Chapter 1007 Defeat Hitt

Mukuro hasn’t answered Hitt’s question, and Elephant Pa has already bounced with blue veins on his forehead, roaring desperately.

“Hit! Stop talking nonsense with him! Kill him quickly! Kill him!”

Hitt was indifferent to Xiangpa’s order:

“Even the God of Destruction can’t help you. You are indeed a very special opponent. I guess I can’t kill you. But… I still want to fight you.”

Hit was eager to try, showing a look of expectation.

Warriors always hope to challenge the strong.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Come on, I also want to see how powerful the so-called flash is, don’t let me down.”

As soon as the voice fell, Mukuro and Hitt attacked at the same time.

Mukuro leaped quickly to the sky, and at the same time saw Hit catching up, the speed was completely comparable to the super Saiyan god.

Moreover, during the movement, Mukuro also saw his movements stop by stop, and each stop will move more than one meter.

A mere meter may not seem like a big deal, but his ability to move like this proves that his flash time is also effective for Mukuro, but the effect is very poor.


Mukuro and Hit fought fiercely above the ring and said:

“Hit, it seems that your flash time effect is worse than usual. Even at your speed, you can only move about one meter.”

“When you use Flash, the effect is not even one-tenth of the usual.” Hit’s face is very solemn: “It seems that it is impossible to use Flash to defeat you, but it can contain you a little bit, I Already satisfied.”

As soon as the voice fell, Hitt’s figure paused, and flashed again.

When he paused and appeared again, he had already kicked Mukuro in the head.

Mukuro easily dodges Hitt’s attack and said: “Flashing is indeed a very useful trick. If you change someone to oppose you, even if your strength is slightly better than you, you must continue to concentrate on guessing you. The attack by the sage is very exhausting of physical strength. But when I come to do the same thing, it becomes simple.”

The battle between Mukuro and Hitt was seen in the eyes of Goku, Birus and the others, which surprised them all.

Because even though he has fought Hitt for so many rounds, Mukuro has never been hit by Hitt even once.

This is simply a miracle!

“Unbelievable!” Goku said in surprise, “Can Mukuro stay focused?! It’s really hard to not neglect at all.”

“Always stay focused in the battle, this is something that even Lord Birus can’t do.”

Weiss said with a smile, “Mukuro can do this for other reasons.”

“Is it because the body automatically avoids attacks?! He can?!” Billus took a breath and said, “He has only practiced with you for a week?!”

“Well, yes. But he has worked harder than Lord Birus, so although he is not perfect, he is almost as good as Lord Birus.” Weiss laughed: “It is not as good as his ability to deal with it. Hit, it’s enough.”

The conversation between Weis and Birus did not conceal the slightest, and was clearly heard by Mukuro and Hit.

Mukuro couldn’t help but scold Weis for being troublesome in his heart.

This is totally pulling hatred, and now, it is estimated that the careful guy like Birus has hated himself again.

When Hit heard what Weiss said, his expression became more dignified, and said: “So this is the truth about how you can avoid attacks. Even if you don’t think, your body can avoid attacks on its own? It’s an incredible ability. ”

Hit didn’t believe in evil at first, but he tried to attack several times, but the result was the same every time.

He can’t even touch Mukuro’s hair.

After Mukuro fought for half a day, naturally, he didn’t have enough physical strength at the beginning.

Mukuro looked at Hit, and said faintly, “Hit, the rules of the game are really very restrictive for you. There is no way to show your true strength. My thoughts are the same as Wukong. Chances are, let’s fight another place. Today’s battle is almost over here.”

“What do you mean?!” Hitt was stunned.

“Meaning, it’s time for the sixth universe to exit. I’m not Goku. I can’t admit defeat by myself.” Mukuro let out a loud burst of air, raising his qi to its maximum. After the power has been raised to its current state, the effect of the flash on Mufeng can be said to be negligible.

Suddenly attacked, Mukuro blasted Hitt out of the ring with a punch.

Hitt lost! !

It’s that simple! !

“Won… won?! Is this won?!”

Birus said in a daze, “Ahahahaha…It really is Mukuro, even Hitt of the sixth universe is not his opponent at all.”

“We just couldn’t win the fight with Hitt so hard. Can Mukuro just use a punch?! Is this the strength of the Super Saiyan God, Blue God in full power state?” Goku is also full of faces. Amazed.

“Back when we were fighting with Sharu, isn’t the difference in full power between ordinary Super Saiyans and Super Saiyans too big?!” Gohan thoughtfully said, “So Mukuro-sensei didn’t actually fight with all his strength just now. ?!”

Mukuro fell back to the ring, changed back to normal, and said: “Xiangpa, the game is over. According to the agreement, the Dragon Ball you collected will belong to us… By the way, I would like to remind you that in the future, if you have nothing to do, please call and kill. , A little peace is better.”

Mukuro ignored the pale-faced elephant and turned over and flew back to the auditorium of Universe Seven.

He had just sat down when he saw three more figures in the ring on the side.

The people standing on both sides are very tall, but also very slim, like bamboo poles, with sharp bulges on the top of their heads.

The person sitting in the middle is very short, not even taller than the knee of a tall man.

Undoubtedly, that dwarf is the King who stands at the apex of the twelve universes, and the two tall men next to him are the guards of the King.

“Birus, someone is here.” Mukuro said suddenly with a smile

Birus was stunned for a moment, a little unclear, but he still looked in the direction that Mukuro was pointing, and his face suddenly became pig liver-colored.

“Quanquanquan…Sir Quan King?! How come Lord Quan Quan came here?!” Birus quickly flew to the front of Quan King and lay down on the ground.

Like Pabiruth, he was half a beat slower, but he flew over quickly.

“Birrus-sama and Xiangpa-sama seem to be very nervous.” Goku said strangely: “Weiss, who is that guy named Quan King?!”

“I’ll explain this to you afterwards, or you can ask Mr. Mukuro.” Weiss said with a smile: 1.2

“Mr. Mukuro knows everything, he must know Lord Jeon.”

Wes threw Monkey King and others on the audience stage, quickly followed Billus, and knelt down in front of the king.

With doubts, Sun Wukong and his son looked at Mukuro quickly.

Mukuro’s expression also became solemn, and said, “Just as Wes said, that dwarf is Quan King, and the one standing next to him is Quan King’s guard. Don’t look at that kid’s size, in fact, his The ability is very terrifying, it can destroy twelve universes in an instant.”

“What! Destroy twelve universes in an instant?!” Wukong was taken aback: “Isn’t that doing more than the god of destruction?!”

“To some extent, it understands this way.” Mukuro continued: “If the destruction of the god of destruction is to force people in the universe to work hard to improve their own strength, then the destruction of the king is completely based on the mood, and it is much more terrible. That’s it.”

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