"But what?"

Ning Hao frowned and asked lightly. He didn't like the conversation that stopped in the middle of the conversation, but it was also because he cared about it.

If he doesn't care about the other party's words, he will have this kind of emotion, otherwise who cares what you say, maybe the left ear goes in, and the right ear comes out.

"But you also understand your situation. Sunset Zhenhong looked at Ning Hao and said, "You are so good! Although this is a good thing, it is also a bad thing. I may be in danger if I give you the red, so you must let me feel at ease to give the red to you!"

"That's ......"

Ning Hao nodded thoughtfully. Isn't it just to see his strength, or do you want to see his hole cards?

This matter should have nothing to do with the ape flying sun, there is no feeling of [Far Eye Technique] surveillance, and there is no feeling of white eyes peeping, it is indeed Sunset True Red who wants to see his strength.

Ning Hao knew that Sunset was really red, and he might really want to hand it over to him.

After all, the situation in the ninja world has changed like this, although Sunset True Red is the upper ninja, but the illusion he is proficient in, there are also deficiencies in other aspects, and in the ninja war, it is not easy to protect Sunset Red.

It seems to be a good choice to hand it over to Ning Hao, Ning Hao's strength should surpass that of ordinary elite Shangnin.

The only drawback is that Ning Hao is too good, and he will meet with the resources of other ninja villages, that is, he must kill him first.

In this way, Sunset Red will definitely be implicated if she follows Ning Hao, so Sunset True Red needs to see Ning Hao's ability!

The ability to protect Sunset Red.

Ning Hao also knew about this worry about Sunset True Red, so after making sure that Sunset True Red was not the person sent by the three generations to explore his hole cards, Ning Hao also decided to show him a little hole card.

Ning Hao thought about this slightly, walked towards the living room, and said lightly: "Mu Dun, you know, I won't take it out." "

Sunset Zhenhong didn't say anything, and walked into the living room behind Ning Hao, he naturally knew that Ning Hao would escape, so naturally it was not a hole card.

If Ning Hao had come up with a technique like [Wooden Man Technique] and [Top Transformation], Sunset Zhenhong would not suspect that he was not capable of protecting his daughter.

Ning Hao's living room is still not large, and he has made a decision in his heart, and Ning Hao's eyes are also the writing wheel eyes that have turned into three-hook jade.

"Writing wheel eyes? The writing wheel eye of the three hook jade is really good!" Sunset Zhenhong nodded, he knew that Ning Hao had a writing wheel eye, but he didn't know that it was the writing wheel eye of the three hook jade.

Even if it is really the Uchiha clan, the writing wheel eyes of the three hooks are very rare, not to mention that Ning Hao is more than eleven years old, not yet twelve years old, this is already a genius.

"This ......" But the next moment, Sunset Zhenhong's originally indifferent face showed a look of surprise.

I saw that in Ning Hao's eyes, the three hook jade writing wheel eyes slowly rotated, and the three hook jade elongated, turning into an overlapping shuriken appearance!

It is the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel!

In Ning Hao's opinion, the true red of the sunset should be a kaleidoscope that does not know eternity, even if he sees it, he only thinks that it is a kaleidoscope writing wheel. After all, even in the Uchiha clan, there are very few people who know the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye!

You may not even know!

In the original book, Uchiha Itachi only knew about it by looking at the stone slab in the secret room of the Uchiha family.

Immediately, a cyan skeleton emerged from Ning Hao's body, with only ribs and arms, no head!

After all, this is the living room of the family, and the ribs and hands of the half of the body alone are already about to reach the roof, and if even the head is changed, the roof will be pierced.

"Okay! you put it away!" After falling into a short period of surprise, Sunset True Red also directly asked Ning Hao to put away Susaneng: "Quick, even put away your eyes!"

In the urging voice, it seemed that Sunset Zhenhong was still very concerned about Ning Hao.

After all, it is a kaleidoscope writing wheel, something that has not appeared for decades, and the most important thing is that Ning Hao is not a member of the Uchiha family, if it is discovered, it will inevitably be another burst of chickens and dogs, and what kind of incident will be lifted.

Ning Hao shrugged his shoulders scoundrelly, put Su Zuo Nenghu away, and his eyes changed to their usual appearance.

Seeing this, Sunset Zhenhong also advised: "In the future, try not to use those eyes, as well as Susanohu, and use other pupil techniques as little as possible, it is not good to be known by the people of the Uchiha clan." "

"I see, I'm not stupid. Ning Hao nodded and said, "If you hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have used it!"

"You're really good!" Sunset True Red nodded, nodding with great satisfaction. Originally, he was very satisfied with Ning Hao, but he didn't expect this little guy to give him a surprise.

Eleven-year-old kaleidoscope writing wheels!?

is still known by Uchiha Fugaku, maybe even Uchiha Fugaku will sigh that he has lived to a dog for the rest of his life.

"Hehe~ In this way, the real red seniors can also give me the red with confidence, right?" Ning Hao patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to protect the red one well, there is absolutely no problem!"

Sunset Zhenhong nodded and said thoughtfully, "Yes, it's completely fine." But you kid must still be hiding some hole cards, it's really genius overdone! It's just a demon! However, don't be careless, some caution is better!"

"yes, I see. Ning Hao nodded, although he was young, his soul was not small, so there was usually no such thing as pride and complacency.

This is also known by Sunset Zhenhong, from Ning Hao's performance since childhood, it is not difficult to see it, and it can also be seen from Ning Hao's style of doing things.

Otherwise, he and Ape Fei Sun slashed, and Orochimaru and the others would not always think that Ning Hao must still have any hole cards!

If it is an ordinary child, if he masters a new ninjutsu, he can't help but take it out and show off for a long time. But Ning Hao is indeed different, no matter what ability he has, he will not show off, but keep the hidden means to give people an unexpected shock. And it's deadly!

It's like this Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

"That's right, the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can be used less often, it is said that if you use it too much, you will lose your sight, and after all, it is a pupil technique, and it is not good to rely too much on it......"

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