Chapter 1008 New crisis

“Huan…Welcome to visit, Lord Quan!”

“Today… Are you here today, what’s the matter?!”

Birus and Xiangpa knelt in front of the king, with cold sweat on their faces, and even their speech became a little bit awkward.

Although Mukuro had long known that the God of Destruction was very afraid of the King, it was the first time he saw Birus and Zangpa so nervous.

Is this the frustration that Master has to bow his head when he is in the hands of others? !

King Quan looked dumbfounded and said, “Because you are organizing this kind of game without authorization, I came here to remind you not to forget your duty to destroy God, but after watching your game, I think it is. It’s very interesting. I even want to host a universe-wide competition next time.”

The place where Quan Wang and Birus and Xiangpa were located was not far from the auditorium, and his voice happened to be heard by Monkey King.

Hearing the game, Wukong’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Without saying a word, he flew to the ring and squeezed out the two destructive gods: “Really?! That must be very interesting. Hold it, hurry up.”

Before the whole king expressed his position, Birus already exclaimed excitedly: “Monkey King! Don’t talk to the 16th Lords of the whole king!”

The whole king didn’t care at all, and still said with a dull face: “Yes, let’s hold it, then let’s find a time.”

Like the plot, Quan Wang left here.

The two gods of destruction scolded Monkey King, and then discovered that the unknown planet under their feet was actually the seventh Dragon Ball. After recovering the earth in the sixth universe with seven super dragon balls, the competition between the two universes is over.

Mukuro, Goku and others returned to the seventh universe, and spent a few days in peace.

On this day, Bouma and Mukuro met at home and called both Goku and Birus. Billus and the others are enjoying the food, while Wukong and his son are practicing in the open space.

Suddenly, the space was distorted, and a strange machine appeared in the air, and then landed inside the capsule company.

When Wukong and others looked at the machine, they all felt familiar.

Of course, because this thing is a time machine, the future of the year Trunks used it to come over.

Mukuro raised his eyebrows and said with interest: “It’s been a long time since I saw Trunks. Gohan hastened to help Trunks, don’t let him hang up.”

“Hang up?! What do you mean?!” Sun Wukong was about to fly over, but when he heard Mukuro’s words, he was stunned.

Gohan was also very curious and said, “Mukuro-sensei, what do you mean by this?! Is Trunks in danger?!”

At the same time, Trunks has been rescued by Boomer.

Mukuro flicked a fairy bean into Bouma’s hand and said, “Let him eat it. His injury is very serious. If he is not treated, he will die.”

The clothes on Trunks were tattered and covered with dust, and he knew at first glance that he must have experienced a fierce battle just now.

Wukong frowned and said curiously: “Isn’t the cyborg already wiped out?! Who else in the future world can beat Trunks so hard?!”

“Is it Majin Buu?!”

Gohan thought thoughtfully: “If Trunks is used to peace, maybe he really doesn’t have the power to fight against Demon Buu, shall we go to the future world to help him?!”

“It would be great if it was Majin Buu, how could things be so simple?!” Mukuro walked to Trunks and said in a deep voice:

“The enemy Trunks will encounter in the future is called Zamas.”


Goku looked at Mukuro suspiciously, he had never heard of the name.

But before Mukuro had time to answer, Trunks had recovered.

I saw Trunks slowly opening his eyes, just in time to see Wukong’s face, his eyes condensed suddenly, and there was nothing left, and he slammed his fist towards Wukong.

Goku was taken aback and took Trunks’ fist:

“Tranks, what are you doing?!”

Mukuro smiled and said: “Goku, it seems that the results of the special training recently are not bad, but they were not hit by Trunks.”

“Mukuro, when is it? You are still in the mood to make a joke.” Goku grumbled helplessly.

Trunks looked at Wukong, then at the soldiers present, stunned.

No matter how dull he is, he understands at this moment that it is impossible for the people present to appear in the future world, that is to say… he has gone back to the past.

“You’re Mr. Goku?!” Trunks said unsurely: “Great, I finally returned to the past world, but didn’t Mr. Goku be killed by Saru’s self-explosion back then?! Why are you still alive? .”

“Hahaha, a lot of things happened later.” Kong scratched his head and smiled dryly.

“Tranks, you are very hurt, what will happen in the future world?!” Gohan asked, “Is it Majin Buu?!”

“No, no, I prevented the resurrection of Majin Buu.” Trunks said, “The enemy I will encounter in the future is Mr. Monkey King. No, it should be said… That is a man who looks exactly like Mr. Monkey King. People, but he is very evil, saying that he is going to destroy all human beings. My mother calls him the Dark Monkey King.”

“Dark Goku?! What an old-fashioned name.” Bouma murmured: “Is that really the name I gave to that world?! That’s awful.”

“Mukuro-sensei, didn’t you say that the enemy of that world is called Zamas?! Why did you become Dark Father?!” Gohan looked at Mukuro, very puzzled.

“Forget it, telling you now, you can’t understand it, and you will understand it gradually.” Mukuro replied.

Mukuro thought for a while, and refused to explain to Gohan.

Because, if you want to explain the relationship between Zamas and Goku, you have to be a long story. Mukuro doesn’t have that kind of patience.

And even if you let them know about Zamas, 060 doesn’t make much sense.

Gohan knows Mukuro’s character very well, knowing that he doesn’t want to say it, then it’s useless to ask anyone, so it didn’t go in vain.

Goku thought of Trunks and said, “Is that dark Goku you said is very strong?! How does it compare to Majin Buu?!”

“The demon Buu of the future world has not been resurrected, so I have no way to compare.” Trunks said: “But I played against him a few times, I probably know how strong he is. Or Mr. Goku will try against me. ?! I should be able to roughly judge which of you is stronger.”

“This proposal is good.”

Wukong hurriedly walked to the empty place and transformed into Super Saiyan II: “Tranks, after so many years, you can already transform into Super Saiyan II, right?!”


Trunks nodded, then transformed into Super Saiyan II, and said:

“But even if I transform into Super Saiyan II, I am not Dark Goku’s opponent. He is too powerful.”

“Really?! What about this?!”

Wukong yelled, transformed into Super Saiyan III, and said, “Under normal circumstances, this should be the limit of Saiyan. How about you and me?!”

Trunks froze for a moment.

Once again, the aura of Super Saiyan II was increased, and even in the state of Super Saiyan II, the strength was increased to be similar to that of Super Saiyan III.

It seems that in the past few years, he has indeed done hard work.

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