
Ning Hao reappeared, already in Konoha and directly in the room.

Because it is a special period, because he is in a hurry, he has not taken out the village certificate, so he can only go home like this, and he can't appear in other places, and now Konoha is on alert, if Ning Hao suddenly appears, it may cause misunderstanding.

So he could only go home first, and then go to the Hokage Building to see the ape flying sun.

[Mission 1: Kill the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.] Quest Reward: Level 3 Wish Power Fragments: 3. Time limit: 1 day. 】

[Mission 2: Kill the Black Hoe Thunderfang.] Rewards: Level 2 Wish Power Fragments: 2. Limited time: 1 day, 】

[Task 3: Kill the pearless Shiba.] Rewards: Level 2 Wish Power Fragments: 2. Time limit: 1 day. 】

"It's a good look, otherwise, this reward for nothing slipped out of my hand like this, and I won't regret dying!"

After returning home, Ning Hao thought that the Seven Ninja Sword seemed to be celebrities, and their strength was not bad.

So he chose to check the task bar and found that there were indeed three tasks, although the task rewards were not too high, but these rewards could be said to be given away for nothing!

When Ning Hao met Uzumaki Jiu Sinai before, he also triggered the task, which was to teach Uzumaki Jiu Sinai [Moon Step]. But he didn't know in advance that he would teach first and then accept the task, and as a result, after accepting the task, it was directly shown that it was completed.

Although he has already killed the three puffer fish ghosts in Watermelon Mountain, after accepting these tasks, it should be counted as a direct completion, right?

"Accept [Quest 1], [Quest 2], [Quest 3]. Ning Hao set off to the Hokage Building, and the tasks in his mind were three tasks next.


[Mission 1: Kill the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.] Completed to reward 3 Level 3 Wish Power Fragments. 】

[Mission 2: Kill the Black Hoe Thunderfang.] Completed, Reward: Level 2 Wish Power Fragments: 2. 】

[Task 3: Kill Wu Pear Shihachi has been completed, and the task reward: Level 2 Wish Power Fragments: 2 pieces.] 】

[Existing Level 1 Wish Power: 3, Level 2 Wish Power Fragments: 5, Level 3 Wish Power Water Tablets.] 】

"Sure enough, it's a reward for free!"

The corners of Ning Hao's mouth hooked a trace of arc, this trip did not run in vain, the harvest was not bad, although it was all fragments.

However, this also proves from the side that his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and for a powerful person like the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, the task reward is not high.


Leaving the room, Ning Hao came downstairs to the Hokage Building with a teleportation technique, and then walked to the office of Sarutobi and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock ......!"

"Come in!"

With Yuan Feiri's permission, Ning Hao also stepped into the office.

"Oh, it's Ning Hao back. Seeing that the person who walked in was Ning Hao, Ape Fei Ri immediately put down his work and asked, "How is it?"

"Hmm, didn't those two dark parts come back? They should go before me, right?" Ning Hao remembered that he asked the two dark departments to come back first, and he went to the water country to take a walk, but he didn't expect the two dark departments to come back yet.

But think about it, it is impossible for the speed of the two shadows to catch up with Ning Hao, not to mention that there are three Akai following, even if Ning Hao stays in the water country for two days and then comes back, the two shadows and Akai will not rush back so quickly.

After all, not everyone knows space-time ninjutsu.

"Two dark parts?" When Ape Fei Ri Slash heard Ning Hao's words, a trace of doubt flashed on his face, but he quickly understood that it was the dark department of the Fire Country's border patrol, and he was transferred to support Maite Dai and them.

"They haven't come back yet, so let's talk about the situation first, shall we?" said Sarutobi.

Ning Hao was slightly silent, and said a little helplessly: "It's a step too late, Maite Dai has already sacrificed in order to give Akai and them a short time to retreat." "


The space in front of Ning Hao rotated slightly, and a coffin appeared in the office of Ape Fei Ri Slash, the coffin was made by Ning Hao using Mu Dun, and the body of Maite Dai was placed in the Shenwei space, it can't be just like that, right?

After all, Maite Dai's corpse ...... It's a bit miserable! Because the eight doors are fully open, even the skin on the body has broken through, or burned down.

"Alas~" Ape Feiri was stunned and watched Ning Hao make a coffin and put it in his office, and then sighed: "What about Maitkai?"

Ning Hao said: "They went first, I solved the three people of the Seven Blade Knife and ran into two shadows, and asked the shadows to bring them back, but they were slower than me......"

"Let me tell me more about what happened. Ape Fei Sun beckoned, and two dark parts appeared in the office, disappearing with the coffin.

And Ning Hao also talked about it, but omitted the matter of him going to the land of water.

"I didn't expect it to be the ninja sword seven people chasing and killing, it seems that Maite Dai's strength is very strong, he actually killed four ninja sword seven people, and the strength of the upper ninja is not like this. "

When Ape Fei Ri heard Ning Hao's words, he also sighed with emotion. I feel that Konoha has lost another talent, and it is a buried talent!

Maite Dai is still a shinobi, but his strength is enough to go head-to-head with the ninja sword seven, and when the seven join forces, he kills four people.

This is completely different from fighting alone, even if Ning Hao is dealing with three at a time, that kind of difficulty is not difficult to deal with seven.

However, no one knows the specific process, but the strength shown by Maite Dai is definitely not a shinobi, so it can be regarded as Konoha burying such a talent.

"You're not bad kid, you actually killed three. "

Ape Feiri looked at Ning Hao with satisfaction.

Although Ning Hao omitted the process of fighting with the three of them in Watermelon Mountain, Puffer Ghost, Wuli Shiba, and Black Hoe Thunder Ya, and added that the three of them were consumed after the battle with Maite Dai. But it is enough to see that Ning Hao's strength is definitely not comparable to ordinary ninja.

With Ape Fei Ri Slash's understanding of Ning Hao, he knew that if he didn't tell the details of the battle, there must be something hidden.

Of course, this is not to hide any secrets, but to hide some strength, this is what Ning Hao likes to do since he was a child, and Ape Fei Sun Slash has become accustomed to it.

"It's okay, I'll go back first. Ning Hao didn't care about the praise of the ape flying and slashing.

"Go, go...... Sunset Red should be back soon in the past two days!"

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