wukong’s quick-acting Turtle Qigong attack was not very powerful, but it was more than enough to deal with the guys at the level of Zamas. Zamas was hit and most of his body collapsed, but before the Monkey King had time to rush over, Zamas’s body recovered again.

“how come?!”

Wukong was shocked: “Do you have an immortal body?!”

Sun Wukong was stopped by Zamas, and it was obviously too late to save Gohan.

Trunks wanted to go up and save people, but with his strength, he didn’t have the extra energy to intervene in this level of battle.

Mukuro had no choice but to instantly move to Gohan’s side, kicking Dark Goku’s gas bomb into outer space.

“how come?!”

The smile on Dark Goku’s face gradually solidified, and he was shocked: “You kicked my attack away with just your feet?! And you, red hair… is a super Saiyan god?! How can this level of power surpass it? Super Saiyan Blue?!”

Dark Wukong looked puzzled, afraid that he would not think of the result if he wanted to break his head.

Under normal circumstances, the power of the Super Saiyan God is indeed not as good as the Super Saiyan Blue, but Sun Gohan has been seriously consumed now, otherwise he will not lose to Zamas.

The main reason why Mukuro can do this with the state of the Super Saiyan God is that he uses the repulsive force to bounce the Qi away.

“Thank you, Mr. Mukuro.” Gohan got up with difficulty and said unwillingly, “Dad, do you have any fairy beans?! Give me one!”

When Wukong saw the situation on Gohan’s side, he breathed a sigh of relief, first defeated Zamas, and then threw the fairy bean over.

Zamas wanted to take away the fairy beans, but was stopped by Mukuro.

Gohan eats the fairy beans, recovers his strength, transforms into a heyday Super Saiyan Blue God, and fights Zamas again.

They fought fiercely in the high air. At first, it was Gohan who had the upper hand, but slowly, the serious physical consumption of the Super Saiyan God, the Blue God, appeared again.

Because Gohan couldn’t get rid of Zamas in a short time, he fell into a disadvantaged state again after his stamina declined drastically.

With the current Gohan and Wukong, if they don’t fight together, they can’t win, but for the militant Wukong, it is absolutely impossible to choose to join hands with others.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, and said, “Before Zamas recovers, it is the best time to kill him, but unfortunately it has already been missed. Gohan, Goku, let’s retreat, go back to our world and think of a way. ”

“Hmph, do you think it would be that simple?!”

Zamas sneered disdainfully: “Since you are here, don’t even think about leaving, stay in this world forever.”

Mukuro stopped and stared at Zamas coldly, not surprised at all.

For the current Zamas, Wukong and his son are already a great threat. In order to realize the plan to make human beings clear, this is an obstacle that must be cleared. In that case, what reason does Zamas have to let Goku and the others go? !

“Damn it!”

Wukong gritted his teeth and said: “Then you can only fight to the death here, Trunks, you take the time machine back to our world, and leave it to us here.”

“How can it be?!” Trunks hurriedly said: “If you die here, how can I tell my past companions?!”

“It’s not necessary.” Mukuro glanced at Zamas, and then said lightly: “Let’s go back together. A mere Zamas wants to stop us.”

“You are wrong.” Zamas said confidently: “There are two Zamas here.”

“Then get out together.” Mukuro snorted coldly.

In the next second, Mukuro directly transformed into the full power of the Blue God, the super Saiyan god, kicking towards the dark Goku at a super high speed.

After transforming into Super Saiyan Blue with full power, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness has improved, and his speed is even more terrifying.

He just kicked the dark Wukong’s face and kicked the dark Wukong to the horizon, without seeing the slightest figure.

“Two Zamas?!”

Mukuro said coldly: “Now there is only one Zamas left. I know that you, Zamas, are immortal, but I don’t know if you will hurt.”

Mukuro shook his figure again and punched Zamas in the abdomen.

Zamas screamed, his complexion distorted, and he immediately flew into the sky like a rocket, visually blasting out of outer space by Mukuro.

When Mukuro retracted his fists and returned to his normal state and prepared to retreat with Wukong and others, he found that Wukong, Gohan, and Trunks were all staring at him dumbfounded.

“Ms. Mukuro, you are still as strong as ever.” Gohan was dumbfounded: “Now you can actually kill Zamas and Dark Goku?!”

“It’s amazing. It seems that I have to train to the full power of the Super Saiyan God Blue God soon.” Goku said in anticipation: “But now we still take advantage of Zamas’s not coming back. Let’s go back. Our world.”

“Why?! Couldn’t Mr. Mukuro kill Zamas?! Then why should we retreat?!” Trunks was puzzled.

“Go back first, go back to our world and speak slowly.”

Mukuro jumped directly into the time machine. Goku and Gohan followed closely. Trunks had no choice but to jump on the time machine.

“How?! Solved the opponent, right?!” Boomer asked easily.

Rather than asking, it’s better to say that Bouma is just a routine greeting. Her tone is completely equivalent to believing that the opponent has been resolved.

Trunks shook his head and said, “No, Gohan and Mr. Goku can’t beat him. Although Mr. Mukuro can win, he is unwilling to shoot, and I don’t understand.”

“That’s because Goku and Gohan still have hopes to solve their opponents.” Mukuro said lightly, “When there is really no way, I will take action. But I want to find out one thing, why is the world king god here? !”

Mukuro just came out of the time machine and saw that there was an extra world king god here, with a little nervousness on his face.

Birus said indifferently: “He came here to inform you that Zamas has two, and one of them has been immortalized with Shenlong, but looking at you, you seem to know it already.”

“I do.” Mukuro nodded and said:

“Goku, and Gohan, take advantage of the time to go to the spiritual time house to practice again. If you have time, you’d better find the turtle immortal to learn how to seal the wave. I will check this time and space with the gods and others. S.”

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