Ning Hao's own strength is very good, if he relies too much on the powerful pupil technique of the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, his final achievements will be limited.

And the overuse of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can end up blinding!

At this point, Sunset Zhenhong specially told Ning Hao, but she was afraid that he would not know.

After all, this was a long, long time ago, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye didn't appear for too long, and it was definitely a big deal that Madara Uchiha lost sight in both eyes at the beginning, but how Madara Uchiha's eyes regained his sight, and I don't know if the sunset is really red.

There are a lot of things involved, and the things he knows are limited, after all, it's been too long, and he hasn't been born at that time, it's just some information passed down from his parents, and he is also listening to it as a story, but he didn't expect to meet a person like Ning Hao, and there is also a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"I see. "

Although his eyes were already an eternal kaleidoscope, Ning Hao did not say that he knew that this was a kind of concern for the advice of the sunset.

Sunset was really red, and he was more and more satisfied with Ning Hao, and said, "I'll go first, I'll talk to Hokage-sama about Hong, and take care of her!"


Ning Hao nodded, looking at Sunset Zhenhong's direct instantaneous technique and left, and then he thought, didn't he say that he was engaged or something?

Ning Hao shook his head helplessly, but this matter was really red at sunset, and it could be regarded as eyebrows.

After a long while, Sunset Red didn't see her father's figure, guessing that Sunset Zhenhong might have left, so she came out of her room, but when Ning Hao looked at her, she still blushed unconsciously.

"You see it that way...... Why are you looking at me?" Sunset Red was looked at by Ning Hao, with a slight flush on her face, and waited for Ning Hao to glance fiercely.

Ning Hao touched his chin, nodded to himself, and said, "Well, in the future, I will be my fiancée, and I am also my own family, let's sleep together today!"


Sunset Red yelled at Ning Hao, and then ran away!

"Hahaha......" Ning Hao smiled slightly, he was just joking, after all, he and Sunset Hong were still young, and now they lived together, even if they lived in one room, it was nothing......

Time flies, three days pass in a flash, and Ning Hao and Sunset Red also came to the Hokage Building.

"I've seen Hokage-sama!" Ning Hao and Sunset Hong stepped into Sarutobi's office and said hello.

"Ning Hao and Hong are here. Ape Fei Ri nodded: "In the future, Hong will go on a mission with Ning Hao." Yesterday Maitkai and they were back, by the way, the blade of the Ninja Seven, is it with you?"

In the past few days, Ape Fei Ri Slash did have a lot of things to deal with, and Ning Hao would always come to him, so he didn't rush to ask Ning Hao about the blade.

"No, it's useless for me to take it. Ning Hao shook his head.

The seven-bladed knife was indeed not in his hands, and it was indeed useless for him to take it. Although the blade of the Ninja Seven is wonderful, it is not very useful for Ning Hao, he is not good at using knife skills, ninjutsu and body arts, which is his strength.

"Well, it's good if you don't. Sarufei Ri Slash nodded, and did not doubt what Ning Hao said, the main Fog Ninja Village wanted to take back the Seven Bladed Blades, but Ape Fei Ri Slash didn't pay attention to it at all.

You've sent people to hunt down our Konoha people, and after you've been killed, you still want the loot back?

Naturally, Sarutobi will not agree, even if he wants to return the blade, he will have to pay enough price, but only if Konoha gets the seven-bladed blade.

Ape Fei Ri Slash just asked a little, so he didn't ask anything, and gave Ning Hao and Hong the task, and the two of them also went on a mission.

There is a request from Sunset True Red's opponent Ape Fei Ri Slash to arrange Xi Ri Hong and Ning Hao to go out on a mission together, and Ape Fei Sun Slash did not refuse, which can be regarded as an affirmation of Ning Hao's strength by him and Xi Ri True Red.

And the relationship between Ning Hao and Xi Rihong is basically known to those who pay attention to Ning Hao.

If you want to blame yourself, you can only blame yourself for not having a beautiful little girl, and the sunset is really red when it is cheap......

Several missions seem to be light, with escort missions, support, or combat missions.

On a mission with Ning Hao, Sunset Red can be regarded as a powerful force in Ning Hao City, she can only use illusion assistance on the side, and other than that, there is basically no chance to make a move.

However, during this time, she also learned a lot of illusion skills.


Time flies in a blink of an eye, approaching the middle of the year, and it's time to enter the middle ninja exam.

This time in the middle ninja exam, Uchiha Obito and Rin also successfully passed the middle ninja exam and became a middle ninja.

This also marks the distance to the third ninja war...... Not far off.


Seeing Obito and Lin becoming middle ninjas, Ning Hao and Sunset Red also sent their blessings, with the current situation in the ninja world, it seems that it is not easy to get together.

This may be the last middle ninja exam in two years, and the middle ninja exam near Nian Mu may be canceled. After all, the middle ninja began. It marks that the lower ninja who went out on a mission outside or the upper ninja who led the team will come back, so that some lines of defense may appear weak.

However, this does not mean that there will be no new middle ninja or upper ninja in the past two years, and there will still be people who will be promoted to middle ninja or upper ninja, but most of them are special promotions.

After all, the war began, and there were opportunities to make meritorious contributions, and there were more opportunities for those who were promoted to become upper and middle ninjas.

"Ning Hao, have you started taking students too?"

After the end of the middle ninja exam, the long-lost wave Feng Shuimen also appeared, and he is now the upper ninja teacher of Rin and Uchiha Obito.

"No, red is a special existence. Ning Hao shook his head lightly and greeted Bo Fengshuimen: "Long time no see." "

Bo Feng Shuimen nodded, naturally understanding the relationship between Ning Hao and Sunset: "Yes, I haven't seen you for a while, and Kakashi has also been in the team." "

The ninja team is not fixed.

Ninja is a profession with a high mortality rate, sometimes the upper ninja teacher dies, it may be the lower shinobi in the team who dies, the team may insert a new lower ninja, or replace the upper ninja teacher.

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