Chapter 1009 Trunks’ strength

Trunks drew his saber and attacked Wukong with the three levels of super-sailing power.

As Trunks got closer and closer to Wukong, Mukuro could feel Wukong’s Qi rising, and the power of the god realm began to emerge.

Are you ready to transform into the God of Super Saiyan? !

Mukuro shook his head lightly, and said helplessly, “Goku, Mukuro, is really childish. He is still not satisfied with using Super Saiyan three to bully Trunks. Even the Super Saiyan God has been taken out. But since Goku is ready to do so. Transformation, then this battle should almost be over, and I don’t have to worry about the destruction of the capsule company.”

The power of the three levels of Super Saiyan is no longer the power that Monkey King and Trunks can perfectly control.

When the power they use reaches a certain limit, their power will definitely cause serious damage to the surrounding area.

But since they can’t fight, Mukuro doesn’t have to stop them.

In the blink of an eye, Wukong had disappeared in place, and when he appeared in the next second, he had already appeared behind Trunks.

He kicked Trunks on the back of his neck, kicking Trunks back to normal, almost fainting again.

After a while, Trunks got up and said, “In the past ten years, I have been cultivating very hard. Unexpectedly, the gap with Mr. Wukong is getting bigger and bigger. I went back to the world of the past. Yes, only you can deal with Dark Wukong.”

“The Trunks, how does my current strength compare to Dark Wukong?!” Wukong asked curiously, but also a little proud.

Mukuro can think of what this guy is thinking with his toes. Goku has mastered the realm of gods, and the realm of gods is a realm that cannot be cultivated by himself. So he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Don’t think that unknown dark Wukong can beat him.

However, Trunks’ response and answer obviously disappointed Goku.

Trunks lowered his head, thought about it seriously, and said, “Mr. Wukong is indeed much stronger than he was in the past, but unfortunately, even so, I don’t know whether Mr. Wukong can beat the Dark Wukong. His strength is too great. Strong.”

“Is that so?! That would be terrible.” Wukong scratched his head and said, “I thought I could beat that guy easily.”

After a pause, Goku waved his hand at Mukuro again, and asked, “Mukuro! Have you heard what Trunks said?! Do you know how strong the dark Goku is?!”

Mukuro slowly walked towards Trunks and Goku. In fact, Mukuro didn’t have a clear concept of the power of Dark Goku.

He only knew that Dark Wukong was the product of Zamas occupying Monkey King’s body, and his body must have reached the realm of God, but Monkey King’s body did not belong to Zamas, so Zamas could not exert his full power.

“I don’t know what exactly Zamas is now, but I know he needs to become stronger through battle. He is not yet an opponent of the Blue God, the super Saiyan God.” Mukuro frowned and thought. After a long while, replied.

“Don’t even Mukuro-sensei know?!”

Gohan said with a headache, “Then you can only take a look at him in your world.”

Because Boomer has recently been studying the energy problem of the time machine, there is ready-made energy, so it only took a day to supplement the energy of the time machine.

Goku, Gohan, Mukuro… and Trunks.

The four came to Trunks’ world.

When Mukuro took the time machine to the future and landed outside the abandoned capsule company, he saw that the surrounding area had been reduced to ruins, and there was no trace of the prosperity of the past.

This kind of sight seeing with my own eyes is more impactful than what I saw in the book.

“That Zamas, who really has benevolence and morality on his lips, is actually doing things that are inferior to pigs and dogs.” Mukuro said coldly: “Goku, Gohan, quickly find out that Zamas and get rid of it. ”

“Mukuro, who is Zamas Zamas you said?!” Goku said strangely: “You seem to have said this name several times. Is it the real name of Dark Goku?!”

“When you see Zamas, you will naturally understand what’s going on.”

At the same time, Mukuro has already felt Zamas’s anger in the future world, and that guy will kill the humans in the future world, but it makes it harder for him to hide.

Is this the most stupid thing to do? !

Trunks put the time machine away and was about to fight with Goku Gohan when he suddenly saw a girl lying in front of him.

There is also a black kitten hovering nearby.

There is no doubt that that girl is just dancing.

Trunks’ expression instantly became anxious, and he looked at Wu Sky’s Path: “Mr. Wukong, please give me a fairy bean!”

Monkey King was taken aback: “What’s the matter?!”

“It’s Wu! Wu is still alive.” Trunks shouted.

Mukuro slowly landed on the ground and told Wukong to give the fairy beans to Trunks, while he paid close attention to Zamas’s movements.

That guy had already sensed the anger of Trunks, Goku and others, and was approaching here at an astonishing speed.

“Hurry up, the fellow Zamas is coming over soon.” Mukuro said coldly, “Tranks, you and Wu are hiding here. Look at the time machine. If the situation is not good, take the time machine back. Into our world.”

As soon as the voice fell, Mukuro broke through the sky and flew away with Goku and Gohan.

They stopped Zamas halfway and chose the battlefield in a clearing.

“Are you… Monkey King and Monkey King?! Why are you here?!” Zamas’s face became very ugly.

Monkey King was in a weird mood at the moment: “Sure enough, he looks exactly like me, do I have to do it with him?! It’s a bad mood.”

“Dad, let me come this time.”

Gohan was eager to try:

“I wanted to fight with Dad a long time ago, now is a good opportunity.”

Wukong didn’t care, he acquiesced to Sun Wufan’s words.

Gohan flew into the sky and said, “Obviously he looks exactly the same as his father. I really don’t understand why Mukuro-teacher keeps calling you Zamas. However, as long as I defeat you, I should be able to ask the answer, right?!”

“You haven’t answered my question yet, where did you come from?! You should be dead in this era.” Zamas frowned and asked.

“I don’t have to tell you this kind of thing. We are not here to chat, but to defeat you.”

Gohan gave a cold cry, transformed into Super Saiyan II and rushed forward.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Gohan’s fists hit Zamas one after another, and he easily blasted his entire body directly.

However, Zamas protected himself very well and was not injured.

He also turned into Super Saiyan II and said: “It’s just right, every time I have to use Trunks as an opponent in practice, I’m tired of it, and it’s you this time!”

Gohan and Zamas started the second round of confrontation in a super game state.

Wukong said lightly: “This guy can really turn into a Super Saiyan? Is it because of my body?! But where did I go with this body?!”

“I was killed, do you still have to ask this kind of question?!”

Mukuro wrote lightly: “Zamas exchanged his body with your body with the Super Dragon Ball, and then killed him in that time and space.”

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